Filosofía occidental: antigua, hasta c. 500

Humanidades / Filosofía / Historia de la filosofía occidental / Filosofía occidental: antigua, hasta c. 500 (3244)

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  • I Misteri Eleusini, l’Orfismo e il Pitagorismo
    Jose García García
    Quest’opera riunisce tre scritti che condividono lo stesso obiettivo, il tentativo di comprendere i cambiamenti nel modo di vivere la spiritualità avvenuti durante il cosiddetto periodo arcaico della Grecia antica. Le correnti religiose che emersero in questo periodo erano di origine popolare e collegavano elementi antichi di varia provenienza con altri che stavano appena emerg...

    54,11 €

  • Die Eleusinischen Mysterien, Orphismus und Pythagoräismus
    Jose García García
    Dieses Werk vereint drei Schriften, die das gleiche Ziel verfolgen, nämlich den Versuch, die Veränderungen in der Art und Weise, wie die Spiritualität gelebt wurde, zu verstehen, die während der so genannten archaischen Periode des antiken Griechenlands stattfanden. Die religiösen Strömungen, die in dieser Zeit aufkamen, waren volkstümlichen Ursprungs und verbanden antike Eleme...

    54,17 €

  • In Philebum
    Francis K. Peddle
    This commentary on Plato’s Philebus reconciles a close analysis of the text with a new interpretation of the dialogue. In Philebum focuses on the overarching metaphysical and cosmological coherency of the dialogue rather than its ethical import. This interpretation contrasts with the more common segmented philological analysis of this most evocative of Platonic dialogues. Plato...

    23,67 €

  • In Philebum
    Francis K. Peddle
    This commentary on Plato’s Philebus reconciles a close analysis of the text with a new interpretation of the dialogue. In Philebum focuses on the overarching metaphysical and cosmological coherency of the dialogue rather than its ethical import. This interpretation contrasts with the more common segmented philological analysis of this most evocative of Platonic dialogues. Plato...

    37,44 €

  • The History of Chinese Philosophy Book 2
    Laszlo Montgomery
    Laszlo Montgomery’s award-winning podcasts on Chinese history have swept the world and gained many thousands of fans, including people who want to learn about Chinese history and those who want to improve their English. Each book in this series contains transcripts from Laszlo’s Podcasts for you to follow as you listen.This volume covers the ancient history of the Book of Chang...

    22,39 €

  • Equality and Excellence in Ancient and Modern Political Philosophy
    Interpretations of critically important texts in political philosophy from Greek antiquity to modern times on the tension between human excellence and equality and its possible resolution. ...

    44,65 €

  • The Kybalion
    Three Initiates
    'Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece' by Three Initiates offers a profound exploration of ancient wisdom. This enigmatic text unveils the timeless principles of Hermeticism, shedding light on the nature of reality and the power of thought. Delve into its pages to discover the enduring secrets that have fascinated seekers for centuries, and e...

    4,30 €

  • The Kybalion
    Three Initiates
    'Kybalion: A Study of the Hermetic Philosophy of Ancient Egypt and Greece' by Three Initiates offers a profound exploration of ancient wisdom. This enigmatic text unveils the timeless principles of Hermeticism, shedding light on the nature of reality and the power of thought. Delve into its pages to discover the enduring secrets that have fascinated seekers for centuries, and e...

    12,76 €

  • LE MANUEL (ENCHIRIDION) - De la leçon à l’action !
    Cette édition entièrement adaptée et réécrite de 'The Enchiridion' propose une mise à jour complète pour répondre aux besoins des lecteurs contemporains. Les fonctionnalités clés de cette édition incluent : •       Une réécriture complète du texte pour assurer sa pertinence et son accessibilité aux lecteurs modernes.•       Présentant des discussions uniques sous la forme de se...

    15,55 €

  • DAS ENCHIRIDION - Von der Lektion zur Aktion!
    Diese vollständig angepasste und neu geschriebene Ausgabe von „DAS ENCHIRIDION' (The Enchiridion) bietet eine umfassende Aktualisierung, um den Bedürfnissen zeitgenössischer Leser gerecht zu werden. Zu den Hauptmerkmalen dieser Edition gehören:• Vollständige Neufassung des Textes, um seine Relevanz und Zugänglichkeit für moderne Leser sicherzustellen. • Einführung einzigartiger...

    12,18 €

  • L’ENCHIRIDION - Dalla lezione all’azione!
    Questa edizione completamente adattata e riscritta di 'The Enchiridion' (L’ENCHIRIDION) offre un aggiornamento completo per soddisfare le esigenze dei lettori contemporanei. Le caratteristiche principali di questa edizione includono:Completa riscrittura del testo per garantirne la pertinenza e l’accessibilità per i lettori moderni.Introduzione di discussioni uniche sotto forma ...

    13,05 €

  • EL ENCHIRIDION - ¡De la lección a la acción!
    Esta edición totalmente adaptada y reescrita de 'El Enchiridion' ofrece una actualización completa para satisfacer las necesidades de los lectores contemporáneos. Las características clave de esta edición incluyen:•        Reescritura completa del texto para garantizar su relevancia y accesibilidad para los lectores modernos.•        Introducción de debates únicos en forma de '...

    12,21 €

  • Kontemplation mit Philosophen der Antike
    Ran Lahav / Karin Fechner
    Die antiken Philosophien der griechischen und hellenistischen Welt waren eine maßgebliche Quelle der Inspiration für alle Bereiche des westlichen Denkens. Kontemplation mit Philosophen der Antike ist eine interaktive Studie dieser Philosophien und ein praktischer Leitfaden für das kontemplative Nachdenken über ihre tiefen Erkenntnisse. Das Buch betrachtet die antiken Philosophi...

    15,74 €

  • A Stoic Guidebook for Recovery
    Derek Castleman
    Could the wisdom of ancient Stoics be your key to mastering modern challenges?Discover the power of Stoicism in 'A Stoic Guidebook for Recovery', an innovative addition to addiction and recovery books. This guide marries the core principles of Stoic philosophy - being the best version of oneself under all circumstances - with the journey to recovery from addiction. With each en...

    18,35 €

  • Kelten und Galater von Gordion
    Bianca Miranda Cardoso
    Es gibt nur sehr wenig Literatur, vor allem in portugiesischer Sprache, über die Kelten, die nach Anatolien eingewandert sind. Ein Thema, das meine Neugierde immer geweckt hat, gerade weil es an akademischem Interesse und veröffentlichtem Material mangelt. Ich kann ohne Zweifel sagen, dass es während meines Grundstudiums und meines Masterstudiums in Brasilien keine Forscher gab...

    87,10 €

  • Celts and Galatians of Gordion
    Bianca Miranda Cardoso
    There is very little literature, especially in Portuguese, on the Celts who migrated to Anatolia. A topic that has always aroused my curiosity precisely because of the lack of academic interest and published material. I can say without a doubt that during my undergraduate and master’s studies there were no researchers in Brazil investigating the subject. In the last five years,...

    87,15 €

  • Celtes et Galates de Gordion
    Bianca Miranda Cardoso
    Il existe très peu de littérature, surtout en portugais, sur les Celtes qui ont émigré en Anatolie. Un sujet qui a toujours suscité ma curiosité, précisément en raison du manque d’intérêt académique et de matériel publié. Je peux affirmer sans aucun doute que pendant mes études de licence et de maîtrise, aucun chercheur brésilien ne s’est penché sur le sujet. Au cours des cinq ...

    87,11 €

  • Celti e Galati di Gordion
    Bianca Miranda Cardoso
    Esiste pochissima letteratura, soprattutto in lingua portoghese, sui Celti che migrarono in Anatolia. Un argomento che ha sempre suscitato la mia curiosità proprio per la mancanza di interesse accademico e di materiale pubblicato. Posso dire senza ombra di dubbio che durante i miei studi universitari e di master non c’erano ricercatori in Brasile che si occupassero dell’argomen...

    87,12 €

  • Кельты и галаты Гордиона
    Биан Миранда Кардосо
    О кельтах, мигрировавших в Анатолию, существует очень мало литературы, особенно на португальском языке. Эта тема всегда вызывала мое любопытство именно из-за отсутствия академического интереса и опубликованных материалов. Я могу с уверенностью сказать, что во время моего обучения в бакалавриате и магистратуре в Бразилии не было исследователей, изучавших эту тему. В последние пя...

    34,85 €

  • A Stoic Guidebook for Recovery
    Derek Castleman
    Could the wisdom of ancient Stoics be your key to mastering modern challenges?Discover the power of Stoicism in 'A Stoic Guidebook for Recovery', an innovative addition to addiction and recovery books. This guide marries the core principles of Stoic philosophy - being the best version of oneself under all circumstances - with the journey to recovery from addiction. With each en...

    12,08 €

  • Axis Mundi in Byzantium
    Connie M. Harmer
    Embark on a captivating journey through the annals of history in 'Axis Mundi in Byzantium' a meticulously researched book that unravels the intricate geopolitics of the Byzantine Empire’s governance, expansion, and imperial administration. This groundbreaking work sheds light on the empire’s unspoken geostrategic policies, revealing a compelling bias towards coastal regions and...

    23,73 €

  • Contemplando con filosofi antichi
    Ran Lahav / Filippo D’Andrea
    Le antiche filosofie del mondo greco ed ellenistico sono state una delle principali fonti di ispirazione per tutti gli aspetti del pensiero occidentale. Contemplando con i Filosofi Antichi è uno studio interattivo di tali filosofie, e una guida pratica alla contemplazione delle loro intuizioni profonde. Il presente libro considera le filosofie antiche non meramente teorie del p...

    15,71 €

  • Contemplating with Ancient Philosophers
    Ran Lahav
    The ancient philosophies of the Greek and Hellenistic worlds have been a major source of inspiration to all aspects of Western thought. Contemplating with Ancient Philosophers is an interactive study of these philosophies, and a practical guide to contemplating on their deep insights. The book regards ancient philosophies not merely as theories of the past, but as starting poin...

    15,68 €

  • Theaetetus
    The Theaetetus is a philosophical work written by Plato in the early-middle 4th century BCE that investigates the nature of knowledge, and is considered one of the founding works of epistemology. Like many of Plato’s works, the Theaetetus is written in the form of a dialogue, in this case between Socrates and the young mathematician Theaetetus. In the dialogue, Socrates and The...

    14,44 €

  • Apology, Crito, and Phaedo of Socrates
    Apology, Crito, and Phaedo of Socrates is a classic philosophy collection by the great Greek philosopher, PlatoThe Apology of Socrates, written by Plato, is a Socratic dialogue of the speech of legal self-defence which Socrates (469-399 BC) spoke at his trial for impiety and corruption in 399 BC.Crito is a dialogue that was written by the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. It dep...

    16,55 €

  • Protagoras
    Protagoras is a dialogue by Plato. The traditional subtitle (which may or may not be Plato’s) is 'or the Sophists'. The main argument is between Socrates and the elderly Protagoras, a celebrated sophist and philosopher. The discussion takes place at the home of Callias, who is host to Protagoras while he is in town, and concerns the nature of sophists, the unity and the teachab...

    13,01 €

  • True to the Earth
    Originally released in 2018, True to the Earth is the first English work to offer a robust explanation of the power of pagan cosmologies and their relevance for modern environmental, political, and social crises.This updated edition includes a foreword from Sarah Lyons and a new introduction from the author.Organic pluralism, an embrace of multiple, conflicting truths, and a de...

    21,06 €

  • The Dialogues of Seneca
    Seneca / Aubrey Stewart
    Delve into the profound philosophical insights of one of ancient Rome’s most celebrated Stoic thinkers with 'The Dialogues of Seneca.' This compilation presents twelve enlightening essays that explore human virtues, emotions, and life’s profound questions.On Anger: A rational examination of the destructive emotion.On Benefits: A reflective inquiry into the nature of kindness an...

    40,14 €

  • Seed
    Barry Woods Johnston
    The Seed journeys into the deepest heart and soul of one artist facing the massive paranoia of injustice, economic free-fall, unimaginable chaos, and unsurvivable global war. New towers of Babel eclipse the culture and spirituality of the everyday everyman into depravity and dysfunction. But like his colossal Shakespearean portraits poised on the precipice of cataclysmic conque...

    52,90 €

  • On Anger
    Seneca / Aubrey Stewart
    'Anger,' Seneca notes, 'is an acid that can do more harm to the vessel in which it is stored than to anything on which it is poured.' In 'On Anger,' Seneca delves into this powerful emotion, taking the reader on a journey that is both thoughtful and instructive. Rather than dismissing anger as an unchangeable part of the human condition, Seneca dissects it, laying bare its root...

    10,98 €