Fenómenos inexplicables/paranormales

Salud y desarrollo personal / Mente, cuerpo y espíritu / Fenómenos inexplicables/paranormales (3173)

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  • Supernatural Tales Of The Native American Indians
    G.W. Mullins
    Native American Mythology began long before the European settlers arrived on North American soil.  Contrary to popular beliefs, there is more to Native American Folklore than stories of buffalo hunts, teepee living and animal stories.  Hundreds of tribes throughout North American created a huge mythological system that has rivaled that of the Greeks.Since the beginning of time ...

    15,82 €

  • Guía Secreta de la Murcia Mágica
    Benjamín Amo Fernández
    Hemos terminado por creer que una historia de misterio ha de estar ambientada en el Londres del XIX, en Transilvania o en una tumba perdida de Oriente Medio. Ahora sabemos que no, que no es así. La región de Murcia es un lugar plagado de misterios, leyendas y viejos mitos perdidos en la noche de los tiempos.Esta Guía Secreta de la Murcia Mágica te sumergirá en un viaje por algu...

    18,00 €

  • Evolution Diverted
    Mike Brenner
            Inspired by a fresh reading of humanity’s oldest tales, in this book we’ve journeyed to a place from which we’ve glimpsed a route of escape from the tragic condition of humankind. We began with a question. Looking first at civilization’s horrors, then directing our gaze to the splendor of the natural world, we wondered: how could it be that the most evolved species on E...

    13,77 €

  • Spiriting Through Christmas
    Peter Collins
    Its that time of year again! The time when we shut the curtains at four o'clock, the time when we walk home blowing clouds of steam as we go, and the time when we tell ghostly stories around a roaring fire.This book of fifteen spooky stories will leave you quaking, smiling and crying.  Take a trip along the haunted path to find ghosts in unexplained places... ...

    7,79 €

  • Imagining the End
    Jim Holte

    140,89 €

  • Beyond The Veil Of This Dimension
    Curtis Balsinger
    There’s a saying; “Life imitates art.” I believe that to be true, yet, somewhere beyond conscious reality lies a certain special place where the supernatural invades this vale of tears known to many as mundane. “Reality” as we know it, consists of filling up one’s life with things. Racing about like rats in a maze after the illusive cheese block of pension-filled dreams of the ...

    19,18 €

  • The Secret Commonwealth of Elves Fauns and Fairies
    Robert Kirk
    2019 Reprint of 1893 Edition Edited by Andrew Lang.  Robert Kirk (1644 –1692) was a minister, Gaelic scholar and folklorist, best known for The Secret Commonwealth, a treatise on fairy folklore, witchcraft, ghosts, and second sight (a type of extrasensory perception described as a phenomenon by the people of the Scottish Highlands.) Folklorist Stewart Sanderson and mythologist ...

    7,80 €

  • Ghosts, Spirits, and the Afterlife in Native American Indian Mythology And Folklore
    G.W. Mullins
    Native American history is filled with stories about animals, creation of the Earth and man, life lessons and of course ghosts... Ghosts, spirits, and the “walking dead” were often known to pay visits to their family and those left behind. Many of these stories revolved around lost loves and attempts to reclaim the person taken from them. Other stories spun tales of revenge and...

    13,09 €

  • More Star People, Sky Gods And Other Paranormal Tales Of The Native American Indians
    G.W. Mullins / G.WMullins
    In Native American history, there are many legends about UFOs, gods, the paranormal and aliens. There has always been a connection between Native Americans and beings from other parts of the universe, referred to as Star People. Perhaps due to familiarity with celestial fixtures, it has been easier for Native Americans to relate events they have experienced on earth with things...

    15,39 €

  • Getting To Forgiveness
    Susie Levan
    Getting to Forgiveness is a compelling, spellbinding and inspirational true story that takes the reader on a thrilling journey of tremendous highs and lows. Susie Levan provides a raw and penetrating account of the kidnapping ordeal she and her family endured, her Near-Death Experience and her subsequent PTSD with paralyzing anxiety and fear. She also shares her trials of her d...

    17,51 €

  • Getting To Forgiveness
    Susie Levan
    Getting to Forgiveness is a compelling, spellbinding and inspirational true story that takes the reader on a thrilling journey of tremendous highs and lows. Susie Levan provides a raw and penetrating account of the kidnapping ordeal she and her family endured, her Near-Death Experience and her subsequent PTSD with paralyzing anxiety and fear. She also shares her trials of her d...

    28,00 €

  • Mysteries of Portsmouth
    Matt Wingett / Matthew Wingett
    Available post-free in the UK from the publisher's website: www.lifeisamazing.co.uk. UFOs - King Arthur - Haunted Houses - Sea-serpents - The Holy Grail - Spirit Voices - Fortune Telling - Lost Lands - Ghost Ships - Mermaids - Tutankhamun’s Curse - Witchcraft...GOSPEL TRUTH OR FAKE NEWS?Join author Matt Wingett as he uncovers strange, bizarre and uncanny Portsmouth stories ...

    23,34 €

  • Testament to a New Dawn
    Michael Champion
    This collection of transcribed communications through ‘mind transference’ from spirit guides, teachers and Beings of Light offers profound guidance and sometimes warnings to the whole of humankind. Specifically, the authors connection with these beings came as a complete surprise while meditating when one of these beings appeared to him. Since then they have been constant compa...

    25,93 €

  • Johnny
    Aaron Allen
    Johnny - Catching Fire centers around a young man who is the subject of constant bullying at school. One day he prays that God will give him the strength of Samson, a character in the bible who is given supernatural strength by God. To his surprise God answers his prayers and he must decide whether he will use his power for good or to get even with those who bullied him. At ...

    12,46 €

  • The Real Self Love Handbook
    Andrea Pennington
    Self awareness is a fundamental principle in changing your mindset and loving yourself, especially when years of therapy, antidepressants and self-help books fall short.As a functional depressive, Dr. Andrea Pennington enjoyed a high powered media career with all the outer appearances of success. But she was miserable inside. After years of battling ‘Imposter Syndrome’ and cons...

    25,88 €

  • Guía Definitiva del Choque de OVNI en Roswell
    Noe Torres
    En esta edición revisada y actualizada, el autor Noe Torres nuevamente lleva a los lectores a un viaje inolvidable en el tiempo hasta julio de 1947, cuando algo de más allá de la Tierra cayó del cielo en el desierto al norte de Roswell, Nuevo México. Usando fotos históricas, mapas y testimonios de testigos, este libro lleva a los lectores a un recorrido detallado de la historia...

    12,06 €

  • Ultimate Guide to the Roswell UFO Crash
    Noe Torres
    In this revised, updated edition, author Noe Torres again takes readers on an unforgettable trip back in time to July 1947, when something from beyond Earth fell out of the sky in the desert north of Roswell, New Mexico. Using historical photos, maps, and eyewitness testimony, this book takes readers on a detailed tour of the Roswell story by visiting the actual places where ev...

    11,84 €

  • Bad Mind
    Karen Cavalli
    Quantum physics, black holes, astronomy… we often ponder and deliberate these topics across all social stratums, our workplaces, places of worship, and on social media. We are confident that a discussion of these subjects will not produce a round of derision from our peers. But what if we asked our co-workers about their encounters with otherworldly beings? What if we asked our...

    14,49 €

  • The Golden Star
    Jean Michaud
    The Golden Star is divided into twelve visions or chapters, which are typified not merely as levels of consciousness but also as states of matter above and below the level of our normal, waking consciousness and material thinking. Ma-u and Ma-uti, the pair of Egyptian pilgrims who are destined to go so far under the guidance of Neteru-hem, the Divine Messenger, are shadowy figu...

    28,45 €

  • The Truth about Acid - Exploring the LSD Compound and All the Hallucinogenic and Psychotherapy Properties
    Alex Gibbons
    Thinking about taking this magical drug? Ever wondered what exactly happens when you take LSD? Want to make sure you don't have a bad trip?In this unbiased book you'll explore the effects of LSD including the risks and benefits of taking it in the modern world. Educate yourself and learn the history of this psychedelic compound before you decide to go further with whate...

    7,80 €

  • The Real Cowboys & Aliens
    John LeMay / Noe Torres
    Long before the first airplane took flight, when nothing but birds should have been in the skies, the early residents of the United States witnessed bizarre unidentified flying objects of all sizes, shapes, and descriptions. They encountered strange beings that clearly were not human, including 'Men in Black' and possibly time travelers. They saw huge motherships, underwater UF...

    11,53 €

  • The Innkeeper on the Edge of Paris
    J. Schlenker / JSchlenker
    After living in conflict about following her heart versus staying in her comfort zone for three years following her divorce, Isa Muir announces to the shock of family and colleagues she is quitting her job as elementary school librarian and buying a one way ticket to France. She is drawn to a centuries-old inn on the outskirts of Paris. She never  expects her stay there will le...

    13,48 €

  • The Real Self Love Handbook
    Andrea Pennington
    Self awareness is a fundamental principle in changing your mindset and loving yourself, especially when years of therapy, antidepressants and self-help books fall short.As a functional depressive, Dr. Andrea Pennington enjoyed a high powered media career with all the outer appearances of success. But she was miserable inside. After years of battling ‘Imposter Syndrome’ and cons...

    21,95 €

  • Consciência Coletiva
    Dan Desmarques
    O termo consciência cósmica, ou consciência coletiva, embora amplamente estudado em psicologia, e explicado por muitos no campo da espiritualidade, nunca foi totalmente compreendido e esclarecido adequadamente em um nível mais alto do que o geralmente possível na Terra. E a razão para isso, é que tais termos geralmente são mal interpretados em uma escala mais ampla, pois como p...

    15,89 €

  • The Supernatural Science
    David Barreto
     This book serves as a gift for those who yearn for the literary style of the early days of spiritualism and theosophy. In Supernatural Science - Theory and Magic, the author, David Barreto, delves beyond basic concepts to explore deeply intriguing issues such as the physical, spiritual, and divine differences of God, the true nature of angels, planetary christs, and spiritual ...

    8,63 €

  • The Fight for My Soul
    Swithun English Wright Jr
    A young gifted woman who’s faith is tested, when the man she married turns out to be a devil worshiper. After giving birth to her fifth child, she finds out that her gift also fell upon her son. ...

    14,01 €

  • Ghost Writers
    Sam Baltrusis
    Sam Baltrusis, author of Wicked Salem: Exploring Lingering Lore andLegends, revisits the haunts associated with America’s most beloved writers of ghost stories, including Edgar Allan Poe’s enduring legacy in New York City to Nathaniel Hawthorne’s indelible imprint at the House of the Seven Gables in Salem, Massachusetts. ...

    14,87 €

  • Collective Consciousness
    Dan Desmarques
    The term cosmic consciousness, or collective consciousness, although widely studied in psychology, and explained by many in the field of spirituality, has never been fully understood and properly clarified at a higher level than the one made possible commonly on Earth. And the reason why, is that these terms are often misinterpreted on a wider scale, for how could we use words ...

    15,86 €

  • The Chimes (Cactus Classics Large Print)
    Charles Dickens / Marc Cactus
    THE CHIMES: A GOBLIN STORY (With illustrations from the original 1844 edition.)by CHARLES DICKENSEDITION: Cactus Classics Large Print - 16 Point FontFONT: 16 point GaramondBOOK TRIM SIZE: 6" x 9" (15.2 cm x 22.9 cm)COVER: GlossyPAPER: CreamTABLE OF CONTENTS: YesTABLE OF ILLUSTRATIONS: YesCactus Classics Large Print (16 point size) editions are typeset with the Garamond font. Th...

    22,78 €

  • White Stones
    Kit Domino
    Strange forces are at work causing Penny Cornwall to see and hear people from the past and feel all their emotions. More disconcerting is the tune she does not recognise play over and over inside the English Cotswold stone cottage she shares with Harry Winchester. The music will not go away, spoiling the rural idyll she and Harry have found. And so begins a fruitless search to ...

    14,37 €