Dark Goddess Spirituality

Dark Goddess Spirituality

Mari Silva

24,45 €
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24,45 €
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Embrace the Power of the Divine Feminine: Discover the Secrets of Dark Goddesses and the Black MadonnaTwo manuscripts in one book:Dark Goddesses: Unlocking the Power of Hecate, Lilith, The Morrigan, Baba Yaga, Kali, Oya, Persephone, Hathor, Sekhmet, and MoreBlack Madonna: Unlocking the Secret Spiritual Power of the Mother GoddessDark Goddesses are some of the most compelling figures in various mythologies. This guide will help you explore their origins, true power, and cultural and psychological significance.In the first part of this book, you will:Familiarize yourself with the concept and significance of the Dark Goddess archetype.Explore the myths and roles of Greek Dark Goddesses like Hekate, Persephone, and Nyx.Discover Egyptian Dark Goddesses such as Sekhmet, Nephthys, Hathor, and Nut.Understand the significance of Mesopotamian Dark Goddesses including Ereshkigal, Lilith, and Inanna.Delve into the symbolism of Hindu Dark Goddesses like Kali, Durga, Chinnamasta, and Chamunda.Explore the roles of African Dark Goddesses Oya, Ala, and Yewa.Analyze the nature of Celtic Dark Goddesses, including The Morrigan, Macha, Badb, and the Cailleach.Gain the ability to embrace the Dark Goddess living within you.Black Madonna offers a powerful introduction to the Dark Virgin, also known as the Black Madonna. Each page illuminates her essence and the wisdom she offers to those who seek her. Begin your lifelong journey of discovering the multifaceted nature of this beautiful and enigmatic deity.In the second part of this book, you will:Unveil the Black Madonna: Explore who she is and why she captivates hearts across the globe.Embrace the Divine Feminine: Gain clarity on the powerful essence of the Divine Feminine energy.Understand Her Symbolism: Discover the profound meaning behind her blackness and what it symbolizes.Universal Love: Learn how the Black Mother’s love transcends all races, genders, and creeds.Legends and Stories: Dive into the rich stories and legends that surround the Black Virgin.Her Teachings: Find out what themes the Black Madonna embodies and teaches.Connections to Ancient Goddesses: Connect the dots between the Black Mother and other ancient Mother Goddesses.Healing Power: Experience her divine, supernatural healing through the powerful stories of others.

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