Forma física y alimentación

Salud y desarrollo personal / Familia y salud / Forma física y alimentación (8636)

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  • Get Off Your Ass!
    Darren Bersuk
    Get Off Your Ass is the kick in the behind necessary for anyone who is finally ready to prioritize their health and happiness. Cirque du Soleil veteran and health expert Darren Bersuk walks you through the fundamentals required to implement healthy yet delicious eating habits, and how to progressively move your body as part of your daily routine. Based on the latest science but...

    17,50 €

    Even if you’ve never lifted a weight before, here’s how to get in shape, build muscle, and reduce fat without wasting a ton of time in the gym.Do you know that beyond the age of 30, physically inactive persons begin to naturally lose muscle?Do you worry that after you hit middle age, you won’t ever feel or look the same?Do you desire increased vigor and less pain?Do you desire ...

    88,93 €

    Accelerate your workout progress, delay the aging process, and reach all of your fitness objectives free from setbacks, accidents, and unreasonable time demands.After the fast gains from your first few months of training, are you observing less progress? Can’t go full out in the gym because of edema, pain, or another physical issue? Do you frequently have to forgo exercising be...

    70,79 €

  • La biblia de las calorías
    Clara Cesana
    Cuidar la salud y la línea yalimentarse de formaequilibrada se han convertidoen cuestiones de sumo interéshoy en día. Frases como «deboseguir una dieta de 1.000calorías» o bien «no debo pasarde 1.200 calorías diarias» sonfrecuentes. Sin embargo,transformar estas cifrasabstractas en platos concretosno es fácil.Por otra parte, quien se planteaseguir una dieta baja encalorías se s...

    14,51 €

  • La obesidad
    Cecilia Alejandra Troncoso Martínez
    «Este es un libro del sentir, del sentir la obesidad»En tus manos se encuentra una nueva manera de ver y tratar la obesidad. Esta enfermedad no es solo del cuerpo, puesto que afecta de forma psíquica y social a las personas que la padecen.Durante más de 25 años, la doctora Cecilia Alejandra Troncoso Martínez ha orientado sus consultas a un cambio en el estilo de vida de sus pac...

    49,91 €

  • La nutrition sportive
    Lance Nicolas
    Souhaitez-vous optimiser les résultats de vos entraînements grâce à une alimentation efficace et équilibrée qui vous permette d’atteindre vos objectifs ? Si c’est le cas, ce livre est pour vous, alors...en savoir plus, lisez... "Tu as perdu de précieuses années d’entraînement en salle de sport" - C’est ce que je me suis dit pour ne pas avoir suivi un régime alimentaire appropri...

    21,31 €

  • Méthode Adamski
    Frank Laporte-Adamski
    Programme de 14 jours pour améliorer votre transit intestinal et retrouver un ventre plat !Libérez votre intestin chez vous en 14 jours.Vous en avez assez d’avoir des problèmes de digestion ?Vous n’allez pas bien aux toilettes ?Vous êtes souvent ballonné ?Voici la solution : un programme de 14 jours avec menus et recettes, mais aussi exercices physiques et hygiène de vie quotid...

    29,15 €

  • El yoga que me gusta
    Helena Ferrari
    Este libro es un manual para el estudiante de yoga que desee realizar un práctica consciente ya que aporta los principios básicos para la construcción de las posturas y la secuencia.Se compone de una parte manual y otra parte narrativa que se interrelacionan en 9 capítulos.El relato trata de una experiencia que puede ser similar a la vivida por muchas personas que habiendo desa...

    28,00 €

  • Wing Chun Tao Chuan
    Mestre Kim
    Atendendo a inúmeros pedidos feitos no portal da família Kim para que fizesse um livro de nível mais avançado tal como o Tchia-Dsu do Biu Jee do Wing Chun Tao Chuan. A terceira forma do Wing Chun chamada Bil Jee ou Biu Jee em cantonês que literalmente quer dizer dedos penetrantes baseia-se nas primeiras formas (Tchia- Dsu ou Kuento) que são o Sil Lin Tao e o Chun Kiu e que dão ...

    13,46 €

  • Eat Right N Wise-Special Edition (Compilation of two books)
    Radhika Vijay
    Eat Right N Wise is a simple compilation of two individual books in this series, it is an intended special edition for the extra health cautious subjects who just want "All in one" book!. The book is divided in two sections namely section 1- Fast FAD Formula and section 2- Blood Type - Your Food Guide. It is a complete power and health packed formula and guide for gaining wonde...

    22,54 €

  • Ripped Lifestyle Habits
    Ana Molisteanu / Kristófer Anderson
    Are you longing to feel fit, sexy, and confident in your body, but not sure how to get there? Ripped Lifestyle Habits will teach you to build a body you love – one that turns heads on the street, at the beach, and in the bedroom. You don’t have to become a total gym rat or follow a rigid diet filled with pills and powders. All you need to learn is how to make the daily choices ...

    66,16 €

  • Keto Diet Cookbook for Beginners
    Beatrix Sauer & Anna Martin
    How many diets have you tried that made you tired after 2 weeks because of the little variety of foods?How many times have you heard that you can’t lose weight fast?And how badly do you want to get back in shape and put on those jeans that are now too tight? So much, I know. But forget everything you’ve been told about diets and exercise and choose the Keto diet. This type of d...

    28,14 €

  • Ketogene Ernährung
    Beatrix Sauer & Anna Martin
    *** DIE BESTEN KETO-REZEPTE, DIE IHNEN HELFEN, GEWICHT ZU VERLIEREN, GESUND ZU BLEIBEN UND IHRE BAUCHMUSKELN, BRUSTMUSKELN, BEINE UND GESÄSSMUSKELN ZU STÄRKEN + WORKOUT-PLÄNE FÜR ZU HAUSE ODER DAS FITNESSSTUDIO *** Sind Sie es leid, Diäten zu machen und nach ein paar Tagen aufzugeben? Haben Sie es satt, nach einer Diät alle abgenommenen Kilos wieder zuzunehmen? Möchten Sie daue...

    24,23 €

  • Clearly Keto
    Mary Newport / Mary T. Newport
    Delay, slow down, or possibly prevent Alzheimer’s and other disorders of the aging brain with Clearly Keto. This book provides the rationale and a detailed plan for a ketogenic whole food Mediterranean-style diet, ketogenic strategies like intermittent fasting and exercise, and other lifestyle modifications to overcome insulin resistance and provide ketones as an alternative fu...

    19,86 €

  • Clearly Keto
    Mary T. Newport
    Delay, slow down, or possibly prevent Alzheimer’s and other disorders of the aging brain with Clearly Keto. This book provides the rationale and a detailed plan for a ketogenic whole food Mediterranean-style diet, ketogenic strategies like intermittent fasting and exercise, and other lifestyle modifications to overcome insulin resistance and provide ketones as an alternative fu...

    30,50 €

  • Uplift Your Mind to Lift Off the Weight
    Erika A. Washington
    Optimal health is often said to be 20% exercise, 80% diet and 'other factors.' But those other factors are super important. The most effective weight loss comes, not from endless workouts or difficult calorie restrictions, but as a natural result of lifestyle changes and bettering your overall relationship not only with food, but also with yourself. All those fad diets you trie...

    17,06 €

  • Blood Type-Your Food Guide
    Radhika Vijay
    Have you ever thought about Blood groups while picking up your meals? No? Well! Knowledge of blood groups is not limited to different body ailments, it is becoming an awareness and a matter of concern for healthy people too, including you and me. Why this knowledge is essential, because it can actually serve an amazing guide to choose your noshes and nibbles and help you decide...

    14,11 €

  • Dieta Psicologica
    Giulia Trevisan
    …e se ti dicessi che è davvero possibile perdere peso mangiando ciò che vuoi? Sono certa che mi daresti della pazza ma la verità è che tu ti concentri sull’aspetto sbagliato: non è importante il poter mangiare tutto, ma il poter mangiare tutto ciò che vuoi, tutto ciò che desideri. Quindi, se tu non desiderassi più mangiare cibi spazzatura, dolciumi, cibi grassi e altre cose sim...

    19,20 €

  • Grappunch
    Fernando Fúria Santos
    Através desta obra você irá conhecer o que é o Sistema Internacional de Combate e Luta Corpo a Corpo, GRAPPUNCH VALE TUDO LUTA LIVRE ESPORTIVA. Um esporte de combate brasileiro, idealizado e fundado pelo hoje DrhcM. Grão-Mestre Fernando Fúria Santos.Histórias como essa transformam pessoas, vidas, o mundo das artes marciais e dos esportes de combate.Por meio das artes marciais, ...

    19,42 €

  • Fast FAD Formula
    Radhika Vijay
    Are you in search of some magical formula to lose little weight, get in good shape and flaunt your favourite dresses? You have luckily grabbed an inch perfect book. Yes! In this nutrition guide I have given an overview of FAD diets and have completely detailed the eligibility for FAD diets, it’s method and formula, it’s requirements, it’s restrictions, it’s benefits, it’s risks...

    15,14 €

  • Psychological Diet
    Giulia Trevisan
    PSYCHOLOGICAL DIET: How to Lose Weight Without Effort (extended version) Have you ever heard of the possibility of losing weight by continuing to eat whatever you want? You can lose weight by eating whatever you want.If you think this is stupid, it means you don’t understand it.The Psychological Diet will open your mind and help you understand it.This statement contains a great...

    23,76 €

  • Beginner’s Keto Diet for Men and Women Over 40
    Toni Blade
    Book Description:Are you prepared, willing to commit and put in the work to achieve another milestone and prove to yourself, family and friends that there is more in you?Have you been on a hunt for a diet plan that will work and different options for accomplishing the goals you have set for yourself? If so, look no further!Inside you will find delicious food options that you an...

    21,84 €

    Jo Black / Johnny Black / Mandy Chandler
    This book is packed with simple but highly effective tools that will help you to overcome fear, gain confidence, and become the best possible version of yourself. Designed with busy people in mind, we take a down-to-earth approach with easy-to-follow advice and practices that fit seamlessly into your everyday life. Inside you’ll find hands-on strategies to transform your mindse...

    53,73 €

  • Retalhos Do Envelhecer
    Alexandro Marcos Menegócio
    Este livro traz reflexões acerca do impacto no envelhecimento sobre nossos corpos, mentes, esforços, relacionamentos, fatos e efeitos, mas acima de tudo nos apresenta a experiência de um projeto inovador no curso de enfermagem da turma do sexto semestre da UniMAX. Pretendendo ser inspirador para que outros projetos sejam criados a partir de sua leitura, e que possa instigar a c...

    18,46 €

  • Dieta Chetogenica
    Giulia Milani
    Vuoi scoprire perchè la Dieta Chetogenica è il regime più sano ed efficace per dimagrire?La dieta chetogenica è una tecnica di dieta moderna su basi scientifiche e di efficacia provata e dimostrata. Di cosa si tratta?Serve un po’ di teoria. La dieta chetogenica priva l’organismo del glucosio, un elemento particolare che il tuo corpo è in grado di produrre al suo interno.La prod...

    22,26 €

  • A Guidebook to Nutrition
    Inara Leigh
    A comprehensive guide to essential Vitamins, Minerals & Omega oils.From birth to adulthood we all need to keep up our intake of nutrients for a healthy and balanced diet. This book catalogs the best Fruits, Vegetables & Meats rich in various nutrients and hopes to promote the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle for both children and adults alike.Each chapter offers in...

    16,38 €

  • Sleep
    Marie De Manacéïne
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the wor...

    39,48 €

  • Dr. Kellogg’s Lectures On Practical Health Topics; Volume 4
    John Harvey Kellogg
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the wor...

    33,82 €

  • The Nutrition of Man
    Russell Henry Chittenden
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the wor...

    39,60 €

  • A Concise View of the Rise and Progress of Homœopathic Medicine
    Charles F. Mattlack / Constantine Hering
    This work has been selected by scholars as being culturally important, and is part of the knowledge base of civilization as we know it.This work is in the 'public domain in the United States of America, and possibly other nations. Within the United States, you may freely copy and distribute this work, as no entity (individual or corporate) has a copyright on the body of the wor...

    15,69 €