Obra de misterio y suspense

Ficción y temas afines / Obra de misterio y suspense (26417)

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  • The Midnight Rambler
    Don Carr
    'Set in Italy and full of lush location details, The Midnight Rambler is an utterly masterful interweave of compelling characters, relentless action, and swift, unpredictable plot twists. I thoroughly enjoyed this novel from the first page to the last. Mark my words, Don Carr has everything it takes to become our next Robert Ludlum.' -New York Times Best-Selling Author William ...

    25,38 €

  • Tiempo suficiente
    Verónica Corella
    Tras escuchar unos gritos, Emma cree que debe averiguar el lugar del que proceden, pues alguien parece estar en peligro. A partir de ahí, nuestra protagonista se verá implicada en una investigación policial, simplemente por querer ayudar a alguien.Esta historia trata de una mujer que, a pesar de sufrir una enfermedad dura y desconocida, decide hacer algo enormemente positivo co...

    20,62 €

    Dominic Adler
    THE BRAND NEW GRIPPING, ACTION-PACKED SPY THRILLER WITH A SHOCKING TWIST.October 1957 The war-torn Socialist Republic of Great Britain seethes with unrest.Thomas Fairburn, British-born KGB officer is summoned to London by Britain’s security leader, Kim Philby. Philby tasks Fairburn with a dangerous mission: uncover the high-level officials aiding a dissident author’s defection ...

    13,54 €

  • The Dao
    J. W. Bell
    In this thriller Stan, an intelligence officer in the Army, has a problem - He hears voices. Different personalities are all in his head, but he’s not crazy. Those personalities are from his past, and they argue. Together, he and his psychiatrist wife, Doc, are the only ones that know.Meanwhile, although there is a denuclearization accord, Kim Jong-un is frantic to fire his nuc...

    11,78 €

  • A Spy Alone
    Charles Beaumont
    Everyone knows about the Cambridge Spies from the Fifties, identified and broken up after passing national secrets to the Soviets for years. But no spy ring was ever unearthed at Oxford. Because one never existed? Or because it was never found...?2022: Former spy Simon Sharman is eking out a living in the private sector. When a commission to delve into the financial dealings of...

    14,34 €

  • Trust No One
    Glenn Dyer
    Loyalists meant to rid their country of a double-dealing collaborator. Instead, they created a threat that could destroy Allied unity.Algiers. Winter 1942. Conor Thorn is devastated. He’s been fired from the OSS. His wife, Emily, has been fired from MI6. They allowed their morals to bend certain truths concerning the outcome of their last mission. Forever dedicated to defeating...

    12,83 €

  • El vuelo del Duermevela
    Gontrán Cháfer
    El protagonista de esta intrigante historia, narrada en primera persona, emprende un viaje a la búsqueda del paradero de un poeta desaparecido. En su periplo, misteriosamente gobernado por un extraño azar, se verá envuelto en un intrincado mundo de suicidios, libros robados, tráfico de antigüedades, duelos novelescos y fantasías alucinógenas, para acabar hallando respuestas a s...

    18,00 €

  • To Spy a Star
    Jonathan Nevair
    One star can break a galaxy.Agent Renault plays cloak and dagger against her most formidable opponent yet - a ruthless and cunning expert at cards and more deadly arts besides. Her mission: retrieve a stolen asset known as the Star Eye.Aided by her eccentric agency team and armed with state-of-the-art gadgets, she races to solve a devious conspiracy and bring down her elusive f...

    11,39 €

  • Qué oculta el mar de Torremolinos
    María González Pineda
    Yanny Morodo ha sido ascendido a inspector de Policía y lo han destinado a Málaga, a un afamado pueblo turístico de la costa. Sin embargo, un terrible suceso está a punto de romper la armonía y tranquilidad del lugar. Los cuerpos desnudos y sin vida de varias mujeres empiezan a aparecer en la playa de Torremolinos, y la búsqueda del asesino pondrá en jaque a la Policía malagueñ...

    15,60 €

  • The Reaper
    Lee Cooper
    A troubled kid, Max McCabe has an unfortunate start to his life, abandoned at the doors of a catholic church in Liverpool. Without the influence of a mother, he’s outcast and struggles with his early years in foster care before he’s reunited with his estranged Father, the infamous Bare-knuckle fighter, Davie Rhodes. Unknown to him he’s set up and sent to jail before he’s sixtee...

    14,38 €

  • Target Redacted
    Brad Lee
    Someone is killing Americans. The suspect is connected at the highest levels. Confronting him is impossible. Still, justice must be served...Long-retired Navy SEAL Thomas 'T-Bone' Marks left the warrior business behind years ago. He’s now a happy, small-town teacher-until the wheels come off his world. A clandestine intelligence agency offers to help Thomas reclaim his life-in ...

    19,20 €

  • Ghost in the Machine
    Marcus Whitnell
    Set in a worryingly foreseeable future, not everything is as it seems after China attempts to steal a revolutionary neural implant. Humanity and technology are on a collision course, and as killers chase wetware specialist, Eric Thorne, through both digital and physical realities, the greed and ambition of two men will change the world forever. ...

    11,02 €

  • O Fabuloso Dr. Palhares
    George Dos Santos Pacheco / Janaína Botelho
    Nova Friburgo, final do século 19. A sociedade brasileira passa por profundas transformações políticas, sociais e culturais. Dr. Afonso Palhares, cinquentenário e casmurro, que orgulhosamente garantiu para si o notório epíteto de fabuloso, apaixona-se perdidamente pela jovem Helena Pedrosa, a quem o pai pretende casar com ninguém menos que o Conde de Nova Friburgo. Ameaçado por...

    12,50 €

  • The Girl on the Boat
    JD Wood
    Book 1 of 2The Girl on the Boat is Book 1 in a duology.Three murders. One witness. No Bodies.When 26-year-old Sofie, recovering from her father’s recent suicide, learns from a journalist friend that he may have been the victim of a secret drug trial, she is desperate to uncover the truth. However, when they meet up with two pharma company whistleblowers on a Thames river boat...

    13,19 €

  • 46 Seconds
    Limitless Mind Publishing / Xavier Messing
    Discover the unseen world of intelligence and the realm of secret psychological operations with Xavier Messing’s groundbreaking debut novel, '46 Seconds.''46 Seconds' is more than just a spy thriller; it’s a multi-dimensional look at not only the fate of the world but also the lives of ordinary people.An international team of intelligence and psychological operations specialist...

    29,85 €

  • Red Ascendant
    Olan Prentice
    The world wakes to the brink of war as a mushroom cloud rises over the devastated Japanese port of Monbetsu.An economic partnership between Japan and Russia dissolves into chaos with a punitive Russian sneak attack on the home islands. The timing is perfect-for the Russians. Rising public hostility has forced Americans to shutter their bases in Japan, putting the Mutual Defense...

    13,62 €

  • In Freedom’s Shadow
    Robert Hilliard
    John Scobell escaped slavery in the South and thought he’d made his way to freedom - until he was recruited and sent back to the Confederacy as an undercover Union spy.Can he avoid capture and certain death at the hands of brutal Rebel spy hunters? Will he find the one object that can break the Confederate codes and earn his emancipation?Or will he remain forever in freedom’s s...

    12,34 €

  • At The Next Spring
    Timothy Nils
    Richard, a first-year student studying Renaissance literature, is persuaded to include the secretive art-history ’B’ module in his university studies, unaware that he has joined a long-running conspiracy that plans to change the world through the manipulation of time and space. In a conflict forcing Richard to confront past and present, myth and reality, he must decide whether ...

    16,86 €

  • The Shadow Game
    Rodger Carlyle
    THE SHADOW GAME is the story of how one family can stir up a war between two countries, and how the terror of nuclear weapons on American soil creates chaos and demands for retribution.The Hakimi family has devoted decades to regime reform in their beloved Iran, finally realizing that they alone will never have the power to achieve it. But the regime can never survive the power...

    16,91 €

  • 赶往地狱的天使
    Zhihong Zhao / 咸鱼 / 拾版
    《赶往地狱的天使》是《邱小姐》系列的第一部。敌人视她为邪恶的魔鬼,对手视她为赶往地狱的天使。她背负着秘密,肩负着使命。她不能像同龄人一样挥洒自己的青春,她的存在就是为了不被人记住。 ...

    14,64 €

  • Brasiliano
    Rodney Christofaro
    Em BRASILIANO - A Saga de um Carcamano, você mergulhará em uma ficção histórica complexa que se desenrola no início do século XX, na qual personagens e situações fictícias se entrelaçam com eventos e figuras reais. A jornada começa na fazenda das bergamotas, localizada no sul da Itália, na região da Calábria. Ao longo das décadas, você será transportado para testemunhar a ascen...

    16,87 €

  • Fazenda Cachoeira
    Carlos Sérgio Elias
    Este livro é um convite à reflexão, e poderá contribuir para a cobrança de uma atuação honesta de nossos futuros administradores públicos; e servir de advertência àqueles que hoje se acham envolvidos em corrupção levando-os a melhor repensar sua tão condenável conduta. O sonho de todos nós de Fazenda Cachoeira é vê-lo tornar-se um município economicamente forte, desenvolvido, s...

    9,72 €

  • Três Vezes Quebrada
    Thais Nunes
    Proprietária de uma boate em Florianópolis, Rebeca tem uma vida noturna agitada, mas não pelos motivos que as pessoas acreditam. Seus passos costumam ser vigiados e divulgados em um famoso site de notícias local. Sua vida tem estado em evidência desde que perdeu o pai e o império imobiliário no qual viviam.Após uma grande mudança, a boate está prestes a reabrir. Exausta pelo tr...

    28,03 €

  • Bishop’s Endgame
    Michael Frost Beckner
    'Laced with absurdity & stylistically daring... Beckner’s a razzle-dazzle showman at the top of the thriller heap.' EDITOR’S PICK, Publishers Weekly'Michael Frost Beckner revs up a new series rooted in his original film SPY GAME, which was a huge influence on my early novels. What a pleasure to be back in the company of Tom Bishop and Nathan Muir in these brilliantly executed s...

    22,80 €

  • Roteiro Mortal
    Gabriel Garcia Pereira
    Quando somos crianças, receber um bilhete direcionado a você nos causa diferentes tipos de reações, da nossa paixão de escola nos causa arrepios e frio na barriga, um bilhete da professora relatando um mau comportamento causa angustia e medo da reação dos nossos pais. Mas e receber um bilhete com o seu destino? Detalhe por detalhe de como será o seu fim, e pior, não saber quem ...

    12,04 €

  • Headwind
    Karen K. Brees
    'With spies, murder, secret documents, and family love, this is a first-rate historical adventure novel. Highly recommended.' -Historical Novel SocietyMI6 Agent Katrin Nissen is Winston Churchill’s last hope to convince his government to let him mine the coast of Norway to prevent Hitler from reaching the iron ore reserves that will fuel the Nazi war machine. The proof Churchil...

    29,85 €

  • A Revolta Dos Caídos
    Luan Ferr
    O Paraíso é tomado pela guerra, alguns anjos discordam da criação de uma forma de existência que se assemelhe ao próprio Deus. A energia liberada durante as batalhas celestiais lança a Terra no Vale dos Ventos, láos anjos caídos passam a influenciar a humanidade, afastando-a cada vez mais do Criador.Na Terra Ronan (um dos escolhidos) recebe um dom aos 08 anos, como é jovem para...

    27,63 €

  • Manual Do Instrutor De Armamento E Tiro
    Décio Pereira De Santana
    Manual de armamento e tiro destinado a preparar instrutores de armamento e tiro para realizarem o credenciamento de IAT pela Polícia Federal. ...

    25,57 €

  • Desde el borde mismo
    Eduardo Huárag
    Los acontecimientos se suceden en tiempos de la pandemia. El temor a contraer la enfermedad deriva en un estado de angustia. Horacio reflexiona, de manera constante, acerca del sentido de la existencia humana. En ese estado de inquietud y somnolencia hace una revisión a diferentes episodios de la historia de la humanidad. ¿Los círculos inquietantes que tanto tememos? En el encl...

    18,72 €

  • Ustica
    Annemarie Nikolaus
    Die Journalistin Laura Schreiner steht vor einer bitteren Entscheidung. Sie hat zu viele Fragen gestellt und nun ist das Leben ihrer Kinder in Gefahr.Eine Katastrophe, an deren Aufklärung merkwürdig vielen bemerkenswert wenig gelegen ist. Die ehrgeizige junge Journalistin will es nicht hinnehmen. Bei ihren Recherchen trifft sie jemanden, der sie davon zu überzeugen versucht, da...

    6,04 €