The Covenant Of The Three Lands

The Covenant Of The Three Lands

Bucur Loredan

15,69 €
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15,69 €
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It was a night shrouded in mysteries and shadows,in a corner of the world where time seemed to have no power.The sky,painted in indigo and silver tones,was dotted with stars that burned like the eyes of ancient beings,silent witnesses of a story unspoken.On the ground,a vast meadow bordered by a forest full of secrets unfolded like a sea of ​​dark green.There,in the middle of that place timeless,there was a bizarre construction:a circle of monolithic stones,covered with pale glowing runes.From the center of the circle came a light,pulsing like a gigantic heart,drawing the eye and soul of anyone who approached it.The portal,as the ancients called it legends,it had been sealed away for centuries and yet it vibrated that night with a special energy,as if something were testing its boundaries.Nearby,hidden in the shade of an ancient oak,an old he sat with a massive book in his arms.His cloak of thick cloth was sprinkled with stardust,and his eyes,blinded by time,looked beyond what was visible.In front of him,in the book,the pages had been written in golden ink,and the letters danced on the parchment as if they were alive.The Elder was the Chronicler,the keeper of the knowledge of the worlds,and that night would be a turning point for all three lands.'The time has come...' he murmured in a voice that was felt rather than heard.His words dissolved into the air,and the book in his hands opened by itself,revealing a blank page.From the sky,a star fell swiftly,piercing the atmosphere like a divine arrow,and the moment it touched the meadow,a shiver ran through the earth.In another part of the world,in a humble village,a young shepherd dreamed something he had never dreamed before.Roderic,with brown hair and eyes that reflected a perpetual curiosity,woke up suddenly,his heart beating madly.He had dreamed of a circle of stones and a blinding light.A voice had spoken his name,and then a strange whisper crossed his mind:-Choose.The path is marked in the stars.Far away,in the Land of the Goblins,a young woman with hair like copper and eyes like light jade leaf opened her eyes.Nimara felt the connection with the portal like an invisible thread that pulled her soul.Destiny would be written,and the ancient whispers of the forest called her to duty.The Elder Chronicler looked up at the stars,knowing that the future of the worlds was beginning now.In the pages of his book,the letters were beginning to mean themselves: 'Covenant of the Three Lands.'

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