Estudios literarios: poesía y poetas

Literatura y estudios literarios / Literatura: historia y crítica / Estudios literarios: poesía y poetas (7900)

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  • Mallarmé
    Christian R Gelder / Christian R. Gelder / Christian RGelder / Robert Boncardo
    Featuring original interviews with three of the most important theorists of the 21st century, this volume clarifies the relationship between contemporary French philosophy and poetry. The interviews demonstrate how Rancière, Milner, and Badiou are all in conversation with one another on various points. ...

    42,44 €

  • Sidney to Milton, 1580-1660
    Marion Wynne-Davies

    60,33 €

  • The Way of Tanka
    Naomi Beth Wakan
    The Way of Tanka is an approachable yet comprehensive examination of the Japanese form of poetry known as tanka. The author, Naomi Beth Wakan, discusses its roots in early Japanese courts where it was considered the poetry of lovers, as well as its adaptation to western culture and the characteristics that separate it from the more popular form of Japanese poetry: haiku. Throug...

    11,77 €

  • Visiones de William Blake
    Daniela Picón
    Poeta y pintor revolucionario, punto de arranquede la radicalidad expresiva moderna, genial eincomprendido, William Blake marcó el curso de laimaginación literaria y artística de los siglos XIX yXX. La naturaleza visionaria de su obra y la audazinnovación de sus técnicas creativas cautivarone inspiraron a poetas, pintores, pensadores eintelectuales a lo largo del tiempo. Desde ...

    36,40 €

  • Communication Images in Derek Walcott’s Poetry
    Sadia Gill
    This book investigates the potential purpose of recurrent communication images in the poetry of Derek Walcott. The recipient of the Nobel Prize for literature in 1992, Walcott is one of the most important postcolonial poets of the 20th century. His poetry delves into the dynamics of Caribbean marginalization and seeks to safeguard the paradigms characteristic of his island home...

    88,26 €

  • The Green Book - Ode to Love
    Helene Lundbye Petersen
    The Green Book – Ode to Love, is the fifth book of artist and thinker Helene Lundbye Petersen's 'Colour Spectrum of 11 Spaces'. The Colour Spectrum is an artwork comprised of eleven manuscripts that seek to explore the complexities of contemporary life and represent spaces of courage, perspective, inspiration and hope. Five of the books within 'Colour Spectrum o...

    49,65 €

  • International Companion to James Macpherson and The Poems of Ossian
    Dafydd Moore
    James Macpherson’s “Poems of Ossian”, first published from 1760 as Fragments of Ancient Poetry, were the literary sensation of the age. Attacked by Samuel Johnson and others as “forgeries”, nonetheless the poems enthralled readers around the world, attracting rapturous admiration from figures as diverse as Goethe, Diderot, Jefferson, Bonaparte and Mendelssohn. This Internationa...

    33,64 €

  • The Wreck of the Deutschland
    Gerard Manley Hopkins
    Nigel Foxell’s first and scholarly book, Ten Poems Analysed (Pergamon Press, 1966), concluded with his study of Gerard Manley Hopkins’ masterpiece, ‘The Wreck of the Deutschland’, that “magisterially eccentric work of genius” in the phrase of Geoffrey Hill. Over fifty years on, this is the chapter Foxell has chosen to reprint.    Along with the poem, the new book contains his I...

    15,84 €

  • Spectral Realms No. 6
    Richard L. Tierney / Richard LTierney / W. H. Pugmire / WHPugmire
    This sixth issue of the acclaimed Hippocampus Press journal of weird poetry features distinctive poems by John Shirley, W. H. Pugmire, Wade German, Ann K. Schwader, and many other leading contemporary poets. The legendary Richard L. Tierney contributes two powerful poems, and poets ranging from Kyla Lee Ward to Darrell Schweitzer to Jessica Amanda Salmonson contribute verses of...

    16,60 €

  • The Other Color of Love
    Gene Edwards
    Love yourself...just as you are. The Other Color of Love is a collection of poems offered as an adventure into the spirit of the imagination, into the heart and soul. Imagination constantly impels us and nurtures us with eternal gifts of love, beauty, and truth. Our choice to be honest with ourselves and others-and our awareness that there is more to our existence-sets us free....

    14,12 €

  • The Incarnation of the Poetic Word
    Michael Martin
    In The Incarnation of the Poetic Word, Michael Martin brings together the worlds of theology, philosophy, and literary studies through the introduction of agapeic criticism, a method of inquiry characterized by reverence and attention, exploring what truly lives in the written word. ...

    32,27 €

  • The Incarnation of the Poetic Word
    Michael Martin
    In The Incarnation of the Poetic Word, Michael Martin brings together the worlds of theology, philosophy, and literary studies through the introduction of agapeic criticism, a method of inquiry characterized by reverence and attention, exploring what truly lives in the written word. ...

    22,88 €

  • Polysituatedness
    John Kinsella
    John Kinsella is one of the pre-eminent poets writing today; Polysituatedness provides a sequel to his critical work Disclosed Poetics. If offers an approach to creating poems and literary texts constituted by multiple places, considering the relationships that occur between place, individual and the natural environment. ...

    181,02 €

  • Route 66 and Its Sorrows
    Carolyn Miller
    Carolyn Miller is a lyric poet of redeeming grace and intense clarity. Her poems are grounded in a sense of the marvelous, as if viewing life through a jewel, transforming the dark world of memory and desire into a luminous presence. She is a master of distilled moments. The mood of the poems in Route 66 and Its Sorrows is both elegiac and celebratory. She returns us to what is...

    17,71 €

  • Lady Anne
    Antjie Krog
    This is the first English translation of an award winning book published in Afrikaans in 1989. It engages critically and creatively with a key moment of colonial history—the time Lady Anne Barnard spent at the Cape of Good Hope, from 1797 to 1802. Antjie Krog powerfully brings together the historical and the poetic in a turbulent South Africa. ...

    29,96 €

  • Zeuxis y azeuxis y otras cuestiones métricas
    Esteban Torre Serrano
    Hace ya algunos años (El ritmo del verso. Murcia: Universidad, 1999), hice algunas propuestas para el análisis y la interpretación de los elementos estructurales del verso español. Ante todo, hemos de considerar el verso como la unidad rítmica fundamental del conjunto poemático. El armazón rítmico del verso está constituido por sílabas y acentos. El acento no representa en el v...

    20,00 €

  • Phantom Laundry
    Michael Tyrell
    Michael Tyrell is the author of The Wanted (The National Poetry Review Press, 2012) and his poems have appeared in many magazines, including Agni, The Canary, Fogged Clarity, The New York Times, The Paris Review, Ploughshares, and The Yale Review. With Julia Spicher Kasdorf, he edited the anthology Broken Land: Poems of Brooklyn (NYU Press, 2007). He teaches at New York Univers...

    10,24 €

  • Phantom Laundry
    Michael Tyrell
    Michael Tyrell poems have appeared in many publications, including Agni, The Best American Poetry 2015, The Iowa Review, The New Republic, The New York Times, The Paris Review, Ploughshares, Verse Daily, and The Yale Review.  His first collection, The Wanted, appeared in 2012 from the National Poetry Review Press. Phantom Laundry is his second poetry collection.“Wet and cold my...

    18,62 €

  • Poetry as Spiritual Practice
    Robert McDowell

    16,39 €

  • Engaging the Shoah through the Poetry of Dan Pagis
    Shellie Gordon McCullough
    By analyzing the Holocaust poetry of Dan Pagis and correlating it to his biography through the identifying tropes of Pagis’s literature, this book reveals that the speakers of Pagis’ poems embody a resistance to traditional historical, temporal, and structural narratives while also outlining the scarring effects of trauma continually revisited through poetic engagement. ...

    107,40 €

  • Poetic Salvage
    Tara Prescott
    This book provides new explications of Loy’s most redolent poems from The Lost Lunar Baedeker. It offers a short biography, an explanation of Loy’s composition process, and compelling close readings that uncover the source materials that inspired her poetry, including modern artwork, Baedekertravel guides, and long-forgotten cultural venues. ...

    121,80 €

  • Voice and Versification in Translating Poems
    James Underhill
    Great poets like Shelley and Goethe have made the claim that translating poems is impossible. And yet, poems are translated; not only that, but the metrical systems of English, French, Italian, German, Russian and Czech have been shaped by the translation of poems. Our poetic traditions are inspired by translations of Homer, Dante, Goethe and Baudelaire. How can we explain this...

    49,42 €

  • Whitman
    John Burroughs
    This is John Burroughs’ 1896 biographical treatise of Walt Whitman, 'Whitman: A Study'. It constitutes a profound and comprehensive insight into the mind and work of one of America’s greatest poets by another of America’s great men of letters. This fantastic book is highly recommended for all lovers of literature, and it is not to be missed by fans of Burroughs’ work. John Burr...

    23,33 €

  • Elizabeth Bishop and Translation
    Mariana Machova
    This book offers a discussion of Elizabeth Bishop’s translations through close-readings of a selection of poems, with particular attention to the features that relate them to translation, and suggests that translation can be seen as a poetic principle that can be related to the poet’s original works. ...

    129,37 €

  • Last Poems
    A. E. Housman / AEHousman / William Rothenstein
    'Last Poems' is a 1936 collection of poetry by A. E. Housman. The poems include: 'The West', 'Llic Jacet', 'Grenadier', 'Lancer', 'The Deserter', 'The Culprit', 'Eight O’Clock', 'Spring Morning', 'Astronomy', 'Epithalamium', 'The Oracles', 'Sinner’s Rue', 'Hell’s Gate', 'Revolution', 'Epitaph On An Army Of Mercenaries', and 'Fancy’s Knell'. Alfred Edward Housman (1859-1936), al...

    34,74 €

  • 'The Soul Exceeds Its Circumstances'
    Eugene O’Brien
    The Soul Exceeds its Circumstances brings together sixteen of the most prominent scholars who have written on Seamus Heaney to examine the Nobel Prize winner’s later poetry from a variety of critical and theoretical perspectives. While a great deal of attention has been devoted to Heaney’s early and middle poems-the Bog Poems in particular-this book focuses on the poetry collec...

    54,63 €

  • Zoopoetics
    Aaron M. Moe / Aaron MMoe
    Zoopoetics exposes the continuity of poiesis across human/animal spheres. It contributes new ways of seeing animals within the poetic tradition and beyond. ...

    65,04 €

  • The Companion to Richard Berengarten
    This book, which accompanies the author’s Selected Writings series, guides readers through the many-faceted poetic output of Richard Berengarten (formerly Burns). Berengarten has been a crucial presence in contemporary poetry for over forty years — not only as poet but also as translator, critic and driving force behind the legendary Cambridge Poetry Festival — and his poetry h...

    35,03 €

  • Fault Lines
    Gary Beck
    There are cracks in our foundation. Undeniable fractures that divide society when we should be standing united. Poet Gary Beck returns with another collection that examines the disconnect, the unchallenged chaos, and the possible downfall of humanity. Much like his collections Civilized Ways and Perceptions, Fault Lines brings us through the delicate ups and downs of lives that...

    14,27 €

  • Heretic Blood
    Michael W. Higgins / Michael WHiggins
    Thirty years after his death, we are finally catching up to Thomas Merton as one of the greatest spiritual figures of the twentieth century. The genius and spirituality of this unusual man could not be contained in his life as a monk but spilled over richly into his life and work as a poet, critic, rebel, sage, and even artist and photographer.Merton was aware that he had heret...

    39,30 €