Estudios literarios: poesía y poetas

Literatura y estudios literarios / Literatura: historia y crítica / Estudios literarios: poesía y poetas (7899)

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  • The English Poetic Mind
    Charles Williams
    ’The English Poetic Mind’ (1932) is Williams’ discussion of the source of the poetic impulse, creativity and drive behind three prominent English poets: Shakespeare, Milton and Wordsworth. The text is reflective of Williams’ imaginative and critical approach to literature and his appreciation of poetry and verse. Charles Williams (1886-1945) was a British theologian, playwright...

    25,64 €

  • A Short Life of Shakespeare - With the Sources
    Charles Williams / Edmund Chambers
    This work is Charles Williams’ abridgement of a study on Shakespeare produced by Sir Edmund Chambers in 1930. Williams intended his version to chronicle Shakespeare’s life in a more accessible and personal way. Charles Williams (1886-1945) was a British theologian, playwright, novelist and poet. As a member of the ’Inklings’ literary group at Oxford, his work supported a strong...

    28,88 €

  • The Figure of Beatrice - A Study in Dante
    Charles Williams
    ’The Figure of Beatrice’ is an analytical discussion of the character by the same name who features heavily in the writings of Dante. Originally published in 1943, Williams’ essay is a thought-provoking interpretation of Dante and both the human and divine aspects associated with love. Charles Williams (1886-1945) was a British theologian, playwright, novelist and poet. As a me...

    25,59 €

  • Poetry at Present
    Charles Williams
    ’Poetry at Present’ (1930), written by Charles Williams, a reader of significant works of contemporary poetry. Williams’ described the essays in his book as ’utilitarian’, and he intended them to be used as a non-critical aid to poetry reading and interpretation. Charles Williams (1886-1945) was a British theologian, playwright, novelist and poet. As a member of the ’Inklings’ ...

    25,60 €

  • The Sour Fruit
    Patane Vincenzo / Vincenzo Patanè / John Francis Phillimore
    Both Lord Byron’s poetry and his fame as a seducer enchanted and scandalized his time. The Sour Fruit. Lord Byron, Love & Sex examines the poet’s versatile sexuality, from his liaisons to his grand loves, female and above all male, in an era when homosexuality could lead to the gallows. ...

    128,93 €

  • Boccaccio’s Corpus
    James C. Kriesel / James CKriesel
    In Boccaccio’s Corpus, James C. Kriesel explores how medieval ideas about the body and gender inspired Boccaccio’s vernacular and Latin writings. Scholars have observed that Boccaccio distinguished himself from Dante and Petrarch by writing about women, erotic acts, and the sexualized body. On account of these facets of his texts, Boccaccio has often been heralded as a protorea...

    91,71 €

  • Jack Kerouac and the Traditions of Classic and Modern Haiku
    Yoshinobu Hakutani
    This book explores the influence of Buddhist ontology, Zen, and Confucian philosophies, as well as Jack Kerouac's own experiences in wandering and meditating in the fields and on the mountains in America, on the development and composition of his haiku. ...

    129,20 €

  • La poética interior de Octavio Paz
    Diego Martínez Torrón
    Diego Martínez Torrón es catedrático de Literatura Española en la Universidad de Córdoba y escritor, especialista en Literatura Española Contemporánea y en la obra de Cervantes.Su tesina y tesis doctorales versaron sobre la obra de Octavio Paz, y su libro Variables poéticas de Octavio Paz fue el primero que sobre este autor se publicó en España, en donde era conocido solo en cí...

    18,46 €

  • Traces of the Sun (Chinese Edition)
    Jue Chang / 決長
    陽光、空氣、水,心臟、地球、今天。人類的財富就是這些,人們常想著增加財富,但地球就只有這麼大。人類的財富就是這些,也許可以稍微拉高一點點使用效率,但大概就這麼多吧。資源不會增加了,固定的資源人們可以創造出什麼呢?人要怎麼運用地球呢?  3 ...

    16,43 €

  • Staying Open
    “Staying Open, Charles Olson’s Sources and Influences” investigates the inter-disciplinary influences on the work of the mid-Century American poet, Charles Olson. This edited collection of essays covers Olson’s diverse non-literary interests, including his engagement with the music of John Cage and Pierre Boulez, his interests in abstract expressionism, and his readings of phil...

    83,70 €

  • Thomas Merton
    Sonia Petisco Martínez
    El presente volumen cifra su interés en el análisis riguroso de la poesía completa de Thomas Merton, famoso en todo el mundo por su autobiografía 'La montaña de los siete círculos'. Merton fue autor fecundo de numerosos libros en prosa y en verso que han sido traducidos a más de veinte idiomas y que tuvieron una gran repercusión en el ámbito de los estudios norteamericanos, así...

    19,50 €

  • Poetry Book Society Winter 2018 Bulletin
    Alice Kate Mullen
    The Poetry Book Society was founded by T.S. Eliot in 1953 to 'propagate the art of poetry'. The Poetry Book Society Winter 2018 Bulletin features a wide range of exciting new poetry publications, reviewed by expert poet selectors Sandeep Parmar, Vidyan Ravinthiran, George Szirtes, AB Jackson, Degna Stone and Anthony Anaxagorou. WINTER SELECTIONS October, November, December 2018...

    10,29 €

    Robert Hass

    17,61 €

  • Leaves of Grass

    20,11 €

  • The Poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins
    Gerard Manley Hopkins
    Gerard Manley Hopkins is known for his powerful, emotive verse.  A devout Christian who sought to convey the majesty of God and his creation, along with the fall of man and his redemption in and through Christ, Hopkins has been well-received and regarded by lovers of poetry of all stripes.  Unfortunately, Hopkins died young, a scant 44 years old, leaving the earth poorer for it...

    19,47 €

  • Ranches of Isolation
    Sally Connolly
    Sally Connolly has a sharp ear for how poetry sounds, for where it originates and where it ends up, and she’s in a good position to say, not just thanks to her knowledge of things Irish and Irish English and British English and American, but thanks to her knowledge about the guts of poems: past and present, early-career and deeply canonical, out-there and close to the heart, ou...

    20,25 €

  • Dread Poetry and Freedom
    David Austin
    What is the relationship between poetry and social change? Standing at the forefront of political poetry since the 1970s, Linton Kwesi Johnson has been fighting neo-fascism, police violence and promoting socialism while putting pen to paper to refute W.H. Auden’s claim that ’poetry makes nothing happen’. For Johnson, only the second living poet to have been published in the Pen...

    126,80 €

  • Contemporary Chaucer across the centuries
    This collection gathers leading international scholars in the humanities, who offer cutting-edge responses to the writings of Geoffrey Chaucer for the current critical moment. The range of methodological approaches exemplifies significant trends in medieval literary and medievalism studies, providing a springboard for future research. ...

    163,52 €

  • What Persists
    Judith Kitchen
    What Persists contains eighteen of the nearly fifty essays on poetry that Judith Kitchen published in The Georgia Review over a twenty-five-year span. Coming at the genre from every possible angle, this celebrated critic discusses work by older and younger poets, most American but some foreign, and many of whom were not yet part of the contemporary canon. Her essays reveal a cu...

    36,35 €

  • Paris and the Marginalized Author
    This volume explores what it is that has brought marginalized writers together by way of Paris. Spanning from the inter-war period to the present millennium, we consider the questions that have influenced and continue to shape the realm of exiled writers who have sought refuge in Paris in order to write. ...

    129,15 €

  • La futuridad absoluta de Vicente Huidobro
    La aproximacion del presente libro apunta a entablar una conversacion con, y posteriormente, responder a, un movimiento hecho desde la 'absoluta modernidad' hasta una absoluta futuridad de los proyectos textuales del poeta chileno Vicente Huidobro (1893-1948). Los escritos huidobrianos son continuamente contemporaneos en un sentido extremo y urgente, e invitan a constantes rein...

    37,76 €

  • Coming of Age
    Farah Gamute
    In this well researched study, Farah A Gamuute reveals the various uses of the metrical unit in Somali Poetry and the interaction between the metrical unit, music and the language. 64 genres or measures were identified and fully analysed; the number of genres possible in Somali poetry is still being counted and three new genres have been identified while awaiting publication of...

    70,17 €

  • La poesía temprana (9-10) de Emily Dickinson
    Emily Dickinson
    Este es el quinto volumen de un proyecto cuyo objetivo es la traducción y lectura crítica de los cuadernillos de Emily Dickinson, cuarenta secuencias poéticas cortas que plantean una serie de preguntas acerca de las intenciones y los logros artísticos de la misteriosa autora norteamericana. La traducción de cada cuadernillo va acompañada de un comentario crítico con el fin de e...

    14,00 €

  • The Zukofsky Era
    Ruth Jennison
    Zukofsky, Oppen, and Niedecker wrote with a diversity of formal strategies but a singularity of purpose: the crafting of an anticapitalist poetics.Inaugurated in 1931 by Louis Zukofsky, Objectivist poetry gave expression to the complex contours of culture and politics in America during the Great Depression. This study of Zukofsky and two others in the Objectivist constellation,...

    60,46 €

  • El poema digresivo romántico en España y en Polonia
    Justyna Cecylia Nowicka
    A través del poema digresivo se muestran los aspectos vitales del romanticismo, ante la circunstancia de que abarca y plasma la totalidad de la evolución del sujeto, así como de la lírica y la épica románticas. Este libro constituye una introducción a la compleja temática relacionada con él, tanto en lo que atañe a sus características generales, como en lo que es específico de ...

    22,50 €

  • Made and the Found
    The relationship between the made and the found is one of the most fertile tensions in modern French literature. This collection of critical and creative writing explores how the interplay between the given and the imagined, the real and the virtual, the world as we find it and the world as we make it, functions as a generative matrix for literary experimentation. Each contribu...

    17,52 €

  • Perpetual Motion
    Michael Sheringham
    Perpetual Motion is a collection of studies which aims to offer new sightlines between surrealism, the age of André Breton (1896-1966), and the postmodernism of such contemporary poets as Pierre Alferi (1963-). For Sheringham, a sense of motion and plasticity flows through the last century of French poetry, and reveals itself through themes of rhythm, inspiration, sensation, lo...

    20,30 €

  • Accent, Rhythm and Meaning in French Verse
    Roger Pensom
    This book frames and tests a theory of the nature and role of accent and rhythm in French verse, and of their relationship with meaning. A clear and continuing tradition emerges, spanning a thousand years in the writing of poetry in French. Far from accent being irrelevant to metre, as is widely assumed, patterns of alternating accent prove indispensable for the perception of m...

    133,11 €

  • Pinter’s World
    William Baker
    Pinter’s World presents an analysis based on recently published biographies and reminiscences and extensive consultation of Pinter’s archive at the British Library, of his friendships, and obsessions. Topics extend beyond the subject’s drama and screen plays, to his prose, journalism, poetry, letters, and artistic endeavors. ...

    142,79 €

  • The Latest Winter
    Maggie Nelson
    ’Maggie Nelson is one of the most electrifying writers at work in America today, among the sharpest and most supple thinkers of her generation’Olivia LaingIn this, her second anthology of poetry, Maggie Nelson experiments with poetic forms long and short as she charts intimate landscapes, including the poet’s enmeshment in a beloved city-New York-before and after the events of ...

    16,44 €