Sociología y antropología

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Sociología y antropología (20764)

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  • Einführung in Forschungsmethoden
    Dieses Modul 'Forschungsmethoden' ist ein Bestandteil der von den äthiopischen Universitäten genehmigten intensiven vorbereitenden Ausbildung. Das Modul ist mit dem Ziel konzipiert, die grundlegenden Konzepte, Prinzipien und Prozesse der Forschungsmethoden zu vermitteln. Die Verfasser dieses einführenden Moduls 'Forschungsmethoden' sind sich bewusst, dass der gesamte Inhalt mög...

    94,69 €

  • Introduction aux méthodes de recherche
    Ce module 'Méthodes de recherche' est l’une des composantes de la formation préparatoire intensive sanctionnée par les universités éthiopiennes. Le module est conçu dans le but de transmettre les concepts, principes et processus de base des méthodes de recherche. Les rédacteurs de ce module d’introduction aux 'méthodes de recherche' sont conscients que l’ensemble du contenu peu...

    94,71 €

  • Introduzione ai metodi di ricerca
    Il modulo 'Metodi di ricerca' è una componente della formazione preparatoria intensiva prevista dalle università etiopi. Il modulo è stato progettato con l’obiettivo di impartire i concetti, i principi e i processi di base dei metodi di ricerca. I compilatori di questo modulo introduttivo sui 'Metodi di ricerca' sono consapevoli che l’intero contenuto potrebbe non essere adatto...

    94,75 €

  • Введение в методы исследования
    Четхан Быра Мудлаппа
    Данный модуль 'Методы исследований' является одним из компонентов интенсивной подготовительной подготовки, предусмотренной в университетах Эфиопии. Модуль разработан с целью ознакомления с основными понятиями, принципами и процессами исследовательских методов. Составители данного вводного модуля 'Методы исследований' осознают, что его содержание может не полностью соответствова...

    48,96 €

  • Die Stärkung der epidemiologischen Überwachung
    Kouamé Stanislas KAFFLOUMAN
    In den letzten fünf Jahrzehnten haben wir weltweit eine explosionsartige Zunahme neu auftretender Krankheiten in der menschlichen Bevölkerung beobachtet. So erreichen viele neu auftretende Infektionskrankheiten tierischen Ursprungs den Menschen, darunter das AIDS-Virus, Ebola, SARS, Vogelgrippe, Chikungunya, Zika, COVID 19. Das Auftreten bekannter Parasiten und bakterieller ode...

    83,23 €

  • Усиление эпидемиологического надзора
    Коуамé Ст КАФФЛОУМАН
    За последние пять десятилетий в мире произошел взрывной рост новых заболеваний в человеческих популяциях. Многие новые инфекционные заболевания животного происхождения достигли человека, включая вирус СПИДа, лихорадку Эбола, атипичную пневмонию, птичий грипп, чикунгунью, зику и COVID 19. Появление известных паразитов и бактериальных или грибковых патогенов приводит к возникнове...

    33,58 €

  • Reinforcing epidemiological surveillance
    Kouamé Stanislas KAFFLOUMAN
    Over the last five decades, the world has seen an explosion of emerging diseases in human populations. Numerous emerging infectious diseases of animal origin have reached humans, including AIDS, Ebola, SARS, avian flu, chikungunya, Zika and COVID 19. The emergence of known parasites and bacterial or fungal pathogens is leading to the emergence of synergistic epidemics on all co...

    83,11 €

  • Rafforzare la sorveglianza epidemiologica
    Kouamé Stanislas KAFFLOUMAN
    Negli ultimi cinque decenni, il mondo ha visto un’esplosione di malattie emergenti nelle popolazioni umane. Molte malattie infettive emergenti di origine animale hanno raggiunto gli esseri umani, tra cui il virus dell’AIDS, l’Ebola, la SARS, l’influenza aviaria, la chikungunya, la Zika e il COVID 19. L’emergere di parassiti noti e di agenti patogeni batterici o fungini sta port...

    83,17 €

  • Reforço da vigilância epidemiológica
    Kouamé Stanislas KAFFLOUMAN
    Nas últimas cinco décadas, o mundo assistiu a uma explosão de doenças emergentes nas populações humanas. Muitas doenças infecciosas emergentes de origem animal chegaram aos seres humanos, incluindo o vírus da SIDA, o Ébola, a SRA, a gripe aviária, a chikungunya, o Zika e a COVID 19. O aparecimento de parasitas conhecidos e de agentes patogénicos bacterianos ou fúngicos está a p...

    83,17 €

  • Quartiere ecologico. Piantare il futuro
    María Elena Orozco
    Questo testo è un progetto accademico che nasce dall’esigenza sentita di affrontare l’approccio sistemico alla realtà sociale, come quadro di significati condivisi, da parte dei soggetti che costruiscono la loro vita quotidiana all’interno di un gruppo, nel quale riflettono la loro esistenza attraverso vari fattori: geografici, educativi, economici, politici, culturali ed ecolo...

    74,82 €

  • Bairro Ecológico. Plantando o Futuro
    María Elena Orozco
    Este texto é um projeto académico que nasceu da necessidade sentida de abordar a abordagem sistémica da realidade social, como um quadro de significados partilhados, pelos sujeitos que constroem a sua vida quotidiana dentro de um grupo, no qual reflectem a sua existência através de vários factores: geográficos, educativos, económicos, políticos, culturais e ecológicos. Nestes c...

    74,82 €

  • Ökologische Nachbarschaft. Die Zukunft pflanzen
    María Elena Orozco
    Dieser Text ist ein akademisches Projekt, das aus dem Bedürfnis heraus entstanden ist, den systemischen Ansatz der sozialen Realität als Rahmen gemeinsamer Bedeutungen durch die Subjekte zu behandeln, die ihr tägliches Leben innerhalb einer Gruppe gestalten, in der sie ihre Existenz durch verschiedene Faktoren reflektieren: geografische, erzieherische, wirtschaftliche, politisc...

    74,88 €

  • Quartier écologique. Planter l’avenir
    María Elena Orozco
    Ce texte est un projet académique né du besoin ressenti d’aborder l’approche systémique de la réalité sociale, en tant que cadre de significations partagées, par les sujets qui construisent leur vie quotidienne au sein d’un groupe, dans lequel ils reflètent leur existence à travers divers facteurs : géographiques, éducatifs, économiques, politiques, culturels et écologiques. Da...

    74,88 €

  • Ecological Neighborhood. Planting the Future
    María Elena Orozco
    This text is an academic project born from the felt need to address the systemic approach to social reality, as a framework of shared meanings, by subjects who build their daily lives within a group, in which they reflect their existence through various factors: geographical, educational, economic, political, cultural and ecological. In these scenarios, tradition and culture as...

    74,82 €

  • Экологический микрорайон. Создавая будущее
    Мария Елена Орозко
    Данный текст представляет собой академический проект, который родился из потребности рассмотреть системный подход к социальной реальности, как к структуре общих смыслов, субъектами, которые строят свою повседневную жизнь в рамках группы, в которой они отражают свое существование через различные факторы: географические, образовательные, экономические, политические, культурные и ...

    26,54 €

  • Kenntnis und Anwendung von Biodünger durch die Zuckerrohrbauern
    Dhanshri Nigade
    Die vorliegende Studie wurde hauptsächlich mit dem Ziel durchgeführt, das Wissen und die Akzeptanz von Biodüngern bei den Zuckerrohranbauern zu untersuchen. Für die Studie wurde der Bezirk Latur in der Region Marathwada ausgewählt. Drei Talukas, nämlich Latur, Ausa und Nilanga, wurden gezielt aus dem Bezirk ausgewählt, und vier Dörfer aus jedem Talukas wurden auf der Grundlage ...

    75,26 €

  • Знание и применение биоудобрений производителями сахарного тростника
    Дханшри Нигаде
    Настоящее исследование проводилось главным образом с целью изучения знаний и применения биоудобрений фермерами, выращивающими сахарный тростник. Для исследования был выбран округ Латур, расположенный в регионе Маратхвада. Три талука (Латур, Ауса и Ниланга) были выбраны из района целенаправленно, и по четыре деревни из каждого талука были выбраны целенаправленно на основе площад...

    33,46 €

  • Conhecimento e adoção de biofertilizantes pelos produtores de cana-de-açúcar
    Dhanshri Nigade
    O presente estudo foi realizado principalmente com o objetivo de estudar o conhecimento e a adoção de biofertilizantes pelos produtores de cana-de-açúcar. Para o estudo, o distrito de Latur foi selecionado propositadamente na região de Marathwada. Três talukas, nomeadamente Latur, Ausa e Nilanga, foram seleccionadas propositadamente e quatro aldeias de cada talukas foram selecc...

    75,20 €

  • Connaissance et adoption des bio-engrais par les producteurs de canne à sucre
    Dhanshri Nigade
    La présente étude a été menée principalement dans le but d’étudier la connaissance et l’adoption des bio-fertilisants par les producteurs de canne à sucre. Pour l’étude, le district de Latur a été sélectionné à dessein dans la région de Marathwada. Trois talukas (Latur, Ausa et Nilanga) ont été sélectionnés dans le district et quatre villages de chaque talukas ont été sélection...

    75,26 €

  • Conoscenza e adozione dei biofertilizzanti da parte dei coltivatori di canna da zucchero
    Dhanshri Nigade
    Il presente studio è stato condotto principalmente con l’obiettivo di studiare la conoscenza e l’adozione dei biofertilizzanti da parte dei coltivatori di canna da zucchero. Per lo studio è stato selezionato in modo mirato il distretto di Latur, nella regione di Marathwada. Tre talune, Latur, Ausa e Nilanga, sono state selezionate in modo mirato dal distretto e quattro villaggi...

    75,20 €

  • South Indian Brahmins in Sri Lankan Culture
    Bandara Bandaranayake
    This book presents a new and confrontational perspective on South Indian migration to Sri Lanka, in contrast to the traditional historical records.The central theme of the book is about a group of South Indian Brāhmins who migrated to Sath Korale (Kurunegala District), Sri Lanka, in the 16th century, during the Mundukondapola regional kingdom. In addition to an account of Brāhm...

    18,10 €

  • Gathering Sounds Too
    Tenali Hrenak
    In Gathering Sounds Too, readers revisit the Rainbow gathering community through the audio archive project, Sounds from the Rainbow, created over a 23-year period. As part of this experience, readers are invited to wander through approximately 23 unique sound files or Sound-Trails, following a loose-knit dreamscape narrative, which utilizes a Rainbow Trail theme to imaginativel...

    56,19 €

  • Gathering Sounds Too
    Tenali Hrenak
    In Gathering Sounds Too, readers revisit the Rainbow gathering community through the audio archive project, Sounds from the Rainbow, created over a 23-year period. As part of this experience, readers are invited to wander through approximately 23 unique sound files or Sound-Trails, following a loose-knit dreamscape narrative, which utilizes a Rainbow Trail theme to imaginativel...

    39,99 €

  • Beyond The Blue
    Phillippa Leslie
    Finally people are beginning to believe that there is a possibility of there being ’something out there’! I have attempted to reveal the fascinating, ethereal, magical expanse of our Universe and the possibility of extra-terrestrial life existing within it, other than ourselves. Up to now files on UFOs and alien craft/beings have been sealed, but we are now experiencing thei...

    19,15 €

  • Conto - Ligações De Uma Paixão
    Duarte M. B.
    Sinopse: O amor tem seus caminhos misteriosos para fazer se encontrarem duas pessoas. Após isso o que os movem, influenciam, inspiram e faz acontecer adanadada paixão-amor? Será uma meraQuímica, Destino, Acaso,Vontade e ou Desejos de e entre essas duas pessoas? Muitas indagações e reflexões ainda envolvem os sentimentos denominados de amor e paixão, mas aqui amor e paixão serão...

    10,19 €

  • Religion and Culture in a Changing Malawi
    Joseph Chaphadzika Chakanza
    Joseph Chaphadzika Chakanza was born in 1943 at Mchacha Village, T.A. Malemia in Nsanje District where he grew up and discovered his vocation as a Catholic priest, being ordained in 1969. After studies for a Master’s degree at the University of Aberdeen, he returned to Malawi and was appointed Lecturer in Religious Studies at Chancellor College, University of Malawi, in 1977. D...

    39,09 €

  • Intercultural Citizenship in Language Education
    This book explores Intercultural Citizenship across a variety of US learning contexts. The chapters, which comprise both conceptual and empirical studies, represent a wide variety of languages at levels ranging from beginner to advanced. They urge us to look at how Intercultural Citizenship enhances and expands the work of world language educators. ...

    48,15 €

  • Intercultural Citizenship in Language Education
    This book explores Intercultural Citizenship across a variety of US learning contexts. The chapters, which comprise both conceptual and empirical studies, represent a wide variety of languages at levels ranging from beginner to advanced. They urge us to look at how Intercultural Citizenship enhances and expands the work of world language educators. ...

    169,76 €

  • A Culture Going Mad
    Ronald C. Surels
    In this small volume, the author focuses on some of the dangerous major issues that are occurring in our Western culture and societies of this present age. These issues are evil and dangerous. They diametrically oppose the values and morals of not only common sense but of the traditions and values of the Judeo-Christian faith upon which the Western culture is based.The theme of...

    11,25 €

  • Domande di COVID-19
    Yang Pachankis
    La proliferazione nucleare è una minaccia moderna per la salute globale. La ricerca sul campo viene riorganizzata durante l’intensificazione della deroga nei determinanti istituzionali globali della salute. L’effetto di spillover del sistema sanitario pubblico della Repubblica Popolare Cinese viene sistematicamente ricercato e analizzato in letteratura come sfondo alle domande ...

    125,66 €