Secret Threat to the Future

Secret Threat to the Future

E. R. Ramdohr / Erwin

23,32 €
IVA incluido
E. R. Ramdohr
Año de edición:
23,32 €
IVA incluido
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We have blind faith that science and technology lead us to a bright future in which human beings will find happiness and personal fulfillment. But already today there are subterranean currents that threaten that splendid future. There is a huge conspiracy afoot. Have you heard of the ' Neo-Luddites' ? In this novel you realize the human society in 2064, subjected to the will of the new inquisitors, who have created a current that terrifies humanity with the worst dangers if it continues its development A biochemist, a Nobel candidate, has become the champion of the defense of science and technology. He hires a writer to write his memoirs and a special relationship develops between them.She is a faithful representative of a generation that has lost all will to act and transcend. Life has become grey, tedious and without any affective commitment. Human beings no longer want to start a family, have children or make commitments of any kind. Sex has become an activity totally devoid of feeling. Will the transhuman scientist be able to change the writer’s mood and make her find a transcendent reason to live?The lives of both are not exempt from danger, they are discovered by the anti-science police and must flee to save themselves. The leader of the inquisitor group threatens them publicly and does not rest in her intention to destroy them. Can they overcome the threat? In the end they discover that the terrible woman is much closer than they could have imagined. Only the miracle of science would be able to reverse the situation in that irrational society and completely tired of living.

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