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Banking Risk Assessment and Management with Comprehensive Applications

Banking Risk Assessment and Management with Comprehensive Applications

Vojo Bubevski

104,73 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
104,73 €
IVA incluido
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The book 'Banking Risk Assessment and Management with Comprehensive Applications' elaborates on comprehensive applications, as well as advanced novel concepts and tools for Banking Risk Management. The concepts and tools include Stochastic Models, Simulation, Optimisation, and Sensitivity Analysis. This book elaborates on the following eight chapters i) Advanced Sensitivity Analysis; ii) Cash Management; iii) Credit Risk Losses; iv) E-Commerce Service; v) Exchange Rate Hedging; vi) Projecting Interest Rates; vii) Risk Register Real-Time Cash Flows Risk Register Real-Time Cash Flows; and viii) Sensitivity Analysis with Sim-table. The book assumes a working knowledge of the subject. By applying the proposed approach in Banking, readers will substantially improve and facilitate the financial risk measurement and assessment, which will ultimately and systematically enhance financial risk management in Banking. This is an important objective, which if achieved, will gain significant benefits. Bernstein stated, 'For the risk, we must explore many interesting tools that can help us to control risks we cannot avoid taking' (Bernstein & Damodaran 1998). This author’s book is one such tool.

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