Estructuras políticas: democracia

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Política y gobierno / Estructura y procesos políticos / Estructuras políticas: democracia (2137)

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  • US Fractured
    Dr Shila Patel MD
    AMERICA, WAKE UP! We may be on the verge of a civil war or World War III. Take off your blinders and examine how we are losing our freedoms and democracy. US Fractured is an in-depth study of the sociological events, political uprisings, Supreme Court rulings, economic failures, and conflicts that are continuing to affect the lives of all Americans, both young and old. What cor...

    38,06 €

  • Suchana Ka Adhikar Adhinium (सूचना का अधिकार अधिनियम)
    Rajender Pandey
    सूचना का अधिकार एक मौलिक अधिकार है। सभी विकासशील देशों में सूचना का अधिकार जनता को प्राप्त है और भारत में भी इस अधिकार की व्यवस्था कुछ वर्षों पूर्व ही की गई है ताकि आम जनता सरकारी कामकाजों की गहराई तक जाकर सरकार से सवाल कर सके। सूचना की जानकारी होने पर लोगों को सरकार द्वारा लिए गए निर्णयों का पता चल जाता है। इससे सरकारी तंत्र के गलत इस्तेमाल पर रोक लगती है।वर्ष 2005 में 'सूचना...

    16,78 €

  • We’re Not All the Same
    Tracey Hill
    'They all promise you everything, then turn up with a barrel full of mud.' Politicians don’t exactly enjoy a positive image. Anger about the people in power is often understandable, but many of these low opinions seem all-inclusive. Can it really be true that all politicians everywhere are lying, corrupt, inept and cowardly?Campaigner and former councillor Tracey Hill broadens ...

    9,36 €

  • Literature, Democracy and Transitional Justice
    When a society emerges from authoritarian rule, and the State no longer claims a monopoly on the truth, writing becomes essential - in representing rights, calling for justice, staking claims and counter-claims over what has happened, testifying to abuse, directing collective memory, or simply resisting amnesia. Such writing is a key element of Transitional Justice, whose jurid...

    138,73 €

  • Os Mitos Políticos Do Poder Branco Paulista
    Alexandre De Almeida
    No final da década de 1980, um grupo de jovens paulistas passou a se identificar com os Skinheads White Power europeus e criaram uma organização chamada Poder Branco Paulista. Inspirados em seus congêneres da cena europeia, elaboraram uma identidade antagônica aos demais grupos juvenis locais de sua época, inclusive em relação a outros grupos Skinheads, como os Carecas do Subúr...

    8,95 €

  • The Lived Experience of Democracy
    Working and Writing for ChangeSeries Editors: Steve Parks and Jessica Pauszek[W]e believe that the writers in this anthology demonstrate our generation’s commitment to move the entrenched issues into forward-looking solutions, to break away from limiting stereotypes and exclusionary institutions, and to imagine a better future. Every generation is considered naïve, utopian in i...

    23,00 €

  • Power and Humility
    John Keane

    113,91 €

  • Zum ewigen Frieden
    Immanuel Kant
    Es soll kein Friedensschluß für einen solchen gelten, der mit dem geheimen Vorbehalt des Stoffs zu einem künftigen Kriege gemacht worden.Die Altersschrift 'Zum ewigen Frieden. Ein philosophischer Entwurf' gehört zu den bekanntesten Werken des deutschen Philosophen Immanuel Kant. Moderne Bedeutungen des Begriffs Frieden gehen entscheidend auf die hier vorgestellte Theorie zurück...

    9,61 €

  • The Next President of the United States
    This great country was founded on Christian principles and ideologies to escape a tyrannical government and pave the pathway to freedom for its citizens. However, there are those in power who are desperately trying to take away our freedoms through force, coercion, deception, and indoctrination. As a result, American democracy is on the verge of collapse. This should not come a...

    16,67 €

  • The Next President of the United States
    This great country was founded on Christian principles and ideologies to escape a tyrannical government and pave the pathway to freedom for its citizens. However, there are those in power who are desperately trying to take away our freedoms through force, coercion, deception, and indoctrination. As a result, American democracy is on the verge of collapse. This should not come a...

    24,62 €

  • De la Paix Perpétuelle
    Emmanuel Kant / Jules Barni
    Nul traité de paix ne peut être considéré comme tel, si l’on s’y réserve secrètement quelque sujet de recommencer la guerre. Ce traité dont le contenu constitue les prémices de la théorie de la paix démocratique, eu un retentissement immédiat dans toute l’Europe suite à sa publication en 1795. Kant y formule les conditions qui permettent de créer une paix perpétuelle, un simpl...

    9,58 €

    Thomas E. Brymer
    Our democracy is now under attack from within and without as it has never been since the Civil War. Yet, the evidence is clear that Americans are, as a whole, civically illiterate, and woefully unprepared for the assault our democracy is undergoing. For Americans to be prepared to function effectively as constructive citizens in their democracy in the 21st century and beyond, t...

    34,10 €

  • Carta Democrática Interamericana
    Johnny Roca de Castro
    La democracia representativa bien podría ser llamada democracia de papel si sólo se enfoca en sentido formal a establecer la legalidad de los mecanismos del proceso electoral para acceder al poder por medios constitucionales, pero una vez en el ejercicio del poder el gobierno se desentiende del deber de respetar los derechos humanos y el Estado de derecho, elementos que son con...

    20,80 €

  • Hobbes and the Democratic Imaginary
    Christopher Holman
    A critical interrogation of elements of Hobbes’s political and natural philosophy and its capacity to enrich our understanding of the nature of democratic life. ...

    121,48 €

  • Democracy Disrupted

    108,11 €

  • Notes on Democracy
    H. L. Mencken
    2022 Reprint of the 1926 First Edition.   Exact facsimile of the original edition and not reproduced with Optical Recognition Software. Notes on Democracy is a harsh critique of democracy. The book places political leaders into two categories: the demagogue, who 'preaches doctrines he knows to be untrue to men he knows to be idiots' and the pandering politician, 'who listens to...

    18,69 €

  • Direito Em Movimento
    Belinda Pereira Da Cunha
    Direito em Movimento é também um tema para além de um título, que surge quando as inquietudes e inseguranças jurídicas e sociais fervilham no contexto ambiental, cronologicamente sentidos pelos seres viventes desse planeta.Em meio aos avanços e retrocessos em matéria ambiental em que pese o princípio da proibição do retrocesso ambiental , não se pode negar a tensão sobre o au...

    18,04 €

  • Asynchronous Exchange
    Anders Baerbock
    During centuries now capitalism sustained and expanded a human world based on monetary fraud, systemic disadvantages, and failed democracies, which massively squandered the Earth’s material resources and irreversibly destroyed countless ecosystems. By the aforesaid means, capitalism severely conditioned the future of humankind on Earth and engendered a factually plutocratic wor...

    63,37 €

  • Duelo De Titãs: Gigante Verde Amarelo Vs Dragão Vermelho, Numa Guerra Político Ideológica Global
    Antonio Carlos R. De Lima
    Duelo de Titãs: Gigante Verde Amarelo VS Dragão Vermelho, trata da grande batalha entre o patriotismo e o esquerdismo no Brasil, no senário de uma verdadeira guerra político ideológica global.O livro inicia com a frase: Pode-se enganar a todos por algum tempo; pode-se enganar alguns por todo o tempo; mas não se pode enganar a todos o tempo todo (Abraham Lincoln) e termina com a...

    9,36 €

  • Communication Essays
    Rodney G. Miller
    Communicate Personally...a powerful survey that displays how systematic personal communication can foster growth, change, and dialogues that promote organizational and community trust...'- D. Donovan, Senior Reviewer, Midwest Book Review Connecting these seven thought-provoking essays, written over three decades, is a common aim for communication to optimize results - whether t...

    15,50 €

  • Rolling Transition and the Role of Intellectuals
    András Bozóki
    Utilizing a new and original framework for examining the role of intellectuals in countries transitioning to democracy, Bozóki analyses the rise and fall of dissident intellectuals in Hungary in the late 20th century. He shows how that framework is applicable to other countries too as he forensically examines their activities. Bozóki argues that the Hungarian intellectuals did ...

    146,02 €

  • Teorias Sociológicas: Dos Clássicos Aos Contemporâneos
    Eduardo Nunes Jacondino
    A presente obra foi escrita de modo contribuirmos para a formação dos estudantes do ensino superior brasileiro, no sentido de possibilitarmos mais um contato com o universo da Sociologia. Aqui se encontra o volume 3, cujo cerne está na obra de Max Weber e nos conceitos-chave de sua proposta de Sociologia, a qual representa um dos maiores clássicos da escola alemã.Os próximos vo...

    10,06 €

  • Націократія
    Микола Сціборський
    Основною темою цієї нашої розвідки є націократія, себ­то концепція державно-політичного й соціяльно-економічного устрою, що її заступай сучасний організований український націоналізм.Для кращого вияснення ідеологічно-програмових засад націократії та її відмінностей від інших політичних концепцій уважали ми за вказане спинитися також над коротким переглядом питань демократії, со...

    18,49 €

  • Jornal Nacional, Um Ator Político Em Cena
    Eliara Santana
    A investigação da autora se centra nos processos e estratégias discursivos de produção e circulação do discurso de informação veiculada pela mídia, consubstanciados pela notícia, produzida no domínio do telejornal. No caso em análise, o foco de observação é o Jornal Nacional (JN), um dos telejornais mais importantes da Rede Globo de Televisão, veiculado, de segunda a sábado, às...

    19,07 €

  • Populism
    Populist movements, parties and leaders have gained influence in many countries, disrupting long-established patterns of party competition, impugning the legitimacy of representative institutions and sometimes actively weakening or coarsening government capabilities. By positing an acute contrast between the will of the people and established elites, and advocating simplistic p...

    23,64 €

  • Citizenship and Contemporary Direct Democracy
    David Altman

    134,72 €

  • Estado, Constituição E Desenvolvimento
    Jailton Giovani Clark / João Batista Moreira Pinto / Macena De Araújo
    Em meio ao contexto de transformações e aprofundamento de problemas sociais provocadas pela COVID-19, em meio também as crises já existentes, esta obra se propõe a conduzir um conjunto de contribuições e reflexões desenvolvidas ao longo desse período pandêmico (e pós-pandêmico), aninhadas a partir das discussões e colaborações desenvolvidas a partir da disciplina Estado, Consti...

    22,78 €

  • Divina Polis
    Jocelio Hércules Corneau
    A perfeição de uma sociedade é algo muito subjetiva. Pois o que seria perfeito para uns, não necessariamente seria perfeito para outros.Mas a busca para uma sociedade mais justa, estará sempre ao nosso alcance. Desde que possamos ter uma noção do que venha ser uma sociedade justa.Imediatamente podemos definir que ela é Justa quando tem educação, saúde, segurança, saneamento, em...

    17,30 €

  • Leo Strauss on Democracy, Technology, and Liberal Education
    Timothy W. Burns
    The first book-length study of Leo Strauss’ understanding of the relation between modern democracy, technology, and liberal education. ...

    42,28 €

  • Democracy at the Ballpark
    Thomas David Bunting
    Examines how the national pastime of baseball has the capacity to shape politics and American democracy. ...

    29,52 €