Geología y la litosfera

Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación / Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias / Geología y la litosfera (1577)

Libros Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias Eliminar filtro Geología y la litosfera Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Quaternary Sea-Level Changes
    Colin D. Woodroffe / Colin DWoodroffe / Colin V. Murray-Wallace / Colin VMurray-Wallace

    71,45 €

  • Physical Principles of Sedimentary Basin Analysis
    Magnus Wangen

    71,25 €

  • Geología del Cerro el Lince y áreas circundantes
    Salvador Alejandro Daniel Bertín
    Geología de Cerro El Lince y áreas circundantes es el trabajo final realizado como último paso para la obtención de título de Licenciado en Ciencias Geológicas que otorga la Universidad Nacional de San Luis. En él se ha volcado la totalidad de las tareas realizadas con el objetivo de un mejor y más completo conocimiento geológico de un sector poco estudiado de la provincia, con...

    81,90 €

  • Earth in Upheaval
    Immanuel Velikovsky
    In this epochal book, Immanuel Velikovsky, one of the great scientists of modern times, puts the complete histories of our Earth and of humanity on a new basis. He presents the results of his 10-year-long interdisciplinary research in an easily understandable, even entertaining manner. Inspite - or even because - of the disgraceful hostility, provoked by his theories, this book...

    27,06 €

  • Magpie Mind
    Eileen Berry
    “My magpie mind collects pieces in a puzzle.” — Eileen Berry,  p 10, Bye Bye Blackbird “Magpies were always there in our English garden, pecking around and singling out particular objects. Beautiful black and white birds with loud calls to each other. That is the way this book was put together.” — Eileen BerryThis collection of poetry inspires the mind and imagination with memo...

    11,84 €

  • Geology
    Dr. Diana Prince
    This book is about the beautiful planet we call home. Ever-changing and dynamic, the earth exhibits brilliant design. It has a power and a majesty all its own. It sustains us and provides for us. This book examines the powerful forces that shape this diverse and unique planet. 3 ...

    44,19 €

  • Geology
    Dr. Diana Prince
    This book is about the beautiful planet we call home. Ever-changing and dynamic, the earth exhibits brilliant design. It has a power and a majesty all its own. It sustains us and provides for us. This book examines the powerful forces that shape this diverse and unique planet. 3 ...

    34,13 €

  • O Planeta Marte
    Marco Aurélio Riesemberg Hundsdorfer
    Existem algumas hipóteses sobre a formação dos Vales Marineris em Marte. Hipóteses sobre vulcanismo (somente) ou tectonismo há bilhões de anos no passado, são as mais aceitas. Este hipótese se baseia nas últimas descobertas sobre o planeta, não pretendendo ser um verdade absoluta, mas apenas uma ideia fora do padrão normal aceito nos círculos acadêmicos que explora uma possibil...

    84,40 €

  • Fundamento de la Ingeniería Geológica
    Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    La ingeniería geológica es la rama de la ingeniería que aborda la resolución de problemas relacionados con la interacción directa e indirecta, del hombre con el medio geológico, entendido éste como el soporte de las actividades humanas.1​ La ingeniería geológica comprende un amplio abanico de definiciones condicionadas por el país de origen. Bell (1992) define la ingeniería geo...

    60,13 €

  • Oilfield Survival Guide, Volume One
    Matthew J. Hatami / Matthew JHatami
    Save Money, Time, and Lives with the Real-World Oil & Gas Experience of Others. Learning the Hard Way in the Oilfield can Cost You Millions, sometimes Billions of Dollars in addition to Injury and Loss of Life.Cut Through the Noise to Focus on the Most Critical Aspects of Working in the Oil and Gas Business. Based on over 1,000 Oil and Gas Situations involving Drilling, Cementi...

    39,59 €

  • Geology and Our National Parks
    Patrick Nurre
    This is a wonderful way to study some of the national parks and monuments of the US National Park system! Each park or monument represents a different area of geological study, so while you get a grand overview of these parks, you also get a study of one particular area of geology with each location. And it is all done from a young Earth, global Flood perspective. This book cov...

    40,83 €

  • Caracterização biogeoquímica com base em foraminíferos parálicos
    Isabel Honorata de Souza Azevedo
    Foraminíferos de zonas parálicas são protozoários cuja utilização em estudos ambientais tem apresentado um crescimento significativo nas últimas décadas, devido à sua sensibilidade às variações físico-químicas dos ambientes, daí sua aplicabilidade nas pesquisas em manguezais. Alem disso, são amplamente usados em reconstruções do meio ambiente antigo e recente. As áreas costeira...

    84,40 €

  • Geología Estructural y Clasificación Geo-mecánica
    Juan Pablo Silverio Ludeña
    La minería es una actividad económica del sector primario de amplia cobertura en el ámbito mundial y es indispensable para el suministro de minerales, los cuales a su vez, son la base de la cadena productiva de la mayoría de materiales que se requieren en la actividad humana, por esta razón la minería en el Ecuador se ha convertido en una función estratégica para el mejoramient...

    83,18 €

  • Laguna de Urao
    Omar Antonio Guerrero
    Laguna de Urao: Monumento Natural en Mengua, Lagunillas, Municipio Sucre, estado Mérida - Venezuela, se expone de manera extensa la valoración hidrogeomorfológica y de sostenibilidad ambiental la situación actual y el drama ambiental que presenta este impotrante monumento natural, valorado mundialmente por contener el mineral de gaylussite, debido a las condiciones geoquímicas ...

    60,13 €

  • Adventures in Earth Science
    Dr Peter T Scott
    Useful for both the new  and experienced teacher, with lesson plans, templates and ideas, objectives for each chapter and each practical activity.This Teachers' Guide has answers to all the questions in the textbook, multi choice, extended and research with working as appropriate.This is the guide for both the textbook, Adventures in Earth Science (800 page A4 compendium fo...

    30,50 €

  • Adventures in Earth Science
    Dr Peter T Scott
    This student practical manual covers a comprehensive range of practical work for the whole of an Earth Science course run in senior high school or first year university.  It is printed in black and white to keep student costs down. Not only does it give practical work from identifying minerals in class to comprehensive astronomy nights, it also includes training in report writi...

    22,76 €

  • Using of GIS and Remote Sensing data for identification the phenomena
    Saeed Abbaszadeh
    -In the first part of the book, modeling is done by index overlay method for identification of hydrothermal deposits in the Ramand region (Iran). In this study, using index overlay method and integration mechanism of spatial data, prognostic map provided from the status of mineralization potential related to magmatic-hydrothermal mineralization. Thus, traces of alteration and m...

    53,73 €

  • Petrology and Sedimentology
    Seymor White
    Petrology studies rocks and the conditions leading to their formation. Together with sedimentology, which studies layers of compressed materials such as clay, sand and silt; these disciplines help in the interpretation of the composition of the Earth’s surface. Research in this field helps to identify and extract various minerals found in the Earth’s crust and mantle. Tectonic ...

    184,46 €

  • Magmatismo Intraplaca - Província Borborema, NE do Brasil
    Antônio C. Galindo / Antônio CGalindo / Francisco Valdir Silveira / Zorano Sérgio Souza
    A área de estudo localiza-se na porção central do Estado do RN, extremidade oriental da Província Borborema. O magmatismo intraplaca Cenozóico foi posicionado de forma tectono-controlada, e caracteriza-se por pequenos pulsos de magmas máfico-ultramáficos, integrante de uma província tectono-magmática que se estende pelo NE do Brasil. Dados de campo permitiram individualizar trê...

    106,26 €

  • Arquipélago dos Açores
    Adriane Machado / Carolinna Souza
    A Ilha da Graciosa pertence ao Arquipélago dos Açores (Portugal) e localiza-se na latitude 39° - 39°06’ N e longitude 27°56’ - 28°05’ W. A ilha situa-se no Oceano Atlântico Norte e está inserida na Microplaca Açoriana, formada pela 'junção tríplice' das placas litosféricas Euroasiática, Africana e Norte Americana. As rochas efusivas estudadas foram classificadas como basalto, m...

    53,60 €

  • The Price of Carbon
    David D Maenz
    The Price of Carbon goes beyond an assessment of the science of climate change and the impacts of excess emissions. The book details viable pathways to transition economic practices and evaluates the policies and climate action plans of the top emitting countries. If severe damage from climate change is to be avoided, advanced economies must up the level of ambition to curtail ...

    24,46 €

  • The Price of Carbon
    David D Maenz
    The Price of Carbon goes beyond an assessment of the science of climate change and the impacts of excess emissions. The book details viable pathways to transition economic practices and evaluates the policies and climate action plans of the top emitting countries. If severe damage from climate change is to be avoided, advanced economies must up the level of ambition to curtail ...

    68,24 €

  • El Terremoto de Los Chillos del 9 de agosto de 1938, Ecuador
    Randy Moposita
    A los tres meses de la cantonización de Rumiñahui, el 09/08/1938 a las 21h01 (hora local) se registra el sismo más grande ocurrido en el Valle de Los Chillos durante el siglo XX, este evento causó conmoción y devastación. En el presente libro se analiza la potencial fuente sísmica mediante: análisis estructural, anomalías geomorfológicas, actividad sísmica y evidencias tectónic...

    83,23 €

  • The Fundamentals of Crystallography and Mineralogy
    Aretas N. Ndimofor
    Crystallography and Mineralogy when fully understood, provide the solid foundation necessary for the comprehension of the other topics in Ordinary and Advanced Level Geology.  Unfortunately, many students and teachers see Crystallography and Mineralogy as “challenging topics” which require the assimilation and memorization of a large number of facts.  The Fundamentals of Crysta...

    16,59 €

  • Nivel de exposición de yacimientos minerales
    Adolfo Antonio Gutiérrez / Clara E. Cisterna / Clara ECisterna / Ricardo Mon
    En las Sierras Pampeanas de Argentina, en la zona de subducción de bajo ángulo, se formaron importantes yacimientos minerales, asociados con centros volcánicos. El emplazamiento del Complejo Volcánico Farallón Negro ocurrió en el Neógeno, dando origen a yacimientos tipos pórfidos de cobre y epitermales, ubicados sobre los 180 y 150 km del plano Wadatti-Benioff. La configuración...

    60,13 €

  • Niger Delta Ichnfossils, Ichnofacies, Facies and Depo-environments
    Berti M. Ozumba / Berti MOzumba / Sunny C. Ezeh / Sunny CEzeh / Wilfred A. Mode / Wilfred AMode
    This work detailed on trace fossil atlas and description, ichnofacies, and the application to interpretation of various depositional environments (brackish-water through fully marine facies). Trace fossils morphology, occurrence, variations and ichnoassociation are compared to other forms from other basins across the world. It is the result of an in-depth research on over 3000 ...

    75,08 €

  • An Introduction to Geology
    Bernard KIpsang Rop / Caroline Wambui Maina / Wycliffe H. Namwiba / Wycliffe HNamwiba
    An Introduction to Geology book gives the basic concepts of geology by appreciating the formation and modification of the planet Earth on which we live. Apart from explaining geological and engineering principles’ practice in industry with emphasis on exploration and exploitation of mineral resources, geohazards’ scenarios of historical significance, geology plays an important ...

    98,55 €

  • Sedimentological Study of the Bama Ridge (Holocene), Chad Basin, Nigeria
    Alhaji Adam Zarma
    This book is on the sedimentology of a prominent geomorphological expression on the terrains covering the Chad Formation in Bornu Sub-basin,Chad Basin Nigeria. Using practical sedimentological procedures encompassing section logging and descriptions, lithofacies analyses,Xray diffractometry,Heavy mineral and micropalaeontological methods,a fluvio-lacustrine depositional environ...

    113,78 €

  • Rumbo a la explotación de hidrocarburos en el Norte de México
    Rumbo a la explotación de hidrocarburos en el Norte de México, es un libro que presenta una visión general de lo que se requiere para la exploración y explotación de hidrocarburos en el Norte de México, así como las técnicas de cuantificación de hidrocarburos que actualmente se están utilizando. Este libro fue realizado en base a los proyectos de tesis de la Maestría en Ciencia...

    104,01 €

  • Radiogenic Isotope Geology
    Alan P. Dickin / Alan PDickin

    247,59 €