Obra de misterio y suspense

Ficción y temas afines / Obra de misterio y suspense (26328)

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  • Winner Lose All, en Español
    William F Brown
    El terrorismo radical de Oriente Medio explota en las costas estadounidenses. ¡4.4 Stars on 882 Amazon reseñas y Gopodreads! La mayoría de los cientos de miles de pasajeros que pasan por el aeropuerto Dulles en DC son turistas, funcionarios gubernamentales o empresarios acosados. Ibrahim Al-Bari no es nada de eso. Es un asesino en busca de sangre y su objetivo es el president...

    21,52 €

  • Winner Lose All, en Español
    William F Brown
    El terrorismo radical de Oriente Medio explota en las costas estadounidenses. ¡4.4 Stars on 882 Amazon reseñas y Goodreads! La mayoría de los cientos de miles de pasajeros que pasan por el aeropuerto Dulles en DC son turistas, funcionarios gubernamentales o empresarios acosados. Ibrahim Al-Bari no es nada de eso. Es un asesino en busca de sangre y su objetivo es el presidente...

    28,62 €

  • Thursday at Noon, en Español
    William F Brown
    La traición y el doble juego son la regla en este thriller de espías contra espías. ¡4.4 estrellas en 473 reseñas de US Amazon y Goodreads! Un agente del Mossad muerto, científicos de cohetes nazis, la Hermandad Musulmana, un embajador estadounidense corrupto y dos regimientos de tanques egipcios desaparecidos: alguien está intentando iniciar otra guerra árabe-israelí. Richard ...

    28,70 €

  • Red Deuce
    Thomas Roehlk
    Never bet against a red deuce.One fiery redhead in the family can be a caution. When the redhead comes in a pair it means double trouble for anyone who bets against them.Mandy Doucette is a by-the-book corporate lawyer whose work includes vetting acquisitions. Her twin sister, Reggie, is an FBI pathologist. Both are happy in their respective comfort zones.But things are about t...

    27,83 €

  • Farinha Do Mesmo Saco
    Com a ascensão presidencial de John Seymour e Gregory Sinclair à Casa Branca e por conta do ataque às Torres Gêmeas, trouxe à tona, longe da Sala Oval, um antigo e quase esquecido projeto para períodos de excepcional investida terrorista contra os interesses dos Estados Unidos ou seus aliados em qualquer lugar do mundo.Com a morte do Saudita, Osma Bin Laden e seus seguidores, u...

    40,01 €

  • The Sign Of The Four
    Arthur Conan Doyle
    As a dense yellow fog swirls through the streets of London, a deep melancholy has descended on Sherlock Holmes, who sits in a cocaine-induced haze at 221B Baker Street.His mood is only lifted by a visit from a beautiful but distressed young woman - Mary Morstan, whose father vanished ten years before. Four years later she began to receive an exquisite gift every year: a large, ...

    11,14 €

  • The Rainstorm Revolt
    Randall Jarmon
    Not so many years into the future, the U.S. federal government has grown far too big. America’s ruling party has turned autocratic, and federal taxation amounts to thinly disguised theft. The Constitution matters less with each passing month. In a year, it might not matter at all.Three mysterious persons, and a very lethal woman in her seventies, quietly plot to restore the fre...

    24,77 €

  • Operator 5 #41
    Curtis Steele / Emile C. Tepperman
    In the hot streets of Old Mexico, Operator 5 launched his great counter-espionage campaign-against a plotting Asiatic horde which threatened to loose the entire barbarous Mexican guerrilla Southwest upon America, in an attack that also combined modern Japanese mechanized warfare and dread tropical disease! Then, in the final, decisive minutes, America seemed to turn back the ve...

    18,75 €

  • Burkes Mandarin, auf Deutsch
    William F Brown
    Kugeln, Bomben und Chaos! Neuer Thriller. Bob Burke Band 5 ist jetzt da! 4.7 Sterne auf 536 US Reader Bewertungen und Goodreads! Ein chinesischer Spionagemeister in DC, der Kriegspläne von den US Special Ops stiehlt, ein Nest chinesischer Agenten in Fort Bragg, eine Task Force der chinesischen Marine, die ins Südchinesische Meer fahren will, um Unheil zu stiften, und die haben ...

    23,47 €

  • Los Gemelos
    Elisa Flores González
    Esta es la historia de los gemelos Fernando y Rigoberto, médicos de profesión, que por circunstancias de la vida intercambian sus roles, generando caos en cada una de sus vidas. A Rigoberto le diagnosticaron esquizofrenia paranoide, lo que originó que la academia no lo aceptara para realizar su especialidad como médico cirujano. A su vez, al ver que Fernando su hermano se ha co...

    8,32 €

  • Historias de Misterio
    Fede Obrador
    El poeta Fede Obrador nos presenta su segundo libro de relatos. En esta ocasión 4 historias de misterio que te encantarán. ...

    15,60 €

  • Undercover Agent
    Heather Slade
    He’s an undercover MI6 agent looking for a lost teammate.She’s an American doctor who’s uncovered a potentially deadly secret.Together, can they save the world from an enemy out to destroy both of their countries? LynxIt was one night. A night of pure passion and desire. A night I will never forget. But she walked out, and I never stopped thinking about her. Now, she’s back. Wi...

    21,55 €

  • Aleister Crowley MI6
    Richard C McNeff
    In May 1941, Ian Fleming of Naval Intelligence recruits Aleister Crowley to crack the recently captured Rudolf Hess by exploiting their mutual fascination with the occult. To fill in the background to Hess’s disastrous flight, Fleming provides the diary of Albrecht Haushofer, the deputy führer’s assistant. 1945 finds Crowley in a boarding house in Hastings where he tutors Will,...

    17,33 €

  • The Half-Caste
    Jason Zeitler
    A thrilling tale of political intrigue, love and loss, and the soul-stirring value of friendshipLondon, mid-1930s. Fascism is on the rise. Against the backdrop of political upheaval, two friends-Vernon, a mixed-race Ceylonese postgraduate student, and Saul, a wealthy Jewish intellectual and connoisseur of music-meet regularly for tea at a Lyons’ Corner House on Coventry Street....

    14,62 €

  • Hills Over Havana
    Richard Buckman
    Ever wanted to unravel a story that defies expectations at every turn? Imagine being captivated by a plot that leaves you wondering what’s around the next corner. 'Hill’s Over Havana' isn’t just a book; it’s an immersive journey through political intrique, shocking revelations, and unexpected twists that will keep you hooked. Get ready to experience what happens when politi...

    43,00 €

  • El día más largo
    Diego Cabrera Vaz
    La tranquilidad en el pueblo gallego de Odarea se verá truncada por la aparición delcadáver de una mujer enterrada en el jardín de una anciana. La policía de la localidad iniciará rápidamente una investigación, sin llegar a imaginarse los acontecimientos a los que se tendrán que enfrentar en la mística noche de San Juan.Los traumas del pasado, la soledad, la envidia, los amores...

    18,72 €

  • Operação Santa Catarina
    J. P. Pires Gomes
    Neste novo thriller policial, o autor J. P. Pires Gomes narra a virada na vida de Catarina Bianchi, que, após infortúnios pessoais, transforma-se numa advogada com coração frio e sem escrúpulos para atingir seus propósitos pessoais e de seus clientes.Em um mundo onde a corrupção se espalha como uma doença, o Promotor Alberto e o delegado Jorge reaparecem para desvendar os segre...

    15,25 €

  • The Quadrille
    Oscar Oritz / Oscar Ortiz
    NAME: Patrick CoonanCODENAME: DeltaOPERATION: Red MushroomANNOTATIONS: A breakdown in the strategic balance during the last decade of the Cold War prompts the Kremlin into launching an elaborate plan to insert a 'dirty bomb' in the island of Manhattan, and blow it off the face of the Earth in in the event of nuclear war. Marlon Berkowitz, a retired special forces colonel, is se...

    16,43 €

  • Os Sete Mundos
    Daniel Coda
    Os Sete Mundos: Uma Jornada Além da Realidadeé uma obra cativante que mergulha os leitores em uma aventura épica por sete mundos interligados, cada um com seus próprios mistérios e maravilhas. No entanto, este livro é apenas o começo de uma saga mais ampla, composta por oito volumes.A história começa quando seres especiais descobrem que possuem o dom de viajar entre universos p...

    15,91 €

  • Blood and Water
    Cole Pitcher
    A brutal murder of a prominent female British lawyer in the holiday resort of Marbella. An ex-Special Forces and burned CIA Operative, Valentina Di Angeli, is on the run and hunted by the most powerful intelligence agency in the world. An erupting turf war between two vicious Marbella crime gangs. A husband and daughter grieving over the sudden death of their wife and mother ca...

    17,78 €

  • Blood and Water
    Cole Pitcher
     A brutal murder of a prominent female British lawyer in the holiday resort of Marbella. An ex-Special Forces and burned CIA Operative, Valentina Di Angeli, is on the run and hunted by the most powerful intelligence agency in the world. An erupting turf war between two vicious Marbella crime gangs. A husband and daughter grieving over the sudden death of their wife and mother c...

    13,15 €

  • Sonhar Colorido
    Vera Muniz
    Embarque em uma viagem emocionante por um mundo onde o sobrenatural se entrelaça com o destino humano. Este romance envolvente de tirar o fôlego levará você a uma jornada repleta de mistérios, desafios e escolhas que testarão a coragem de nossos personagens.No cenário de um confronto entre o bem e o mal, siga a história de um homem comum que se vê envolto em eventos extraordiná...

    15,01 €

  • The Midnight Rambler
    Don Carr
    'This is a nonstop immersive ride...Fast-paced and heart-pounding, this is a deadly game of cat and mouse that will keep your attention from the very first sentence.' -Teresa Brock, Best Thriller Books'. . . a joyride of a thriller.'-New York Times Best-Selling Author William Kent KruegerOften mocked as a 'water cop,' Environmental Protection Agency special agent Sophie Grant h...

    18,74 €

  • The Midnight Rambler
    Don Carr
    'This is a nonstop immersive ride...Fast-paced and heart-pounding, this is a deadly game of cat and mouse that will keep your attention from the very first sentence.' -Teresa Brock, Best Thriller Books'. . . a joyride of a thriller.'-New York Times Best-Selling Author William Kent KruegerOften mocked as a 'water cop,' Environmental Protection Agency special agent Sophie Grant h...

    25,38 €

  • Love and Death in the Orient
    Hal Graff
    Love And Death in the Orient A Love and Death Mystery & Political Espionage Novel Volume 16            Welcome to the sixteenth exciting episode of the Love And Death Mystery and Political Espionage Series.     After being home from his mission in Paris for less than three weeks, Gatewood is recruited by the CIO to engage in shuttle diplomacy in the Orient with three leaders wi...

    12,47 €

  • Love and Death in the Orient
    Hal Graff
    Love And Death in the Orient A Love and Death Mystery & Political Espionage Novel Volume 16           Welcome to the sixteenth exciting episode of the Love And Death Mystery and Political Espionage Series.    After being home from his mission in Paris for less than three weeks, Gatewood is recruited by the CIO to engage in shuttle diplomacy in the Orient with three leaders with...

    20,27 €

  • Love and Death in Tucson
    Hal Graff
    Welcome to the eleventh exciting episode of the Love And Death Series.       After helping the CIO slow down the drug shipments from the Dominican Republic to America and Canada, Gatewood concentrates on his return to professional baseball.      After signing to play ball with the Hayward Hummingbirds, near Tuscon, Arizona, Gatewood meets and falls in love with Sarah Belleza, a...

    12,50 €

  • Love and Death in Tucson
    Hal Graff
    Welcome to the eleventh exciting episode of the Love And Death Series.       After helping the CIO slow down the drug shipments from the Dominican Republic to America and Canada, Gatewood concentrates on his return to professional baseball.      After signing to play ball with the Hayward Hummingbirds, near Tuscon, Arizona, Gatewood meets and falls in love with Sarah Belleza, a...

    20,29 €

  • Favelinha Eu Te Amo!
    Osvaldo Matsuda
    Favelinha é um espaço idealizado fundamentado aparentemente na realidade, embora um local real e muito amado pelas pessoas.Apesar de todos os acontecimentos singulares, engraçados e incomuns do dia a dia. Daí Favelinha eu te amo! Narrado na primeira pessoa. ...

    16,02 €

  • Tiempo suficiente
    Verónica Corella
    Tras escuchar unos gritos, Emma cree que debe averiguar el lugar del que proceden, pues alguien parece estar en peligro. A partir de ahí, nuestra protagonista se verá implicada en una investigación policial, simplemente por querer ayudar a alguien.Esta historia trata de una mujer que, a pesar de sufrir una enfermedad dura y desconocida, decide hacer algo enormemente positivo co...

    20,62 €