Estudios literarios: poesía y poetas

Literatura y estudios literarios / Literatura: historia y crítica / Estudios literarios: poesía y poetas (7875)

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  • Gómez Manrique, Statesman and Poet
    Gisèle Earle
    Gómez Manrique (c.1412-c.1490) had a long and active life, engaging in military activity as a typical medieval knight before becoming a diplomat and statesman. He was deeply involved in the political turbulence of fifteenth-century Castile, playing an important role in bringing together Fernando of Aragon and the infanta Isabel of Castile whose marriage sealed the union of thes...

    17,62 €

  • Florida Sketches
    Thomas Peter Bennett
    FLORIDA SKETCHES: William Baldwin Follows Bartram’s Tracks is a collection of poetry based on letters written during Baldwin’s travels (1813–1817) along William Bartram’s Florida trails.William Bartram (1739–1823)—the revered botanist and early American explorer of Florida—and his Travels (1791) are introduced to the reader in the frontispiece with a poem and a photograph of hi...

    16,82 €

  • A Cast-Iron Aeroplane That Can Actually Fly
    Peter Johnson
    A solid collection of prose poems written by some of the best American practitioners of the genre. It also provides a good way of looking at the prose poem as a legitimate genre by focusing on what the poets themselves have to say about their own work. 3 ...

    18,65 €

  • Hand in Hand
    diverse schrijvers en dichters / Hannie Rouweler
    Gelegenheidsuitgave, bijdragen van Job Degenaar, Wim van Til, Marion de Vos, Pien Storm van Leeuwen, Gerhard te Winkel, Maarten van den Elzen, Yvan de Maesschalck, Mark Meekers, Roger Nupie en Hannie Rouweler. Gedichten en verhalen. ...

    13,64 €

  • Conversations with Robert Morgan
    Robert Morgan (b. 1944) is one of the most distinguished writers in southern and Appalachian literature, celebrated for his novels, poetry, short fiction, and historical and biographical writing, totaling more than thirty volumes. Morgan's work gives voice to the traditionally underrepresented people of southern Appalachia, and his appearances in such popular venues as The ...

    158,32 €

  • Première leçon du cours de poétique
    Paul Valéry
    «... Tous les arts admettaient, naguère, d’être soumis chacun selon sa nature, à certaines formes ou modes obligatoires qui s’imposaient à toutes les œuvres du même genre, et qui pouvaient et devaient s’apprendre, comme l’on fait la syntaxe d’une langue. On ne consentait pas que les effets qu’une œuvre peut produire, si puissants ou si heureux fussent-ils, fussent des gages suf...

    7,32 €

  • Poesía completa. Edición, estudio introductorio y apéndices documentales de Amauri Gutiérrez Coto
    Ambrosio Echemendía
    El presente volumen es la primera edición completa de la poesía del poeta afrodescendiente Ambrosio Echemendía, de quien se ha dicho en la Encyclopedia of the African and African American Experience (2003): «Although an exceptional poet, he has not been studied as other nineteenth-century black Cuban intellectual figures such as Plácido, Juan Francisco Manzano, or Morrúa Delgad...

    37,40 €

  • Splinters Are Children of Wood
    Leia Penina Wilson
    The wildly unrestrained poems in Splinters Are Children of Wood, Leia Penina Wilson’s second collection and winner of the Ernest Sandeen Prize in Poetry, pose an increasingly desperate question about what it means to be a girl, the ways girls are shaped by the world, as well as the role myth plays in this coming of age quest. Wilson, an afakasi Samoan poet, divides the book int...

    14,53 €

  • Splinters Are Children of Wood
    Leia Penina Wilson
    The wildly unrestrained poems in Splinters Are Children of Wood, Leia Penina Wilson’s second collection and winner of the Ernest Sandeen Prize in Poetry, pose an increasingly desperate question about what it means to be a girl, the ways girls are shaped by the world, as well as the role myth plays in this coming of age quest. Wilson, an afakasi Samoan poet, divides the book int...

    71,20 €

  • Spenser and Donne
    Yulia Ryzhik
    This edited collection of essays, part of The Manchester Spenser series, brings together leading Spenser and Donne scholars to challenge the traditionally dichotomous view of these two major poets and to shift the critical conversation towards a more holistic, relational view of the two authors’ poetics and thought. ...

    169,84 €

  • Forms of Thinking in Leopardi’s Zibaldone
    Paola Cori
    For fifteen years between 1817 and 1832 Giacomo Leopardi’s notebook the Zibaldone grew like an expanding universe, recording the emergence and development of his thought until, on 4 December 1832, on page 4526, it fell silent. Philosophical reflections, private memories, poetry, observations on politics and society are only some of the creative expressions of Leopardi’s quest, ...

    132,64 €

  • Invention
    Rocío G. Sumillera / Rocío GSumillera
    For early modern authors, the meaning of invention lay between the classical world’s omnipresent notion of imitation and what would later become Romantic ideals of genius and originality. In that sense, their era was a transitional phase, smoothing the passage from the classical notion of poetry as imitation to the understanding of literature as the product of the author’s crea...

    133,16 €

  • Conversations with Robert Morgan
    Robert Morgan (b. 1944) is one of the most distinguished writers in southern and Appalachian literature, celebrated for his novels, poetry, short fiction, and historical and biographical writing, totaling more than thirty volumes. Morgan's work gives voice to the traditionally underrepresented people of southern Appalachia, and his appearances in such popular venues as The ...

    42,86 €

  • Aesthetic Ecology of Communication Ethics
    Özüm Üçok-Sayrak
    This book introduces the framework of aesthetic ecology to communication studies as well as the study of communication ethics underlining the importance of the interplay between our sensuous and interpretive engagements in/with the world. ...

    122,50 €

  • In a Strange Land
    You don’t have to be a skilled poet to see yourself living In a Strange Land. The poets found in this collection, however, not only recognize it, but express their varying experiences in ways that bring us along with them. We see their experiences--whether similar to our own or completely different--and find their poems ringing true in beautiful, painful, amusing, and fascinati...

    14,29 €

  • In a Strange Land
    You don’t have to be a skilled poet to see yourself living In a Strange Land. The poets found in this collection, however, not only recognize it, but express their varying experiences in ways that bring us along with them. We see their experiences--whether similar to our own or completely different--and find their poems ringing true in beautiful, painful, amusing, and fascinati...

    29,10 €

  • Poetry’s Knowing Ignorance
    Joseph Acquisto
    What kind of knowledge, if any, does poetry provide? Poets make poems, but they also make meaning and craft a kind of learned and creative ignorance as they provide infinitely revisable answers to the question of what poetry is. That question of poetry’s definition invites broader ones about the relationship of poetry to other lived experience. Poetry thus implies something ...

    193,61 €

  • Summoning Our Saints
    This book celebrates and illuminates the poetry and prose of Brenda Marie Osbey. Featuring chapters by distinguished critics of African American poetry and prose, it places particular emphasis on the role of New Orleans, sexuality, gender, madness, death, and remembrance in her oeuvre, and on Osbey’s eloquent revision of hemispheric history. ...

    129,24 €

  • The Lady on the Drawingroom Floor
    Adele Lee / Mary Elizabeth Coleridge
    The Lady on the Drawingroom Floor reclaims Coleridge’s reputation by featuring familiar works alongside unpublished or out-of-print works. This collection includes a substantial introduction to Coleridge, analyzing her life and legacy; Coleridge’s final published novel; and a selection of important poems, short stories, essays, and letters. ...

    54,36 €

  • Making Waves
    Emma Sykes
    Through the eyes of Emma, we see and feel the turmoil of the hidden soul that is trying to make sense of an incongruent outer world. Questioning the status quo of many idealised perceptions society holds, the rigid rules that are thrust upon us come crashing down throughout Making Waves. Feel the ripples of peace being spread upon a sea of calm as you begin to see from a higher...

    15,20 €

  • Poetic Inquiry as Social Justice and Political Response
    This volume speaks to the use of poetry in critical qualitative research and practice focused on social justice. In this collection, poetry is a response, a call to action, agitation, and a frame for future social justice work. The authors engage with poetry’s potential for connectivity, political power, and evocation through methodological, theoretical, performative, and empir...

    68,89 €

  • Poetry and Language
    Michael Ferber

    101,85 €

  • Geoffrey Hill’s later work
    Alex Wylie
    An exploration of the later work of Geoffrey Hill, often described as ’the greatest living poet’ in his lifetime. This book reads, interprets, evaluates, and sets in context the work of Hill’s prolific later period from 1996 to 2016, the year of his death. ...

    157,61 €

  • Female Beatness
    Isabel Castelao-Gómez / Natalia Carbajosa Palmero
    Este estudio constituye el primer acercamiento crítico, en el mundo académico hispano, a las poetas y artistas de la generación Beat que, junto con los componentes masculinos bien conocidos del grupo (Kerouac, Ginsberg, Burroughs) revolucionaron la escena literaria urbana en la década de los cincuenta en los Estados Unidos, adelantándose así al cambio de mentalidad que colonizó...

    19,50 €

  • Rise
    Camille Barr
    Beginning with the hypothesis that happiness is intrinsically linked to freedom. The concept of happiness is reflected upon by delving into the political and economic structures we have created. Revealing the stark similarities between capitalism and imperialism. Once we realise this then we know the market will not provide. 3 ...

    9,55 €

  • Rise
    Camille Barr
    Beginning with the hypothesis that happiness is intrinsically linked to freedom. The concept of happiness is reflected upon by delving into the political and economic structures we have created. Revealing the stark similarities between capitalism and imperialism. Once we realise this then we know the market will not provide. 3 ...

    21,18 €

  • Poetry Book Society Autumn 2019 Bulletin
    Alice Kate Mullen
    The Poetry Book Society was founded by T.S. Eliot in 1953 to 'propagate the art of poetry'. The Poetry Book Society Autumn 2019 Bulletin features a wide range of exciting new poetry publications, reviewed by expert poet selectors Sandeep Parmar, Vidyan Ravinthiran, George Szirtes, AB Jackson, Degna Stone and Anthony Anaxagorou. AUTUMN SELECTIONSJuly, Aug, Sept 2019Choice: Jeri...

    10,29 €

  • Deshojando el tiempo
    Eunaldo Amaya Loaiza
    Una de las primeras cosas que sale a la luz, en el poemariode Eunaldo Amaya Loaiza, es que, por estar inmersaprimero en la emoción y luego en la coherencia,la poesía y antes su autor, el poeta, no están paradarle gusto a nadie: que, ante todo, se escribe por unanecesidad de expresión, no por el simple prurito degustar. Pues el gusto se inscribe dentro de una categoríasubjetiva,...

    6,50 €

  • Cuentos para iluminar la noche
    Amaury Pérez Banquet
    En las profundas noches primitivas los neardentales, los sapiensy otras especies de humanos, se reunían alrededor delfuego y danzaban incontenibles al acorde de rústicos instrumentoscomo piedras contra piedras, huesos contra huesos, pedazosde duros leños entrechocados con duros leños, palmas demanos contra palmas de manos, agitando maracas hechas concocos secos o con calabazas ...

    13,00 €

  • Sudden Eden
    Donald Revell
    The essays in Sudden Eden explore the ways in which the memory of Paradise, or experience of the paradisiacal, has shaped canons of experimental writing from the late Middle Ages through to the present day. Keyed to figures as various as Dante and Beckett, Thomas Traherne and Barbara Guest, Sudden Eden proposes a new constellation of Metaphysical, Symbolist, and Postmodern ligh...

    24,17 €