Swinger - English Version

Swinger - English Version

E. R. Ramdohr / Erwin

20,94 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
20,94 €
IVA incluido
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This novel deals with the lives of four middle-aged couples who, after years of living together, face the wear and tear of their relationships, especially in the sexual realm. Through a narrative that mixes reflections on sexuality and scenes of social interaction, the emotional, ethical and cultural dilemmas related to the search for pleasure, love and renewal in the couple are explored.The story begins at a meeting of friends, where Adolfo introduces two unexpected guests, Jorge and Paulina, who present themselves as 'sex educators.' These characters generate surprise and discomfort by announcing that their objective is to teach couples to improve their sexual life, which causes a mixture of curiosity, rejection and debate among the friends. While some begin to question their own sexual abilities and experiences, others, like Mariana, reject the idea outright as they consider it immoral and inappropriate.The meetings between the friends are filled with tension and arguments and Mariana becomes an opposition figure, openly criticizing others. Finally, the group decides to accept Jorge and Paulina’s program and everyone receives the lessons planned, which take them from amazement to the most pleasurable sexual encounters. Thus, the most lustful experiences that can be achieved in this field are fully evident.Some time later, already freed from the initial tension, due to an unforeseen circumstance some of them end up joining a group of Swingers, where they get to know this adrenaline-filled environment, which they then communicate to the others, provoking their interest.Could it be that they end up forming a similar community among all of them?

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