Estudios literarios: poesía y poetas

Literatura y estudios literarios / Literatura: historia y crítica / Estudios literarios: poesía y poetas (7875)

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  • Poetic Inquiry as Social Justice and Political Response
    This volume speaks to the use of poetry in critical qualitative research and practice focused on social justice. In this collection, poetry is a response, a call to action, agitation, and a frame for future social justice work. The authors engage with poetry’s potential for connectivity, political power, and evocation through methodological, theoretical, performative, and empir...

    79,05 €

  • Monsters and the poetic imagination in The Faerie Queene
    Maik Goth
    The first ever book-length account of Spenser’s monsters and their relation to the poetic imagination in the Renaissance. ...

    41,56 €

  • A Life in a Poem
    David Rosenberg
    In 1990, the international bestseller, The Book of J (1990), co-authored by David Rosenberg and Harold Bloom (Grove; Faber in the U.K.) was followed by several books of poetry and prose (A Poet’s Bible is the first biblical translation to win a major literary award), and then, in 2013, A Life in a Poem began as a Guggenheim Fellowship project. Now, in this trailblazing narrativ...

    24,69 €

  • Poetry Book Society Summer 2019 Bulletin
    Alice Kate Mullen
    The Poetry Book Society was founded by T.S. Eliot in 1953 to 'propagate the art of poetry'. The Poetry Book Society Summer 2019 Bulletin features a wide range of exciting new poetry publications, reviewed by expert poet selectors Sandeep Parmar, Vidyan Ravinthiran, George Szirtes, AB Jackson, Degna Stone and Anthony Anaxagorou. SUMMER SELECTIONS April, May, June 2019 Choice: De...

    7,66 €

  • The Robert Sheppard Companion
    Christopher Madden / James Byrne
    Robert Sheppard has been at the forefront of innovative poetry since the 1980s. From early contact with Bob Cobbing, Robert Creeley, and Lee Harwood, and a rejection of Movement orthodoxy, Sheppard quickly began to form/reform our perceptions of British poetry. This wide-ranging volume celebrates the writings of Sheppard, offering extensive of his work—from poet, to critic, edi...

    24,09 €

  • The New Emily Dickinson Studies
    Michlle Kohler

    126,37 €

  • The Neglected Poetry
    Maria Luisa González Biosca
    This book collects for the first time a compendium of poems written in English by brigadists, sanitary personnel and journalists that participated or were involved in the Spanish Civil War, as well as by intellectuals, writers and journalists that supported the republican cause from the outside. The anthology starts from a previous historical framework in which this poetic lega...

    16,00 €

  • George Herbert’s 82
    Nathan H. Nelson / Nathan HNelson
    English-literature scholars have long recognized George Herbert’s frequent allusions to the psalms in his early-seventeenth-century poetry, especially in his collection called The Temple. Biblical scholars have long attempted to categorize the Hebrew psalms according to one overarching principle or another. Most discussions of Herbert’s psalmic borrowings are restricted to expl...

    12,02 €

  • George Herbert’s 82
    Nathan H. Nelson / Nathan HNelson
    English-literature scholars have long recognized George Herbert’s frequent allusions to the psalms in his early-seventeenth-century poetry, especially in his collection called The Temple. Biblical scholars have long attempted to categorize the Hebrew psalms according to one overarching principle or another. Most discussions of Herbert’s psalmic borrowings are restricted to expl...

    30,68 €

  • Lawrence Durrell’s Poetry
    Isabelle Keller-Privat
    Lawrence Durrell’s Poetry offers an in-depth analysis of Lawrence Durrell’s entire poetic opus, from his early collections in the 1940s up to his last one published in 1973. Thirty years of Durrellian poetry are brought together in order to unveil the genesis of Durrell’s writing, both poetic and fictional. ...

    149,49 €

  • Road Atlas
    Campbell McGrath
    From Brazil to Manitoba, Las Vegas to Miami Beach, 1999 MacArthur Fellow Campbell McGrath charts a poetics of place and everyday experience. Road Atlas is personal, provocative and accessible -- the finest work yet from 'the most Swiftian poet of his generation' (David Biespiel, Hungry Mind Review). ...

    15,11 €

  • Divine Love
    Jeanne de la Mothe Guyon
    In this book, visual and poetic emblems of God’s love, created by Otto van Veen and Jeanne Guyon, symbolically represent spiritual meaning and, as such, offer a gift of revealed strength and purpose to the aware reader. In our age, when love seems almost forgotten, this emblem book uniting Guyon’s poetry and D’Othon Vaenius’s illustrations give us a faithful look into what migh...

    20,38 €

  • Divine Love
    Jeanne de la Mothe Guyon
    In this book, visual and poetic emblems of God’s love, created by Otto van Veen and Jeanne Guyon, symbolically represent spiritual meaning and, as such, offer a gift of revealed strength and purpose to the aware reader. In our age, when love seems almost forgotten, this emblem book uniting Guyon’s poetry and D’Othon Vaenius’s illustrations give us a faithful look into what migh...

    36,56 €

  • Staying Open
    “Staying Open, Charles Olson’s Sources and Influences” investigates the inter-disciplinary influences on the work of the mid-Century American poet, Charles Olson. This edited collection of essays covers Olson’s diverse non-literary interests, including his engagement with the music of John Cage and Pierre Boulez, his interests in abstract expressionism, and his readings of phil...

    75,98 €

  • Elizabeth Bishop and Translation
    Mariana Machova
    This book offers a discussion of Elizabeth Bishop’s translations through close-readings of a selection of poems, with particular attention to the features that relate them to translation, and suggests that translation can be seen as a poetic principle that can be related to the poet’s original works. ...

    50,47 €

  • Fiddled out of Reason
    John William Knapp
    Fiddled out of Reason examines Addison's poetic oeuvre in context of the nondevotional hymn, an underexplored genre of eighteenth-century verse. It concentrates on poems such as Addison's Cecilian odes, Rosamond, and five hymnic works for The Spectator, as well as Dryden's “Song for St Cecilia's Day” and “Alexander's Feast” and Pope's “Messiah.” ...

    142,84 €

  • Ollam
    Anders Ahlqvist / Fergus Kelly / Matthieu Boyd
    Ollam explores aspects of the Gaelic literary tradition and related traditions, with a focus on early and medieval Ireland. Topics include heroic legend, law and language, and poetry and poetics; genres covered include saga literature, law-texts, annals, bardic poetry (some of it edited and translated for the first time), and folklore. ...

    57,99 €

  • Belgium Stripped Bare
    Charles Baudelaire / Rainer J Hanshe
    In April of 1864, Baudelaire departed Paris for Brussels with something of a massive shipwreck in his wake: his major work, Les fleurs du Mal, had been condemned and censored a decade earlier, many of his other works were out of print, and he pawned his prized Poe translations to gain much needed survival money. Fearful of being imprisoned for debt, the poet who was an outcast ...

    17,21 €

  • Viaje del Parnaso en un lujoso crucero
    Salvador García Jiménez
    Este ensayo propone un viaje real al Parnaso con poetas españoles e hispanoamericanos,a imitación del viaje aurisecular imaginado por Miguel de Cervantes. Su título: Viaje del Parnaso en un lujoso crucero, donde se embarcarán miles de poetas, ofrece una simetría o paralelismo entre la navegación en galera de Cervantes y el crucero llamado MSC Poe¬sía (así le denomina la naviera...

    27,91 €

  • LGBTQ Fiction and Poetry from Appalachia

    26,31 €

  • Beshrew
    Danielle Pafunda
    From Shakespeare's Sonnet 133, 'Beshrew that heart that makes my heart to groan!'  Danielle Pafunda has crafted a series of tightly packed lines in an untitled blank-- or, busted, broken and halved-- verse. Sonnets that lead the reader to her harbor, letting them choose their own ghosts in this deliciously noir and playfully speculative new body of poems. 3 ...

    17,74 €

  • Native Voices
    'I write from a continuous space of erasure. Poetry was the one way that I was able to hold history, geography, and language.' - Craig Santos Perez, contributorIn this groundbreaking anthology of Indigenous poetry and prose, Native poems, stories, and essays are informed with a knowledge of both what has been lost and what is being restored. It offers a diverse collec...

    25,65 €

  • God’s Exiles and English Verse
    John D Niles / John D. Niles
    This is the first integrative, historically grounded book to be written about the Exeter Book of Old English poetry. By approaching the Exeter codex as a whole, the book seeks to establish a sound footing for the understanding of any and all of its parts, seen as devout yet cosmopolitan expressions of late Anglo-Saxon literary culture. 2 illus. ...

    132,78 €

  • De la nature des choses
    De rerum natura (De la nature des choses), plus souvent appelé De natura rerum, est un grand poème en langue latine du poète philosophe latin Lucrèce, qui vécut au 1er siècle avant notre ère. Composé de six livres totalisant 7 400 hexamètres dactyliques, mètre classique utilisé traditionnellement pour le genre épique, il constitue une traduction de la doctrine d’Épicure.Le poèm...

    11,02 €

  • Escritura en quechua y sociedad serrana en transformación:
    Alan Durston
    Entre 1920 y 1960 se dio en el Perú un boom literario en quechua caracterizado por la aparición de nuevos géneros -como el teatro 'costumbrista', en el que se retrataba la vida rural contemporáne- y por una inspiración regionalista. Los autores eran bilingües y pertenecían a la clase profesional de centros urbanos de la sierra sur del Perú donde aún predominaba el uso del quech...

    18,72 €

  • Hallazgo y traducción de poesía chilena
    Dave Oliphant
    Hallazgo y traduccion de poesia chilena es una coleccion de escrituras que traza mas de cincuenta anos de la carrera de Dave Oliphant, aficionado y traductor de la gran tradicion de la poesia de Chile. De los veinte articulos, ensayos, resenas e introducciones en esta coleccion, tres estudios comparativos sobre Vicente Huidobro y Nicanor Parra, Parra y Miguel de Cervantes, y En...

    38,39 €

  • Walk Around
    David Blair
    Reading David Blair’s book of essays is like taking a walk with a smart, well-read friend— and before you know it, you’ve learned an enormous amount about a wide range of topics: Ella Fitzgerald, Robert Lowell, and Tomaž Šalamun, with references to Welcome Back, Kotter, and Cosmo Topper along the way. 3 ...

    20,75 €

  • A History of African American Poetry
    Lauri Ramey

    120,31 €

  • Beautiful & Pointless
    David Orr

    16,59 €

  • The Origins Of Proletarian Poetics
    Nigel Pearce
    Dare to write, dare to win. A study of working-class poetry and poetics.‘Do you love poetry? But like many people do you think only people like William Wordsworth, Elizabeth Barrett-Browning, Lord Tennyson and those from similar social backgrounds were writing verse in the 19th century, the birth of capitalism?This study seeks to illustrate that working-class poets and their su...

    17,37 €