Geología y la litosfera

Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación / Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias / Geología y la litosfera (1593)

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  • Caracterização Estrutural Hidrogeológica do Sist Aquífero Serra Geral
    Flávia Avila Dias
    O presente projeto tem por objetivo promover a caracterização estrutural e hidrogeológica do Sistema Aquífero Serra Geral na região de Carlos Barbosa (Rio Grande do Sul), visando avaliar a existência de controles estruturais, parâmetros hidrodinâmicos e características hidroquímicas dos aquíferos fraturados, bem como definir locais mais favoráveis a perfuração de poços tubulare...

    53,79 €

  • The Business of Mining
    Alexander Ayertey Odonkor
    Mining powers our society and influences almost every aspect of our modern lives. This book examines the mining industry as a whole and investigates the economic decisions that underpin it. Journey through the life cycle of a gold mine and discover the technical and economic issues that affect the exploration, planning, operation and closure of a large-scale mining project. Dis...

    55,16 €

  • Help, I Have to Teach Rock and Mineral Identification and I'm Not a Geologist!
    Tracy DJ Barnhart
    Help, I Have to Teach Rock and Mineral Identification and I’m Not a Geologist! is the definitive guide for teachers and home school parents who teach geology. This book provides the details that an elementary, middle school, or high school teacher or parent needs to adequately explain the properties of rocks and minerals and how to identify one sample from another.The book incl...

    27,76 €

  • Hidrogeoquímica de la cuenca Costera Sur de Camagüey, Cuba
    Gladis Yera
    El proceso de intrusión salina en acuíferos cársicos costeros es una de las principales problemáticas hidrogeológicas que afecta a la civilización humana, este proceso consiste en la mezcla del agua dulce con el agua proveniente del mar, lo que provoca el deterioro de la calidad del agua dulce. La cuenca Costera Sur de Camagüey, Cuba, se ha visto afectada por la intrusión salin...

    134,97 €

  • Geologia Marinha do Atlântico Equatorial
    Ricardo Lincoln Azevedo
    Este livro apresenta um estudo sobre o segmento equatorial da Margem Continental Brasileira, visando o entendimento da sedimentação da bacia oceânica situada ao largo da Bacia Pará-Maranhão, com ênfase do Terciário ao Recente, a partir da análise e interpretação de linhas de sísmica de reflexão multicanal 2D do Projeto Leplac. A região destaca-se pela presença do cinturão de do...

    77,95 €

    This book covers several aspects of reservoir management, from initial analysis to enhanced recovery methods, simulation, and history matching. Split into four parts, part one provides readers with an introduction to the physical properties of reservoir rocks. Part two provides an introduction to enhanced recovery methods used for conventional oil production. Part three shows h...

    95,51 €

  • Sediment Routing Systems
    Philip A. Allen

    99,75 €

  • Mahogany Zone
    Marcela Mederos Fregatto
    Uma análise quimioestratigráfica e mineralógica de um testemunho de sondagem proveniente da Mahogany Zone - Bacia Piceance Creek - EUA. A Mahogany Zone é um intervalo rico em matéria orgânica composto por marga argilosa intercalada com lamito impuro, depositados durante o Eoceno Médio em ambiente lacustre. Os resultados químicos obtidos com FRX complementam os resultados minera...

    77,94 €

  • Rocks and Dirt
    Ellen Johnston McHenry
    A complete curriculum about rocks, minerals, and soil science for ages 10 to 15.  The first half of the book (about 150 pages) is the student section. It has 8 chapters: Elements, Minerals, Silicate minerals,Rrocks, Limestone, Soil science, Deep down under, Ideas about the past.  The text is challenging but easy to read.  The tone is engaging and lively and sometimes includes c...

    45,75 €

  • Handbook of Research on Trends and Digital Advances in Engineering Geology
    Nurcihan Ceryan
    Engineering geologists face the task of addressing geological factors that can affect planning with little time and with few resources. A solution is using the right tools to save time searching for answers and devote attention to making critical engineering decisions. The Handbook of Research on Trends and Digital Advances in Engineering Geology is an essential reference sourc...

    480,94 €

  • Hydrology and Hydrogeology
    William Sobol
    This book traces the progress of hydrology and hydrogeology and highlights some of their key concepts and applications. Hydrology refers to the study of the movement, quality and distribution of the water on our planet as well as other celestial bodies. The three main sub-fields of hydrology are ground water hydrology also known as hydrogeology, surface water hydrology and mari...

    175,92 €

  • Marine Geology
    Suzy Bullock
    Marine geology is an emerging field of study which is highly beneficial in understanding the formation of sea floor and plate tectonics. This field is interdisciplinary in nature as it studies the structure and history of the ocean floor using different branches of study like geophysics, paleontology, etc. It is closely related to physical oceanography. This book is an importan...

    182,99 €

  • Water Resources and Environmental Impact Assessment in North Africa
    Younes Hamed
    The 1st International Symposium: Water Resources and Environmental Impact Assessment in North Africa (WREIANA 2017) held on March 24-25-26, 2017 Gafsa - Tunisia. This Symposium was carried out by the International Association of Water Resources in the Southern Mediterranean Basin in collaboration with Gafsa and Tebessa Universities (Tunisia and Algeria). WREIANA2017 contains fo...

    95,91 €

    This book covers the fundamentals of the earth sciences and examines their role in controlling the global occurrence and distribution of hydrocarbon resources. It explains the principles, practices and the terminology associated with the upstream sector of the oil industry. Key topics include a look at the elements and processes involved in the generation and accumulation of hy...

    107,99 €

  • The Worldwide Flood
    Ph.D. Michael Jaye
    Two hundred years ago, geologists determined that there was never a worldwide flood.But the early geologists’ conclusion—which continues to be believed today—is indisputably erroneous, according to Michael Jaye, Ph.D.Told in easily understood language, Jaye explains how geologists got it so wrong, and more importantly, he challenges their modern-day peers to examine foundationa...

    26,51 €

  • The Worldwide Flood
    Ph.D. Michael Jaye
    Two hundred years ago, geologists determined that there was never a worldwide flood.But the early geologists’ conclusion—which continues to be believed today—is indisputably erroneous, according to Michael Jaye, Ph.D.Told in easily understood language, Jaye explains how geologists got it so wrong, and more importantly, he challenges their modern-day peers to examine foundationa...

    43,11 €

  • Changing the Surface
    Dr Peter T Scott
    CHANGING THE SURFACE is the third book in the Adventures in Earth Science series and deals with the topics of weathering, erosion and the landscapes which they produce. The general nature of change in minerals within rocks and how rocks are degraded by both physical and chemical means is discussed in the first chapter which also contains a section about soils and their classifi...

    32,52 €

  • Metamorphic, Igneous and Sedimentary Rocks
    Baby Professor
    Rocks are magnificent. Some are very hard while others are relatively soft. Some were made from sediments that formed together, others from hardened lava and still others from a combination of these processes. Can your child identify which rocks are metamorphic, sedimentary and igneous? Get his/her definitions straight first by reading this book! ...

    18,19 €

  • Rocks
    Dr Peter T Scott
    Rocks –Building the Earth This is the fourth book in the series Adventures in Earth Science and deals with the formation, composition and general features of rocks and some of the structures found within them. Rocks are mixtures of two or more minerals although some monomineralic rocks are composed of one mineral and minor impurities. The three main rock types, igneous, sedimen...

    32,39 €

  • Sea Ice Analysis and Forecasting

    160,65 €

  • Riches from the Earth
    Dr Peter T Scott
    About the Book – Riches from the EarthThis book is the second in the series Adventures in Earth Science. It introduces minerals as basic components of Earth materials and describes the mining, separation and uses of the most common economic minerals or ores. This includes gemstones, composition and recognition. The smelting of the ores of copper, iron and aluminium is given in ...

    33,17 €

  • Thermodynamics of Natural Systems
    Greg Anderson

    97,32 €

  • A Dangerous Planet
    Dr Peter T Scott
    This is the sixth book in the series Adventures in Earth Science and is about movements within the Earth’s crust and deformation in rock. It outlines the nature of faults and folds in rocks, volcanoes and earthquakes and uses evidence from earthquakes and other sources to suggest a model for the Earth’s interior and its shape. Considerable detail is provided about the nature of...

    32,56 €

  • Hills vs. Mountains
    Baby Professor
    For children, all big mounds of land with trees or grass are mountains. Hills may not be as popularly used. It’s time to create a black and white description of hills and mountains so that children can properly identify them. Such basic knowledge can be used later on for more complex lessons on geology. So what are you waiting for? Grab a copy today! ...

    18,19 €

  • Titanic Hit An Iceberg! Icebergs vs. Glaciers - Knowing the Difference - Geology Books for Kids | Children’s Earth Sciences Books
    Baby Professor
    Icebergs and glaciers are two different things. It’s forgivable for children to now know the difference but it’s a grave sin to not correct them while they’re young. Using this book as your tool, help your child build an appreciation for correctness. This way, he/she can carry that attitude as he/she grows to become a successful individual. Buy a copy today! ...

    18,19 €

  • Interesting Facts About Glaciers - Geology for Beginners | Children’s Geology Books
    Baby Professor
    Glaciers - just what exactly are they? You’ll be reading and learning about the glaciers in this fun geology book for beginners. Picture books make reading a memorable experience because images are matched with age-appropriate texts. This triggers visual memory so information is absorbed at a faster, more efficient rate. So what are you waiting for? Go ahead and secure a copy t...

    18,19 €

  • The pan-african tectonics of the mintom proglacic formation, Cameroon
    Emile Ekomane / Patrice Moussango I / Philémon Zo’o Zame
    The Mintom Formation, formerly called upper Dja Serie, is limited to the North by the Panafrican fold belt and to the South by the Archaean formations of the Congo Craton. This Mintom Formation is composed of diamictites at its base, whereas at the top its consist of pelites and carbonates rocks whose natures is dolomitic and calcareous. All these rocks are characterized by def...

    49,68 €

    This book covers the fundamentals of reservoir engineering in the recovery of hydrocarbons from underground reservoirs. It provides a comprehensive introduction to the topic, including discussion of recovery processes, material balance, fluid properties and fluid flow. It also contains details of multiphase flow, including pore-scale displacement processes and their impact on r...

    108,26 €

     The potential for energy transformation from geothermal heat is limitless. For millennia natural sources of this energy, in the form of thermal springs, have been used by populations for heating, cooking and bathing. Modern-day usage has been extended to electricity generation from binary cycle power plants, heat extraction from geothermal heat pumps and use in greenhouses for...

    144,81 €

  • Forgotten Caves of Bisbee, Arizona
    Douglas L. Graeme / Richard Wiliam Graeme IV / Richard William Graeme III
    During the last part of the 19th century miners at the booming mining camp at Bisbee in the Arizona Territory began finding natural caves. These caverns were more than the typical calcite and aragonite filled openings stained by iron and manganese oxides. These caverns contained substantial amounts of malachite, azurite, rosasite and even cuprite. As a result the caverns were a...

    24,44 €