Viajes y vacaciones

Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio / Viajes y vacaciones (24755)

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  • INVESTIR EN ANGOLA - Visit Angola - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    L’Angola est l’un des pays d’Afrique australe avec le plus grand potentiel de croissance, faisant partie de la SADC - Communauté de développement de l’Afrique australe.Situé sur la côte sud-ouest du continent africain, l’Angola borde le nord et le nord-est avec la République démocratique du Congo et la République du Congo ; à l’est, elle borde la Zambie et au sud la Namibie. L’...

    68,95 €

  • 两京(上)
    本书以史实与文学结合的方式,讲述了20世纪六十年代初到八十年代早期的社会变迁,描写了北京、南京两地四位主角与他们的一些亲朋好友们颠簸坎坷的命运。经历了三年饥荒、'文革'和改革开放,他们从青少年跨入中年,以各自充满悲欢离合、酸甜苦辣、爱恨情仇的人生,见证了这片多难土地上20年间不寻常的历史。作者以伍小磊与李蔷大学时代的恋爱到毕业后成婚的故事开局,交叉叙述了主人公与童年时代的邻居兰莺超越'青梅竹马'的情谊。后者在农村插队时遭遇不幸并与方乃青发生感情纠葛与婚姻风波。在曲折的个人命运与宏大的历史变故之交织中,本书反映了一系列政治风波、世间万象、人生百态,并同时对两性之间婚、爱与欲等问题进行了富有哲理深度的思考与批判。 ...

    19,96 €

  • Vermont Coloring Book
    Vermont Coloring Book, Adult Painting on USA States Landmarks and Iconic, Stress Relief Activity Books, Memorial Gift for Vermont TouristSpend your time on creative and relaxing hobbies like coloring on states landmark and iconic.Help you step away from the computer, television set, or tablet you are attached to.So, It is a perfect gift for your family and friends who live in V...

    19,02 €

  • Alabama Coloring Book
    Alabama Coloring Book, Adult Painting on USA States Landmarks and Iconic, Stress Relief Activity Books, Memorial Gift for Alabama TouristSpend your time on creative and relaxing hobbies like coloring on states landmark and iconic.Help you step away from the computer, television set, or tablet you are attached to.So, It is a perfect gift for your family and friends who live in A...

    19,02 €

  • Mississippi Coloring Book
    Mississippi Coloring Book, Adult Painting on USA States Landmarks and Iconic, Stress Relief Activity Books, Memorial Gift for TouristSpend your time on creative and relaxing hobbies like coloring on states landmark and iconic.Help you step away from the computer, television set, or tablet you are attached to.So, It is a perfect gift for your family and friends who live in Missi...

    19,02 €

  • New Mexico Coloring Book
    New Mexico Coloring Book, Adult Painting on USA States Landmarks and Iconic, Stress Relief Activity Books, Memorial Gift for TouristSpend your time on creative and relaxing hobbies like coloring on states landmark and iconic.Help you step away from the computer, television set, or tablet you are attached to.So, It is a perfect gift for your family and friends who live in New Me...

    19,02 €

  • ग़ज़ल गायकी
    Dr. T. C. Koul
    ग़ज़ल का अभिप्राय फ़ारसी अथवा उर्दू कविता के उस प्रकार से है जिसमें प्रेम क्रिया-व्यापारी का समावेष रहता है। वस्तुतः यह षब्द अरबी भाशा का है और अरबी साहित्य की अनुकृति पर ही यह विधा फ़ारसी भाशा में समाविश्ट हुई और उसके पष्चात् उर्दू भाशा के अस्तित्व में आने पर भारत में भी विकसित हुई। ग़ज़ल की उत्पति के विशय में विद्वानों का कहना है कि प्राचीन अरब में अमीर-उमराव, बादषाहों, लब्ध ...

    36,20 €

  • Himari Likes Water
    Sterling Bennett
    Himari Likes Water is the sequel to Playing for Pancho Villa, the second novel of A Mexican Trilogy. In Himari Likes Water, Frank Holloway returns half-broken from the bloody fields of France and WWI and rides back down into Mexico, looking to calm his soul in the sage-scented mountains of Northern Mexico. The year is 1920. ...

    12,01 €

  • INVESTIEREN SIE IN SIMBABWE - Visit Zimbabwe - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    Simbabwe ist ein Binnenstaat im südlichen Afrika und grenzt im Süden an Südafrika, im Westen und Südwesten an Botswana, im Nordwesten an Sambia und im Osten und Nordosten an Mosambik. Eine Reise nach Simbabwe führt Sie durch atemberaubende Landschaften, vom Hochland über balancierende Felsen, flammende Msasa-Bäume und üppige Berge. Simbabwe ist die Heimat der größten Wasserfäll...

    81,19 €

  • 40 Symbols Reiki Karuna Shamballa Tibetan Symbols with a short description and 7 Chakras
    Dominic Oghi
    In this book, you will find 40 Usui Reiki symbols, Karuna, Shamballa, Tibetan symbols with a short description each, 40 coloring pages of symbols on mandalas, and 7 Chakras with descriptions.BENEFITSEliminates stressColoring stimulates creativity and logical thinkingPsychologist Carl Jung believes that people who color mandala patterns will get the same benefits associated with...

    51,02 €

  • INVESTIEREN SIE IN SENEGAL - Invest in Senegal - Celso Salles
    Celso Salles
    An der Westküste Afrikas, zwischen 12°88 und 16°41 nördlicher Breite und 11°21 und 17°32 westlicher Länge, liegt Senegal am westlichen Ende des afrikanischen Kontinents in seiner am weitesten fortgeschrittenen Lage im Atlantischen Ozean eine Drehkreuzposition, die Afrika mit dem Rest der Welt verbindet. Es gilt als das einfachste und schnellste Tor nach Westafrika und eröffnet ...

    91,85 €

  • Quokka Coloring Book
    Quokka Coloring Book, Mandala Crafts Hobbies Zentangle Books, Funny Quotes and Freestyle Drawing Pages, Australian Setonix brachyurusIt was made for Quokka lovers or someone who likes to relax while coloring.Quokka in zentangle pattern style with heartwarming quotes.It makes the perfect gift for your friends who are Quokka lovers.This book has a total of 42 pages, contains 1 in...

    19,02 €

  • Understanding Macho
    UNDERSTAND YOUR MACHO MANFeeling puzzled because you can´t figure out your MAN´s behaviour ?Do want to understand men better?What is machismo? Why is there such a difference in gender roles? Why do boys wear blue and the girls pink? Strong muscular men are more successful? Do men cheat more than women? Do women do more housework? Do we live in a patriarchy? How much is 'enoug...

    19,14 €

  • A Saga of Soviet treachery
    Jagath Jayaprakash
    History is the statistics of yesterday, and it is also the beacon and lesson for the future. Therefore, the study of history is critical. A community that learns lessons from history can only lead humankind to a bright future. Many chapters in history are uncomfortable and shocking, but an honest history student cannot avoid them. Such a type of annal is the atrocities committe...

    24,43 €

  • Mandalas For The Bored
    Victoria Lehnard
    Enjoy this travel sized mandala coloring in book wherever you go. Ideal for long journeys or to relax at home. Did you know that coloring in helps with stress? ...

    39,64 €

  • Jiban Je Rakam (জীবন যে রকম)
    Pradip Bhushan Ray
    'Jiban Je Rakam' is an impeccable collection of 2 different Bengali Stories of different tastes written by Pradip Bhushan Ray.'জীবন যে রকম' সাহিত্যিক প্রদীপ ভূষণ রায় -এর লেখা, দুইটি ভিন্ন স্বাদের বাংলা ছোট গল্পের অনবদ্য গল্প সংকলন। ...

    12,20 €

  • Maryland Coloring Book
    Maryland Coloring Book, Adult Painting on USA States Landmarks and Iconic, Stress Relief Activity Books, Painting Gift for Maryland TouristSpend your time on creative and relaxing hobbies like coloring on states landmark and iconic.Help you step away from the computer, television set, or tablet you are attached to.So, It is a perfect gift for your family and friends who live in...

    19,02 €

  • I segreti della cucina asiatica
    Giovanni di Lauro
    La cucina giapponese è ormai diffusa in tutto il mondo. Ricca di tradizione, di tecniche peculiari, di materia prima eccellente. Con questo libro avrete modo di conoscerla più a fondo con l’aiuto di uno chef originario proprio del Giappone.La cucina cinese è ormai da tempo famosa in tutto il mondo. La comunità cinese ha esportato la sua cultura gastronomica in ogni paese dove s...

    35,99 €

  • Idaho Coloring Book
    Idaho Coloring Book, Adult Painting on USA States Landmarks and Iconic, Stress Relief Activity Books, Memorial Gift for Idaho TouristSpend your time on creative and relaxing hobbies like coloring on states landmark and iconic.Help you step away from the computer, television set, or tablet you are attached to.So, It is a perfect gift for your family and friends who live in Idaho...

    19,02 €

  • Wyoming Coloring Book
    Wyoming Coloring Book, Adult Painting on USA States Landmarks and Iconic, Stress Relief Activity Books, Memorial Gift for Wyoming TouristSpend your time on creative and relaxing hobbies like coloring on states landmark and iconic.Help you step away from the computer, television set, or tablet you are attached to.So, It is a perfect gift for your family and friends who live in W...

    19,02 €

  • The Paris Quarterly, Winter 2022, Issue 6
    Shannon Pratuch
    The Paris Quarterly WINTER 2022 Edition, Issue 6 by This French LifeWhat’s inside this 197-page print edition -TWENTY-FOUR page article on Strasbourg and Colmar - what to do, how to get there, what to see, where to eat, exclusive videos, custom map, and moreThree exclusive videos, downloads, templates, multiple interactive maps, and free resourcesChristmas in Paris special sect...

    53,60 €

  • LAIR W pX | 039 Drop Star
    In which the local irregularly registered nuclear reactor in the sky applies some modifications to refraction. ...

    63,78 €

  • LAIR W pX | 039 Drop Star
    In which the local irregularly registered nuclear reactor in the sky applies some modifications to refraction. ...

    36,62 €

  • Indian Masala Chutney and Pickle
    La Fonceur
    Masale/spices are an integral part of Indian cooking. These spices have medicinal and therapeutic effects. They help in maintaining the normal functioning of the body. Spices contain flavonoids, a type of antioxidant that helps prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease, diabetes, and cancer. The most common masale used in Indian cooking are garam masala, chole masala, and ...

    36,41 €

  • Unofficial Disney Autograph Book Thor Cover
    Danielle Reeves
    An Unofficial Disney-themed book full of activity pages to keep kids (big or small!) happy while waiting in rides for lines or parades, as well as fun and creatively designed autograph pages for tons of your favorite characters. Full-color and tons of enjoyment to be had. Makes a perfect keepsake with spots for jotting down memories, and is perfectly sized for taking around the...

    16,42 €

  • I segreti della cucina giapponese
    Giovanni di Lauro
    La cucina giapponese è ormai diffusa in tutto il mondo. Ricca di tradizione, di tecniche peculiari, di materia prima eccellente.con questo libro avrete modo di conoscerla più a fondo con l’aiuto di uno chef originario proprio del Giappone.Questo libro fa parte della collana 'Le cucine del mondo' ...

    40,64 €

  • Escape, and Other Essays (Esprios Classics)
    A. C. Benson
    Arthur Christopher Benson, FRSL (24 April 1862 - 17 June 1925) was an English essayist, poet, author and academic and the 28th Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge. He is noted for having written the words of the song 'Land of Hope and Glory'. From 1885 to 1903 he taught at Eton, but returned to Cambridge in 1904 as a Fellow of Magdalene College to lecture in English Literatu...

    18,04 €

  • 钓鱼奇遇记---渔魂王文集(一)
    渔魂王 著
    作者渔魂王是中国改革开放后第一批大学生(七七级),于一九八九年在上海医科大学获医学博士学位,同年到美国进行博士后深造。之后,作为一名生物科学的研究者,他先后在美国滨州大学(University of Pennsylvania)和几个世界著名的科学研究机构(包括 Mayo Clinic 和 National Institutesof Health)从事生物科学研究至今,并在许多世界知名的生物学杂志上发表近百篇科学文章。作者从小喜欢文学,并在十几年前一个偶然的机会开始写一些零零碎碎的文字,后来一发不可收拾,先后发表随笔,散文和短篇小说二百多篇,在最近几年里写出三部长篇小说并通过溪流出版社和南方出版社出版发行。作者最喜欢的业余活动为钓鱼,并根据自己的钓鱼经历写出了各种各样与钓鱼有关的千奇百怪的作品。在这部十万多字的《钓鱼奇遇记》里,作者收集了九篇他最近六年...

    39,71 €

  • Kincaid’s Battery (Esprios Classics)
    George W. Cable
    George Washington Cable (October 12, 1844 - January 31, 1925) was an American novelist notable for the realism of his portrayals of Creole life in his native New Orleans, Louisiana. He has been called 'the most important southern artist working in the late 19th century', as well as 'the first modern Southern writer.' In his treatment of racism, mixed-race families and miscegena...

    28,14 €

  • The Altar Fire (Esprios Classics)
    A. C. Benson
    Arthur Christopher Benson, FRSL (24 April 1862 - 17 June 1925) was an English essayist, poet, author and academic and the 28th Master of Magdalene College, Cambridge. He is noted for having written the words of the song 'Land of Hope and Glory'. From 1885 to 1903 he taught at Eton, but returned to Cambridge in 1904 as a Fellow of Magdalene College to lecture in English Literatu...

    24,44 €