Geología y la litosfera

Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación / Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias / Geología y la litosfera (4128)

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  • Variação espácio-temporal dos recursos naturais de KGP
    Aravind S. Nair
    O presente estudo trata das 'Aplicações da deteção remota e do SIG para a identificação das variações espácio-temporais dos recursos naturais de Kudapanakunnu Grama Panchayath e da sua transformação fundiária', realizado em três fases: na segunda fase, os mapas temáticos modificados foram melhorados com o banco de dados do Google Earth e submetidos ao ArcGIS. Na terceira fase, ...

    49,68 €

  • Artisanaler Diamantenabbau im Nordosten Angolas
    Nelson Sapato Mafefe
    Natürliche Ressourcen sind Einkommensquellen für ein bestimmtes Land, wenn sie gut ausgebeutet werden. Um die Millenniumsziele, d.h. die nachhaltige Entwicklung der Gemeinschaften, zu erreichen, ist es notwendig, in den Menschen zu investieren, denn er ist Teil dieser Gemeinschaft. Der handwerkliche Diamantenabbau in Angola fand jedoch bereits vor der Unabhängigkeit am 11. Nove...

    77,88 €

  • Erosion und Dynamik von Oberflächenzuständen
    Saturnin Agbomahenan
    Das untere Ouémé-Tal ist aufgrund der physischen Bodenstruktur und des Verschwindens der natürlichen Vegetationsdecke infolge der hohen Bevölkerungsdichte anfällig für Regenerosion. Ziel dieser Dissertation ist es, die Kenntnisse über den Einfluss der Dynamik der Landbedeckung und -nutzung auf die Erscheinungsformen des Phänomens der Regenerosion zu vertiefen. Monatliche Nieder...

    142,79 €

  • Erosion and surface dynamics
    Saturnin Agbomahenan
    The lower Ouémé valley is exposed to rain erosion due to the physical structure of the soils and the disappearance of natural vegetation cover as a result of high population density. This thesis aims to deepen our knowledge of the influence of land use and occupation dynamics on the manifestations of rain erosion. Monthly rainfall data from 1965 to 2014 facilitated the determin...

    142,85 €

  • Erosione e dinamica di superficie
    Saturnin Agbomahenan
    La bassa valle dell’Ouémé è esposta all’erosione pluviale a causa della struttura fisica del suolo e della scomparsa della copertura vegetale naturale a causa dell’alta densità di popolazione. L’obiettivo di questa tesi è quello di comprendere meglio l’influenza dell’uso del suolo e delle dinamiche di copertura del suolo sul verificarsi dell’erosione da pioggia. I dati pluviome...

    142,83 €

  • Erosão e dinâmica superficial
    Saturnin Agbomahenan
    O vale inferior do Ouémé está exposto à erosão pluvial devido à estrutura física do solo e ao desaparecimento do coberto vegetal natural em consequência da elevada densidade populacional. O objetivo desta tese é compreender melhor a influência da dinâmica do uso e da ocupação do solo na ocorrência da erosão pluvial. Foram utilizados dados mensais de precipitação de 1965 a 2014 ...

    142,83 €

  • Эрозия и динамика поверхности
    Сатурнин Агбомахина
    Нижняя часть долины реки Уэме подвержена дождевой эрозии из-за физической структуры почвы и исчезновения естественного растительного покрова в результате высокой плотности населения. Цель данной диссертации - лучше понять влияние землепользования и динамики почвенного покрова на возникновение дождевой эрозии. Для определения индекса агрессивности осадков в нижней части долины р...

    61,80 €

  • Introdução à Geobiologia
    Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    A geobiologia é a disciplina (ciência) que estuda a presença de perturbações geológicas naturais (fluxos de águas subterrâneas, falhas, depósitos metálicos, etc.) e de redes e pontos telúricos (chaminés cosmotelúricas, linhas Hartmann e Curry, etc.) e o seu impacto nos seres vivos, geralmente associados ao terreno em que se erguem os edifícios (por exemplo, como somos afectados...

    56,21 €

  • Introduction à la géobiologie
    Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    La géobiologie est la discipline (science) qui étudie la présence de perturbations géologiques naturelles (écoulements souterrains, failles, dépôts métalliques, etc.) et de réseaux et points telluriques (cheminées cosmotelluriques, lignes Hartmann et Curry, etc.) et leur impact sur les êtres vivants, généralement associés au terrain sur lequel les bâtiments sont érigés (par exe...

    56,21 €

  • Introduzione alla geobiologia
    Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    La geobiologia è la disciplina (scienza) che studia la presenza di perturbazioni geologiche naturali (flussi di acque sotterranee, faglie, depositi metallici, ecc.) e di reti e punti tellurici (camini cosmotellurici, linee di Hartmann e Curry, ecc.) e il loro impatto sugli esseri viventi, generalmente associati al terreno su cui sorgono gli edifici (ad esempio, come siamo colpi...

    56,21 €

  • Einführung in die Geobiologie
    Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    Die Geobiologie ist die Disziplin (Wissenschaft), die sich mit dem Vorhandensein natürlicher geologischer Störungen (Grundwasserströme, Verwerfungen, Metallablagerungen usw.) und tellurischer Netze und Punkte (kosmotellurische Schornsteine, Hartmann- und Curry-Linien usw.) und deren Auswirkungen auf Lebewesen befasst, die im Allgemeinen mit dem Gelände zusammenhängen, auf dem G...

    56,21 €

  • Introduction to Geobiology
    Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    Geobiology is the discipline (science) that studies the presence of natural geological disturbances (groundwater flows, faults, metal deposits, etc.) and telluric networks and points (cosmotelluric chimneys, Hartmann and Curry lines, etc.) and their impact on living beings, generally associated with the terrain on which buildings are erected (for example, how we are affected if...

    56,21 €

  • Введение в геобиологию
    Тупак Э Обандо Ривера
    Геобиология - это дисциплина (наука), изучающая наличие естественных геологических нарушений (подземные потоки, разломы, месторождения металлов и т.д.) и теллурических сетей и точек (космотеллурические дымоходы, линии Хартмана, Карри и т.д.) и их воздействие на живые организмы, как правило, связанные с рельефом местности, на которой возведены здания (например, как на нас влияет...

    27,47 €

  • De l’Aimant et du Magnétisme terrestre
    Jacques Babinet
    ... Depuis les siècles anciens, où les métallurgistes de l’Asie-Mineure, suivant la fable et suivant la réalité, changeaient en fer, et par suite en or, la terre ocreuse qui sur tout le globe constitue la mine de fer, on sait qu’une pierre ferrugineuse, un véritable minerai de fer, a la propriété d’attirer et de retenir ce métal. Cette qualité, la plus occulte de toutes les pro...

    9,74 €

  • Textbook of Geology; pt.1
    This comprehensive textbook covers the fundamental concepts and principles of geology, including the structure and composition of the earth, plate tectonics, geological time, and the formation of minerals and rocks. With beautiful illustrations and clear explanations, this book is an essential resource for students and professionals in the field of geology.This work has been se...

    42,20 €

  • Study of the Earth
    John Francis White
    A collection of seminal essays and articles on the geology of the earth, assembled by one of the foremost authorities in the field. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in the science of the earth and the forces that shape it.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.Thi...

    41,61 €

  • Textbook of Geology; pt.1
    This comprehensive textbook covers the fundamental concepts and principles of geology, including the structure and composition of the earth, plate tectonics, geological time, and the formation of minerals and rocks. With beautiful illustrations and clear explanations, this book is an essential resource for students and professionals in the field of geology.This work has been se...

    29,72 €

  • Study of the Earth
    John Francis White
    A collection of seminal essays and articles on the geology of the earth, assembled by one of the foremost authorities in the field. This book is essential reading for anyone interested in the science of the earth and the forces that shape it.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.Thi...

    27,98 €

  • Essai de paléontologie philosophique
    Albert Gaudry
    Si récentes qu’elles soient sur la terre, les créatures pensantes aspirent à connaître les origines de la grande nature qui les a précédées et les environne. Les philosophes ont longuement discuté sur le développement des êtres. Il est utile qu’à leur tour les paléontologistes apportent leur avis ; car les philosophes n’ont présenté que des vues de leur esprit ; ils n’ont pas ...

    9,99 €

  • La Biosphère
    Vladimir Vernadsky
    ... La face de la Terre révèle la surface de notre planète, sa biosphère, ses régions externes, régions qui la séparent du milieu cosmique. Cette face terrestre devient visible grâce aux rayons lumineux des astres célestes qui la pénètrent, du Soleil en premier lieu. Elle reçoit de tous les points des espaces célestes un nombre infini de rayonnements divers, dont les rayonnemen...

    14,48 €

  • Observations and Reflections on Geology. Intended to Serve as an Introduction to the Catalogue of His Collection of Extraneous Fossils
    John 1728-1793 Hunter
    This classic work by renowned geologist John Hunter offers a fascinating exploration of the history of the Earth and the forces that have shaped its landscape. Covering everything from volcanoes and earthquakes to rock formations and mineral deposits, Hunter’s observations and reflections provide a powerful reminder of the enduring power and majesty of the natural world. With b...

    32,90 €

  • Systematisches Verzeichniss der Versteinerungen des Helvetian der Schweiz und Schwabens.
    Karl Mayer
    Dieses wissenschaftliche Werk bietet ein umfassendes Verzeichnis der Versteinerungen des Helvetian in der Schweiz und Schwaben. Von einem renommierten Geologen verfasst, liefert es wertvolle Erkenntnisse zur Geschichte unserer Erde und ist ein unverzichtbares Nachschlagewerk für alle Geologen und Geowissenschaftler. This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally im...

    29,59 €

  • Tables For The Determination Of Minerals
    Thomas Egleston
    In this classic work, Thomas Egleston provides a comprehensive guide to the identification and classification of minerals, an essential skill for anyone involved in the study of geology or mineralogy. Drawing upon a wealth of knowledge and experience, Egleston presents a set of tables and charts that enable students to quickly and accurately identify minerals based on their pro...

    29,55 €

  • The Geology And Ore Deposits Of The Coeur D’alene District, Idaho
    Frederick Leslie Ransome / Frank Cathcart Calkins
    A comprehensive survey of the geological features and mineral resources of the Coeur d’Alene mining district in northern Idaho.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United Stat...

    36,56 €

  • The Rift Valleys & Geology Of Eastern Sinai
    William Fraser Hume
    This groundbreaking work is a comprehensive study of the geology and tectonic history of the eastern Sinai region. Written by two eminent geologists, it provides a detailed analysis of the rift valleys, fault zones, and other geological features of the area, as well as their broader implications for understanding the dynamics of plate tectonics. The book is filled with detailed...

    32,94 €

  • Suite Des Recherches Sur La Géologie De La Partie Des Alpes Comprises Entre Le Valais Et L’oisans...
    Joseph Jean Baptiste Xavier Fournet
    Fournet poursuit ses recherches sur la géologie de la région alpine française, offrant de nouveaux aperçus fascinants sur la formation de la montagne et les forces géologiques en jeu. Une lecture essentielle pour tous les géologues et les passionnés de la nature.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilizat...

    33,85 €

  • Description of a Series of Thin Sections of Typical Rocks
    Frank D. Adams
    This comprehensive guide provides analysis of the physical and chemical properties of a variety of rocks through thin sections under a microscope. Frank D. Adams, a Professor of Geology in Montreal, showcases his knowledge of the subject through detailed descriptions and diagrams of each sample.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part o...

    29,56 €

  • Primary Sources, Historical Collections
    Chongyou Wang
    This primary source is a comprehensive survey of the mineral resources and geological features of China. It includes detailed descriptions of China’s mineral deposits, as well as analyses of its rock formations and topography. With a foreword by T. S. Wentworth.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilizati...

    32,90 €

  • Bulletin - Arizona State Bureau Of Mines, Issues 1-20
    University of Arizona. State Bureau o...
    A technical bulletin series containing issues 1-20 published by the University of Arizona’s State Bureau of Mines.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may f...

    34,64 €

  • Strandliniens Beliggenhed Under Stenalderen I Det Sydøstlige Norge Af W. C. Brøgger. Med Tysk Resumé
    Waldemar Christopher Brøgger
    This book describes the location of the shoreline during the Stone Age in southeastern Norway. It provides a detailed analysis of the geological and archaeological evidence for the gradual rise of the land and the retreat of the sea, and their impact on human settlement patterns and resource use.This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part ...

    26,98 €