Geología y la litosfera

Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación / Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias / Geología y la litosfera (1593)

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  • Seismology
    John Milne

    50,27 €

  • Alexander of Aprodisias
    Eric Lewis
    Aristotle’s Meteorology Book 4 provides an account of the formation of minerals, metals and other homogeneous stuffs. Eric Lewis argues that, in doing so, it offers fresh insight into Aristotle’s concept of matter. The four elements (earth, air, fire and water) do have matter, and their matter is the contraries - hot and cold, moist and dry. Lewis further argues that in the tex...

    64,40 €

  • Researches in Theoretical Geology
    Henry T. De La Beche / Henry TDe La Beche

    54,83 €

  • Hydrogeological Studies & Groundwater Modeling
    A. Balasubramanian / ABalasubramanian / V. K. Brijesh / VKBrijesh
    Groundwater studies touch all realms of the hydrologic cycle.Sustainable management of this precious natural resource is possible only when there is a complete understanding of all the processes responsible for its storage in different aquifers as well as its movement from place to place.So it will require the knowledge about soils, geology, and structural features associated...

    171,29 €

  • Geophysical Applications for Levee Assessment
    Hussein Chlaib
    Levees are important engineering structures that are built along the rivers to protect human lives and shield the communities as well as agricultural lands from high water events. Animal burrows, subsurface cavities, and low density (high permeability) zones are weaknesses within the levee body that increase its risk of failure. To prevent such failures, continuous monitoring ...

    136,44 €

  • Groundwater Modelling in Arid and Semi-Arid Areas

    54,62 €

  • Earth’s Formation
    Gary F. Swagart Pe / Gary FSwagart Pe
    Plate Tectonics/Continental Drift Hypotheses Debunked... Everything happens for a reason, and physical things that happen must obey the laws of physics. Author Gary Swagart has adhered to those laws in the development of his hypotheses about Earth’s formation and processes-hypotheses that are intended to replace the Plate Tectonics/Continental Drift Hypotheses, which are not ph...

    21,92 €

  • Guide to the Mount’s Bay and the Land’s End
    John Ayrton Paris

    43,08 €

  • Quaternary Sea-Level Changes
    Colin D. Woodroffe / Colin DWoodroffe / Colin V. Murray-Wallace / Colin VMurray-Wallace

    150,02 €

  • Toska
    Mansi Hitesh
    Why do we humans have hearts? Science says to keep the blood flowing through our body, to sustain life. Literature says to give meaning to our existence, to love someone. Spirituality says to endure pain and evolve, to survive loss. I believe it’s an amalgamation of all the three. ...

    9,76 €

  • Geocryology
    Albert Lincoln Washburn
    This book, originally published in 1980, provides a comprehensive overview of frost-action and mass-wasting processes and their effects, present and past. As warming of permafrost is becoming an increasingly important component of global climate change research, this text is also of increasing relevance. Geocryology is included in the title to emphasize the pervasive influenc...

    101,46 €

  • Assessment of the Lake Environment
    Petra Vrhovnik
    From a general perspective, all activities related to mining are one of the largest sources of metal pollution all over the world. FYR Macedonia is a metal-rich country where, as well as lead and zinc, other metals are also exploited. Furthermore, when dealing with mining, tailings dam failures are often closely related to such activities. Many environmental disasters related t...

    75,11 €

  • The History and Philosophy of Earthquakes
    Member of the Royal Academy of Berlin

    54,83 €

  • Fruitcake Hill and Beyond
    Gerald J. Kuecher / Gerald JKuecher
    This sequel documents the author’s journey from a simple farmhouse near Chicago to a number of amazing work locations far afield. The author contrasts his risk taking as a Midwestern youth with his life today, focused on his family and the joys of geologic discovery. He also makes numerous observations on the oil business and the differences between foreign workplaces regarding...

    16,47 €

  • Glacial Systems and Landforms
    Ryan C. Bell / Ryan CBell
    Using Google Earth, this guide offers a virtual interactive experience in which students can visit and explore glacier environments and landforms in 3D. As students develop skills in map analysis and interpretation, the patterns and processes found within glacial environments are revealed to great effect. ...

    40,93 €

    F. D. Stacey / FDStacey / FRANK D STACEY & JANE H HODGKINSON / Frank D. Stacey / Frank DStacey / Jane H. Hodgkinson / Jane HHodgkinson

    83,32 €

  • Análisis gemorfológico de la delegación Álvaro Obregón usando SIG
    Ricardo Adrian Linares Canto
    En la actualidad los sistemas de información geográfica son utilizados para muchas áreas, por mencionar algunos la geotécnia, riesgos urbanos, cartografía, geomorfología, etc. En el análisis geomorfológico, el SIG, es una herramienta con la cual se obtiene información georeferenciada y con ella analizar las formas del relieve, que en este trabajo es la delegación Álvaro Obregón...

    80,24 €

  • Focus on Elementary Geology Student Textbook (Hardcover)
    Rebecca W. Keller Ph.D. / Rebecca WKeller Ph.D.
    The Focus On Elementary Geology Student Textbook introduces young students to the scientific discipline of geology. Students will explore the history of geology; tools used by geologists; rocks, minerals, and soil; the layers that make up Earth; volcanoes and earthquakes; the atmosphere; the hydrosphere; the biosphere; the magnetosphere; how the different part of Earth work tog...

    68,98 €

  • GIS Based Modeling & Impact Analysis Of Rain Water Harvesting
    Madhu Rai
    The book incorporates the results of detailed Study of GIS Based Modelling and Impact Analysis of Rain-Water Harvesting on the Underground Water Characteristics of Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh. The APHA standards were followed for the analysis of the water samples related to the study of chemical parameters. An initial setup with limited database that has been used for the preparatio...

    110,29 €

  • Old Forty-Four
    Dirk Van Hart
    This reader-friendly exploration along what was once New Mexico State Highway 44, now redesignated the southern part of federal highway US-550, melds both the human and geologic history along the major transportation corridor connecting the Rio Grande Valley in central New Mexico with the San Juan River Valley in the far northwestern part of the state. Numerous illustrations po...

    39,21 €

  • River Discharge to the Coastal Ocean
    John D. Milliman / John DMilliman / Katherine L. Farnsworth / Katherine LFarnsworth

    95,54 €

  • Dynamic Programming Based Operation of Reservoirs
    Janos J. Bogardi / Janos JBogardi / K. D. W. Nandalal / KDWNandalal

    38,04 €

  • Ambientes de depósito de la Barranca Los Bonetes, Michoacán, México
    David Fastovsky / Rosa Elena Tovar
    La Barranca Los Bonetes contiene sedimentos volcaniclásticos de edad cretácica tardía y los hadrosaurios, dinosaurios pico de pato, más antiguos conocidos para México. Los sedimentos fueron depositados como una sucesión de sedimentos volcaniclásticos finos intercalados con sedimentos gruesos. Con base en sus características sedimentarias fueron reconocidas 6 litofacies: arenisc...

    40,98 €

  • Geothermal geology
    Geoffrey Mibei
    Olkaria geothermal field located in Naivasha kenya,is a high temperature geothermal system with several upflow zones.Hydrothermal alteration minerals and fluid geochemistry indicate that the northeast subfield is one of the upflow zones and is projected to be productive site for production drilling.Geothermal conceptual modelling requires a muiltidisplinary approach where amon...

    76,58 €

  • Guía rápida de prospección geológica y minera
    Eduardo Cerecedo Sáenz / Eleazar Salinas
    La 'Guía rápida de exploración geológica-minera' de yacimientos minerales sedimentarios, tiene como propósito ser una herramienta útil para estudiantes, e interesados en las ramas de ciencias de la tierra que requieran realizar exploración geológica minera de forma preliminar a través de métodos indirectos de exploración, y su análisis instrumental básico; además de plasmar de ...

    40,91 €

  • A Geognostical Essay on the Superposition of Rocks in Both Hemispheres
    Alexander Von Humboldt

    60,75 €

  • Map Projections
    John P. Snyder

    81,98 €

  • Map Projections
    John P. Snyder / John PSnyder
    After decades of using only one map projection, the Polyconic, for its mapping program, the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) now uses several of the more common projections for its published maps. For larger scale maps, including topographic quadrangles and the State Base Map Series, conformal projections such as the Transverse Mercator and the Lambert Conformal Conic are used. Eq...

    59,55 €

  • Geología, paisaje y erosión del entorno Alhambra - río Darro (Granada)
    José Manuel García Aguilar
    'Geología, paisaje y erosión del entorno Alhambra - río Darro' constituye un trabajo básico, aunque riguroso desde el punto de vista científico, cuyo objetivo es el conocimiento del contexto geológico y geomorfológico del valle del río Darro (Granada, España), lugar donde se asienta uno de los monumentos históricos más importantes del mundo: la Alhambra, junto a enclaves de gra...

    55,47 €

  • Chemistry and the Environment
    Matthew S. Johnson / Matthew SJohnson / Sven E. Harnung / Sven EHarnung

    210,52 €