To Die in Pakistan

To Die in Pakistan

E. R. Ramdohr / Erwin

21,02 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
21,02 €
IVA incluido
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Thomas, the young German engineer, is raped by a wealthy Pakistani feudal lord. In his desperation, the German beats his attacker, abuses the women in the house and runs away with the future favourite of the powerful Heydar Khan. These acts strike at the dignity of the great lord, who sets out in pursuit of the young man, recognising no borders.Heydar’s life has been marked by violent acts that cannot be forgiven by those who have been affected by them. The story reveals the ostentation of power of the great landowners, who know no limits to their actions and, on the other hand, the outrageous subjugation of the popular classes of the Asian country.Destiny wants to unite the fugitive couple with an unrecognised son of Heydar Khan and together they plan revenge. Will they be able to achieve their goal or will the magnate slip away by dealing them a fatal blow?Will the love that has arisen between Thomas and Nazanin, the beautiful young slave who runs away with him, be successful or will they suffer the most atrocious punishment?A story full of relevance that reflects behaviors that are at odds with our Western customs.

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