Quantum Physics and Higher Consciousness

Quantum Physics and Higher Consciousness

Mari Silva

23,03 €
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23,03 €
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Unlock the Mysteries of the Cosmos and the Depths of Your Being with Quantum Physics and Conscious LivingTwo manuscripts in one book:Quantum Physics for Beginners: Unraveling the Fundamentals of Quantum Mechanics, Particle Behavior, and the Nature of Reality along with the Interplay between Science and Spirituality.Higher Consciousness: Awakening the Power Within, Expanding Spiritual Awareness, and Elevating Conscious Living.Have you ever wondered how the universe truly works or how to unlock the immense power within yourself? This two-in-one guide offers a clear and engaging path to understanding both the science of quantum mechanics and the profound insights of higher consciousness.Part 1: Quantum Physics for BeginnersStep into the fascinating world of quantum mechanics with concepts explained in simple, easy-to-follow language:Understand Quantum Basics - Learn about particle behavior, wave-particle duality, and quantum entanglement in a way that makes sense.Explore Quantum History - Follow the journey of discoveries that shaped this revolutionary field of science.Grasp Complex Phenomena - Discover phenomena like the photoelectric effect, quantum tunneling, and superposition through relatable examples.The Multiverse Explained - Understand theories about parallel universes and what they could mean for your reality.Apply Science to Your Life - Learn how principles of quantum physics can transform your approach to goal-setting, visualization, and personal empowerment.Part 2: Higher ConsciousnessMove beyond the physical world and connect with your spiritual self using the practical and profound guidance in this section:Awaken Your Power - Discover how to activate your inner strength to manifest your dreams.Explore Spiritual Realms - Understand your soul’s purpose and connect with spirit guides and your higher self.Heal Through the Past - Unlock the lessons of your past lives and reframe your soul’s contracts to grow and transform.Daily Practices for Alignment - Maintain spiritual clarity and purpose with easy-to-implement routines.What if understanding the universe could transform your life today? What if awakening your consciousness could bring you closer to true fulfillment and purpose? This book delivers the tools and insights to bridge science and spirituality, empowering you to live with knowledge, awareness, and intention.Start your journey to understanding the cosmos and realizing your true potential.

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