
Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio / Humor (10045)

Libros Eliminar filtro Estilo de vida, deporte y ocio Eliminar filtro Humor Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Alms
    Joe Queenan / TJ Elliot
    Beliefs collide in darkly comic but ultimately meaningful ways in this late-night meeting of a zealous young Catholic convert, an involuntarily retired sportswriter, and the nun who taught him fifty years earlier as they assemble packages for the homeless - alms for the poor. This compelling play co-authored by TJ Elliott and BBC personality and Wall Street Journal columnist Jo...

    13,01 €

  • Joys and Glooms, by Thomas E. Powers
    Comic Books Restore / Powers
    Discover a classic old comic strip published in 1912 with drawings by the famous illustrator Thomas E. Powers. Joys and Glooms, a classic with a filiform drawing line that has never been equalled.T. E. Powers was an early American newspaper comic artist, and the first known American to draw a newspaper color comic strip. Born in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, he moved to Kansas City, wh...

    23,67 €

  • Phil May’s Gutter-Snipes
    Comic Books Restore / May Phil
    Discover the talent of cartoonist Phil May with humorous snapshots typical of the atmosphere at the end of the 19th century.--------This edition has been restored and designed by Comic Books Restore. ...

    22,07 €

  • The Jester’s Wife
    TJ Elliott
    It’s the Dark Ages. Very dark for our Jester and Wife hiding in a cave in 7th Century Belgium and mourning Dymphna, their friend and soon to be legendary Irish Saint, who just lost her head. (Unfortunately for her, NOT in the figurative sense.) Meanwhile her sword-wielding father, a psycho Irish King, also wants to behead his subjects who helped her escape; yes, The Jester and ...

    19,52 €

  • Nourriture et Collations Livre de Coloriage
    Guliver Atem
    Faites découvrir à votre enfant l’univers captivant de la nourriture et des en-cas grâce à ce livre de coloriage vibrant ! Avec 35 illustrations charmantes d’adorables personnages alimentaires kawaii, ce livre offre aux jeunes artistes une expérience ludique et imaginative. Chaque page présente des contours audacieux et des dessins faciles à colorier, ce qui en fait un livre id...

    23,57 €

  • Comida y Aperitivos Libro de Colorear
    Guliver Atem
    Deleite a su hijo con el cautivador mundo de la comida y los aperitivos a través de nuestro vibrante libro para colorear. Con 35 encantadoras ilustraciones de adorables personajes de comida kawaii, este libro ofrece a los jóvenes artistas una experiencia lúdica e imaginativa. Cada página presenta contornos llamativos y diseños fáciles de colorear, por lo que es ideal para que l...

    23,57 €

  • Cibo e Snack Libro da Colorare
    Guliver Atem
    Deliziate il vostro bambino con l’affascinante mondo del cibo e degli snack attraverso il nostro vivace libro da colorare! Con 35 affascinanti illustrazioni di adorabili personaggi Kawaii, questo libro offre ai giovani artisti un’esperienza giocosa e fantasiosa. Ogni pagina è caratterizzata da contorni decisi e disegni facili da colorare, ideali per i bambini da 1 a 3 anni, che...

    23,57 €

  • Essen und Snacks Malbuch
    Guliver Atem
    Erfreuen Sie Ihr Kind mit der fesselnden Welt des Essens und der Snacks durch unser lebendiges Malbuch! Mit 35 charmanten Illustrationen von niedlichen Kawaii-Figuren bietet dieses Buch jungen Künstlern eine spielerische und fantasievolle Erfahrung. Jede Seite zeichnet sich durch kräftige Umrisse und leicht auszumalende Designs aus und ist somit ideal für Kleinkinder im Alter v...

    23,57 €

  • The Football Club tour 2024
    David Donaghy
    A cartoon book following a small village walking football team, competing in a tournament for old men all over the age of 65. Some funny things happen on and off the pitch, but great time was had by all. ...

    16,66 €

  • Animales Pedorros Libro para Colorear
    Caroline J. Blackmore
    El 'Libro para Colorear de Animales Pedorros' es un viaje único y desternillante al mundo de los animales como nunca los has visto antes.Este libro combina humor y creatividad, presentando 35 ilustraciones de animales única y divertidamente entretenidas que seguramente provocarán risas y alegría. Perfecto para niños a quienes les encanta reír y colorear, es más que un simple li...

    24,04 €

  • Libro da Colorare degli Animali Scoreggioni
    Caroline J. Blackmore
    Il 'Libro da Colorare degli Animali Scoreggioni' è un viaggio unico e scoppiettante nel mondo degli animali come non li avete mai visti prima.Questo libro unisce umorismo e creatività, presentando 35 illustrazioni animali uniche e divertenti che sono destinate a provocare risate e gioia. Perfetto per i bambini che amano ridere e colorare, non è solo un libro da colorare; è un b...

    24,04 €

  • Furzende Tiere Ausmalbuch
    Caroline J. Blackmore
    Das 'Furzende Tiere Ausmalbuch' ist eine einzigartige und zum Brüllen komische Reise in die Welt der Tiere, wie du sie noch nie zuvor gesehen hast.Dieses Buch kombiniert Humor und Kreativität und präsentiert 35 einzigartig amüsante Tierillustrationen, die garantiert Lachanfälle und Freude auslösen werden. Perfekt für Kinder, die gerne lachen und ausmalen, ist es mehr als nur ei...

    24,04 €

  • Livre de coloriage des Animaux Péteurs
    Caroline J. Blackmore
    Le 'Livre de coloriage des Animaux Péteurs' est un voyage unique et hilarant dans le monde des animaux comme vous ne les avez jamais vus.Ce livre allie humour et créativité, avec 35 illustrations d’animaux uniques et amusantes qui ne manqueront pas de provoquer des éclats de rire et de la joie. Parfait pour les enfants qui aiment rire et colorier, ce n’est pas qu’un simple livr...

    24,04 €

  • Farting Animals Coloring Book
    Caroline J. Blackmore
    The 'Farting Animals Coloring Book' is a unique and side-splitting journey into the world of animals like you’ve never seen them before. This book combines humor and creativity, featuring 35 uniquely amusing animal illustrations that are bound to provoke giggles and joy. Perfect for kids who love to laugh and color, it’s more than just a coloring book; it’s a ticket to a world ...

    24,04 €

  • Fishing Jokes, The big one !
    Comic Books Restore
    DISCOVER ON THIS COMIC, ADVENTURES AND JOKES ABOUT FISHING WITH HEROES OF COMICS GOLDEN AGE LIKE :- Li’l Génius, - Mutt and Jeff, - Melvin the monster,- Napoleon the dog,- Cicero The cat - Bringing Up father- Percy and Ferdie and many others..!! ...

    21,88 €

  • Des espoirs
    François Lavergne
    Je suis venu voici trente ans au Bistrot d’Henri. J’y ai découvert toute cette atmosphère que les petits de banlieue ne peuvent appréhender. J’y ai grandi, j’ai appris, j’ai mûri. Nous habitons juste en face depuis 21 ans l’âge de notre deuxième fils. ...

    15,26 €

  • Cooper Black
    Dewan Mukto
    American outlaws try to reclaim the money they lent to other criminals. On the way, they are contacted by an anti-criminal organization to carry out a set number of missions to try to earn some more money. At the same time, foreign troops invade the United States and it is now upto the reckless outlaws, the pure agents of chaos, to bring peace home to the nation.Follow upon the...

    42,60 €

  • Farting Animals Coloring Book
    Regina Peay
    Prepare for a laughter-filled artistic journey with our ’Farting Animals Coloring Book’. Bursting with 45 pages of irresistibly cute and funny illustrations, this book is a whimsical celebration of humor and creativity. From farting cheeky elephants to mischievous monkeys, each page captures the hilarity of animated animals expressing themselves in the most amusing way.This col...

    21,53 €

  • Kawaii Food Coloring Book
    Regina Peay
    Embark on a mouthwatering journey through our ’Kawaii Food Coloring Book’, a delightful collection boasting 48 adorable coloring pages featuring an array of both savory and sweet treats. From charming burgers, fries, soups and refreshing sodas to cupcakes, lollipops, ice cream and more, every page is a feast for the eyes, capturing the whimsical world of kawaii cuisine. With a ...

    20,01 €

  • Animales en Traje Libro Para Colorear
    Camely R. Divine
    ' Animales en Traje Libro para colorear ' te invita a embarcarte en un encantador viaje de coloreo lleno de humor, estilo y creatividad.Explora 35 ilustraciones únicas y divertidas que presentan a animales vestidos con elegantes trajes de negocios y hermosos vestidos de moda. Este libro es más que solo colorear; es una forma saludable y placentera de aliviar el estrés, calmar l...

    21,87 €

  • Animali in Abiti Libro da Colorare
    Camely R. Divine
    ' Animali in Abiti Libro da Colorare ' ti invita a intraprendere un delizioso viaggio nel mondo della gioia, dello stile e della creatività.Esplora 35 illustrazioni uniche e divertenti che presentano animali vestiti con eleganti abiti da lavoro e bellissimi abiti alla moda. Questo libro è più di un semplice libro da colorare; è un modo sano e piacevole per alleviare lo stress, ...

    21,87 €

  • Tiere im Anzug Malbuch
    Camely R. Divine
    ' Tiere im Anzug Malbuch ' lädt Sie ein, sich auf eine bezaubernde Malreise voller Humor, Stil und Kreativität zu begeben.Erkunden Sie 35 einzigartige und amüsante Illustrationen, die Tiere in eleganten Businessanzügen und wunderschönen Modedesigns zeigen. Dieses Buch ist mehr als nur Malen; es ist eine gesunde und unterhaltsame Möglichkeit, Stress abzubauen, den Geist zu beruh...

    21,87 €

  • Animaux en Costume Livre de Coloriage
    Camely R. Divine
    Livre de coloriage Animaux en CostumePlongez dans un monde de fantaisie et d’élégance avec le Livre de coloriage Animaux en Costume ! Ce livre vous invite à entreprendre un voyage de coloriage enchanteur, rempli d’humour, de style et de créativité.Explorez 35 illustrations uniques et amusantes mettant en scène des animaux habillés en costumes d’affaires élégants et de belles ro...

    21,87 €

  • Animals in Suit Coloring Book
    Camely R. Divine
    Step into a World of Whimsy and Elegance!Animals in Suit Coloring Book invites you to embark on a delightful coloring journey filled with humor, style, and creativity. Explore 35 unique and amusing illustrations featuring animals dressed in elegant business suits and beautiful fashion dresses. This book is more than just coloring; it’s a healthy and enjoyable way to relieve str...

    21,87 €

  • Toonerville Trolley
    Comic Books Restore / Fox
    Discover the adventures of the Toonerville Trolley.----------ADVENTURES 1925-----------------A comic strip published in the same year Created by the famous cartoonist Fontaine Fox. Here re-edited and lay out by COMIC BOOKS RESTORE ...

    20,81 €

  • Libro Para Colorear Comida Deliciosa
    Sophia Caleb
    Participa en una deliciosa sinfonía de formas y tonalidades con el 'Libro de Colorear Solo Comida', donde la creatividad se encuentra con el apetito.Este libro de colorear no solo sacia tu hambre de belleza; es una galería gourmet al alcance de tus dedos, que combina el amor por la comida con la paz de colorear.Beneficios del Libro:Obras Maestras Culinarias para Colorear:Con 35...

    26,10 €

  • Libro da Colorare con Cibo Delizioso
    Sophia Caleb
    Coinvolgetevi in una sontuosa sinfonia di forme e sfumature con il 'Libro da colorare Just Food', dove l’arte si incontra con l’appetito.Questo libro da colorare non sazia solo la vostra fame di bellezza; è una galleria gourmet a portata di mano, che fonde l’amore per il cibo con la tranquillità del colorare.Vantaggi del Libro:Capolavori culinari da colorare:Con 35 illustrazion...

    26,10 €

  • Livre de Coloriage de Délicieux Plats
    Sophia Caleb
    Ce livre de coloriage ne satisfait pas seulement votre appétit de beauté ; c’est une galerie gastronomique à portée de main, mélangeant l’amour de la nourriture avec la paix de la coloration.Avantages du livre :Chefs-d’œuvre culinaires à colorier :Avec 35 illustrations uniques, les coloristes peuvent se régaler d’un banquet visuel de plats délicieux, transformant chaque page en...

    26,10 €

  • The Tea Party
    Please join a Tea Party like no other.. was a fun day of adventure for a real life Bear named Happy .How to have a Tea Party and Photo Album added you can even draw a tea Party of your own. ...

    8,59 €

  • Laser Pointers, Hairballs, and Other Cat Stuff - 2nd Edition
    Nate Fakes
    This updated collection features over 140+ hilarious cat cartoons from nationally syndicated cartoonist Nate Fakes. Give this book to your cat today to sit on! ...

    21,54 €