Geología y la litosfera

Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación / Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias / Geología y la litosfera (1577)

Libros Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra, geografía, medioambiente, planificación Eliminar filtro Ciencias de la tierra/geociencias Eliminar filtro Geología y la litosfera Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Roadside Geology of Pennsylvania
    Bradford B. Van Diver / Bradford BVan Diver
    The hundreds of millions of years of history folded within Pennsylvania's rocks tell a remarkable story of destruction, creation, and transformation. With an assortment of maps, diagrams, photos, and expert descriptions, Roadside Geology of Pennsylvania is the ultimate travel companion for those who have little or no training in geology.Bradford Van Diver expertly guides th...

    43,02 €

  • Manual of Rapid Mineral Identification - Volume I
    Uwe Richard Kackstaetter
    This unique publication was written with a broad spectrum of users in mind, from the novice rockhound to the trained professional, including students, prospectors, geoscientists and mineral laboratories. It is literally a step-by-step cookbook approach to mineral identification and includes easily administered  "how-to methods" some of which are proprietary. For the first time ...

    37,50 €

  • Experimental and Thermodynamical Modeling of Ore- Forming Processes in Magmatic and Hydrothermal Systems
    Galina Palyanova
    This special issue book includes 10 original research papers that discuss and solve some problems of ore-forming processes in magmatic and hydrothermal systems. Some of these papers in the issue deal with experimental and thermodynamical modeling, while the others are devoted to analytical geochemistry, geochronology and genesis of some ore occurrences.I hope that these papers ...

    59,77 €

  • Geologia do Complexo Camboriú, Santa Catarina
    Angela Pacheco Lopes / Miguel Angelo Stipp Basei
    A origem anatética dos migmatitos do Complexo Camboriú é evidenciada pelas macroestruturas e suportada pelos dados petrográficos, geoquímicos e isotópicos. A temperatura para formação do leucossoma é estimada em 750-800 C, principalmente pelos indícios de geração por fusão de rochas quartzo-feldspáticas em presença de água, com possível participação da muscovita no processo de ...

    80,56 €

  • First recording of molluscs larvae from Southern Iraq
    Bushra Issa
    The study focused on the diagnosis of gastropods and pelecypods classes species, mostly in the planktonic larvae stage, to be used as evidence of marine transgression of mid-Holocene in Southern Iraq. Three biofacies were identified depending on microfossils (planktonic larvae) primarily as well as the nature of sediments. They were defined as Biofacies1 (B1), Biofacies2 (B2) a...

    50,99 €

  • Numerical Methods of Exploration Seismology
    Gary F. Margrave / Michael P. Lamoureux

    99,88 €

  • CLIMATE CATASTROPHE! Science or Science Fiction?
    Andy May
    This book is dedicated to science. Scientists are skeptical, we ask: “Is that idea correct? How can I test it?”  Then we resolve to gather and analyze data until we show it isn’t or it might be.  If we cannot disprove the idea, it survives.  No true scientist “believes in science” because he knows science is a process, a process we use to uncover the truth.  One cannot have fai...

    16,79 €

  • Adventures in Earth and Environmental Science
    Dr Peter T Scott / Dr Peter T Scott
    This is the second book with this title and, after a short revision chapter, looks at how humankind lives on planet Earth. Renewable and non-renewable resources are described and how their use has impacted on the world’s ecosystems, on land, in the sea and in the atmosphere. This is also discussed with an emphasis on the problems of future energy needs, global warming and socia...

    82,62 €

  • Cartographie du risque d’inondation dans la ville de Fombap-Cameroun
    Sylvie Noelle Djukem Fenguia
    La ville de Fombap fait partie de la plaine des Mbo. Elle se situe entre 5°18’ et 5°20’15' de latitude Nord et 9°58’30' et 10°01’30' de longitude Est. La présente étude menée dans la localité de Fombap a analysé les facteurs responsables des inondations dans cette localité dans le but d’élaborer une carte des zones à risque d’inondation. Les résultats de ces travaux ont démontr...

    57,96 €

  • Characteristics of Moloundou swamp sediments (southeast Cameroon)
    Alex Kam / Armel Zacharie Ekoa Bessa / Gabriel Ngueutchoua
    This book aims to investigate the sedimentological, mineralogical, geochemical composition, provenance and pollution assessment of swamp sediments from 3 cores in Moloundou (southeast Cameroon). ...

    57,58 €

  • Small Scale Mining Handbook - Support to improving the performance...
    Kanzira Hildebrand
    Rwanda has an ambitious 'Vision 2020' of which the overarching goal is 'Accelerating progress to middle income status and better quality of life for all Rwandans'. The vision of the Government is to transform the mining sector that is dominated by small scale and artisan mining into modernized, properly planned and executed mining operations which can either be semi-industrial ...

    111,54 €

  • Geologia do Complexo Araticum, Batalha-AL, Nordeste do Brasil
    Roberto Souza
    A faixa de dobramentos Sergipana, localizada geotectonicamente entre o sul do domínio Pernambuco-Alagoas e o limite nordeste do Cráton São Francisco, é composta de vários domínios tectono-estratigráficos: Domínio Estância Vaza Barris, Macururé, Marancó-Poço Redondo e Canindé. O Domínio Canindé ocorre como uma faixa de direção geral NE-SW e limita-se de outros domínios através d...

    57,90 €

  • Estudo da efetividade de obras de contenção de erosão costeira
    Igor Bremenkamp Herzog / Juan A A Espinoza
    O município de Conceição da Barra tem sua economia baseada na atividade pesqueira e no turismo sazonal, justificada por sua grande extensão litorânea. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a efetividade das obras de contenção de erosão costeira na referida cidade valendo-se de estudos de sensoriamento remoto, análise sedimentológica e monitoramento da dinâmica costeira a partir...

    80,56 €

  • A Guide to Climbing Ayers Rock
    Marc Hendrickx
     A Guide to Climbing Ayers Rock is a celebration of the climb. It will provide the general public and those tourists and past visitors still interested in exploring the natural world, without being made to feel guilty by contradictory and irrational messages, with all the information they need to successfully and safely complete this physical adventure and fully appreciate the ...

    33,07 €

  • Análise da Estabilidade com Dados em Diferentes Profundidades
    Matheus K. Flach / Matheus KFlach
    O entendimento do comportamento geotécnico dos solos do Estado de Santa Catarina é de extrema importância. Por se tratar de um clima subtropical, a intensidade com que os processos de alteração ocorrem, possibilita o desenvolvimento de espessos perfis de solos. Tendo em vista a ocorrência de diversos problemas geotécnicos a mensuração dos parâmetros do solo é de elevada importâ...

    79,28 €

  • Geological Observations On South America
    Charles Darwin

    11,03 €

  • Prediction of extreme events in nature and society
    Vladimir I Keilis-Borok
    V. I. Keilis-Borok (1921-2013) is one of the founders of computational seismology and mathematical geophysics and a pioneer in advance predictions of extreme events in complex systems, including earthquakes, economic recessions, outcomes of elections, surges of unemployment, and crime waves.This book overviews over fifty years of work by V. I. Keilis-Borok and his group on deve...

    150,35 €

  • Geology for Environmental Engineers
    David Woodhouse / James Lambrechts
    The environmental field has evolved since its beginnings in 1970 with the creation of the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), and further with the 1980 passage of CERCLA legislation (Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act), commonly known as Superfund. Many site characterization studies and remediation designs have also evolved since that ti...

    56,82 €

  • Avaliação dos Perigos Geológicos na Ilha Brava (Cabo Verde)
    Vera Alfama
    'O estudo sobre a avaliação dos perigos geológicos na ilha Brava e as suas implicações para o planeamento de emergência, representa um contributo de extrema importância para o conhecimento dos perigos e riscos naturais existentes em Cabo Verde, os quais para além do vulcanismo, englobam igualmente a atividade sísmica, os movimentos de vertente, os tsunami, processos de desgasei...

    97,52 €

  • Theoretical Mantle Dynamics
    Neil M. Ribe

    156,97 €

  • Modelagem Geológica de Reservatórios
    Aurélio Kasakewitch Ribeiro / Gabriella Martins / Jorge André Braz de Souza
    Este estudo apresenta e aplica a metodologia de Caracterização e Modelagem Geológicas dos reservatórios da porção superior da Fm. Barra Velha, de idade aptiana, de um campo localizado na Bacia de Santos. A Bacia de Santos é uma bacia sedimentar localizada na margem continental brasileira, cuja origem está relacionada ao sistema de rifte do Leste Brasileiro, desenvolvido a parti...

    94,88 €

  • Between Paradise and Peril
    Gary Griggs
    “Civilization exists by geological consent, subject to change without notice” – Will DurantThe Monterey Bay Region seems to have it all – sandy beaches, sunshine, the redwoods and rivers – paradise for most of us. This scenic landscape that has drawn people here for hundreds of years owes its origins to the underlying geology and climate, and both of these are somewhat unpredic...

    37,87 €

  • Timefulness
    Marcia Bjornerud
    Why an awareness of Earth’s temporal rhythms is critical to our planetary survivalFew of us have any conception of the enormous timescales in our planet’s long history, and this narrow perspective underlies many of the environmental problems we are creating for ourselves. The passage of nine days, which is how long a drop of water typically stays in Earth’s atmosphere, is somet...

    53,36 €

  • Morphology and Internal Mixing of Atmospheric Particles
    The properties of atmospheric particles - often also termed aerosol - have been the subject of scientific studies for several decades because of their effects on air quality, health, visibility, propagation of electromagnetic radiation in the atmosphere, and climate. However, despite intense research efforts, several knowledge gaps remain to be filled; the reason being related ...

    59,75 €

  • ABC de la Geofisica
    Tupak Ernesto Obando Rivera
    La geofísica es la ciencia que se encarga del estudio de la Tierra desde el punto de vista de la física. Su objeto de estudio abarca todos los fenómenos relacionados con la estructura, condiciones físicas e historia evolutiva de la Tierra. Al ser una disciplina principalmente experimental, usa para su estudio métodos cuantitativos físicos como la física de reflexión y refracció...

    59,02 €

    Gerald Neil Wright
    IF  you would like to know everything that can be known about the origin of our universe, earth and life -- ask The Supreme Scientist.  IF you would like to know how special this earth and you are in this Universe -- just ask  The Supreme Scientist.  IF you would like to know all about your physical and spiritual well-being -- just ask The Supreme Scientist.   IF you would like...

    23,86 €

  • The Genesis Column
    W. Joseph Stallings / WJoseph Stallings
    It is the assertion of Old-Earth Creationism that God created the Earth and then made it into an inhabitable environment over the course of a ''week'' of epoch-long creation ''days.'' It is the assertion of modern science that the Earth is 4.6 billion years old and has reached such an age by passing through a number of geologic periods that are differentiated by stratigraphic, ...

    39,37 €

  • The Genesis Column
    W. Joseph Stallings / WJoseph Stallings
    It is the assertion of Old-Earth Creationism that God created the Earth and then made it into an inhabitable environment over the course of a ''week'' of epoch-long creation ''days.'' It is the assertion of modern science that the Earth is 4.6 billion years old and has reached such an age by passing through a number of geologic periods that are differentiated by stratigraphic, ...

    22,29 €

  • Lithosphere
    Irina Artemieva

    112,12 €

  • Earth Dynamics
    D. E. Smylie / DESmylie

    71,19 €