Magical Christmas in Lapland

Magical Christmas in Lapland

Bucur Loredan

12,82 €
IVA incluido
Año de edición:
12,82 €
IVA incluido
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In a faraway land,covered in sparkling snow and lit up with playful lights,is Lapland,the home of Santa Claus.Here,elves and elves work from dawn to dusk,making wonderful toys and delicious sweets,all to bring smiles on children’s girls all over the world.Santa Claus,with his snow-white beard and eyes full of kindness, leads this magical workshop, where every detail is carefully prepared for Christmas night.Among his helpers, three brave friends stand out:Nathan,a boy with a heart full of dreams;Zippy,an energetic and humorous elf;and Lucky,a reindeer with shiny fur,who carries the burden of the emotions of those around him with grace.Together, they spend their days helping to prepare for Christmas,but in their hearts, each carries an uneasiness.Over the years, they have realized that the magic of Christmas is not only in toys and sweets,but also in the deep connections between people.However,a wave of sadness had spread in the children’s world, and Santa Claus felt that something had to be done.When an emotional letter from a little girl named Emma reached his hands,he decided it was time for the three friends to face a new adventure.This was no ordinary mission,but a journey that would test their courage, friendship and strength to bring happiness back to where it was lost. In the night when the snowflakes danced in the air and the stars shone with a special intensity,Nathan,Zippy and Lucky knew that an adventure was coming that would change their lives and that would prove to them that the magic of Christmas it is,in fact,in their hearts.

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