Estructura y procesos políticos

Sociedad y ciencias sociales / Política y gobierno / Estructura y procesos políticos (5889)

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  • Leadership and Governance for Sustainability
    Neeta Baporikar
    Although the study of governance is not new, it has only been recognized in the last two decades as being a crucial factor for organizational success. Successful implementation and the practice of governance in the public sector improves organizational performance through increased efficiency, productivity, quality, and innovation to support sustainability. Leadership and Gover...

    327,87 €

  • Leadership and Governance for Sustainability
    Neeta Baporikar
    Although the study of governance is not new, it has only been recognized in the last two decades as being a crucial factor for organizational success. Successful implementation and the practice of governance in the public sector improves organizational performance through increased efficiency, productivity, quality, and innovation to support sustainability. Leadership and Gover...

    248,96 €

  • The European Union in the Twenty-First Century
    The European Union in the Twenty-First Century: Major Political, Economic and Security Policy Trends unpacks some of the most prominent issues faced by the EU over the last two decades and considers how they may shape its future, as well as the future of international politics. ...

    149,44 €

  • La segunda transformación de México
    Luis Bazet
    La Guerra de Reforma y las ideas que en ella pugnaron reconfiguraron la vida económica y espiritual de México de un modo difícil de sobreestimar. No parece injustificado que, empleando un vocabulario político hoy en boga, se le vea como la segunda transformación del país.La preocupación central de este libro son las implicaciones intelectuales de la Reforma a todos sus niveles:...

    18,72 €

  • Wise & Reasoned
    Paul Reborn
    Both the Democratic and Republican parties are dysfunctional and no longer serve the American people adequately or fairly. Congress has an approval rating of less than 20 percent for a reason. With a few bright exceptions, Congress is a morass of self-serving, hypocritical elected officials.  Wise & Reasoned addresses topics of deep concern-inequality, health care, the economy,...

    21,46 €

  • Good and Evil in the Garden of Democracy
    Rodney Wallace Kennedy
    Democracy faces threats from an emerging right-wing movement in democratic governments around the world. This may be even more prevalent in the United States because there is an evil that uses rhetorical tropes to undermine the anchor institutions of democracy: press, courts, universities, and Congress. This evil has a personification--former President Donald Trump. All the rhe...

    26,23 €

  • Good and Evil in the Garden of Democracy
    Rodney Wallace Kennedy
    Democracy faces threats from an emerging right-wing movement in democratic governments around the world. This may be even more prevalent in the United States because there is an evil that uses rhetorical tropes to undermine the anchor institutions of democracy: press, courts, universities, and Congress. This evil has a personification--former President Donald Trump. All the rhe...

    40,13 €

  • Amor Político
    Yuri Felix Araujo
    Descubra como a caridade pode mudar a política e como agir com responsabilidade e compaixão pode fazer a diferença no seu país. Mude o mundo com Amor Político.A política é a atividade mais nobre que o homem pode exercer, pois é a oportunidade de servir a todos. Em sua encíclicaFratelli Tutti , o Papa Francisco afirmou quea política é uma forma eminente de caridadee que os líder...

    14,25 €

  • Diversidade E Inclusão
    Ana Paula Arbache E Tania Silva (org.)
    Esse é o espírito dessa coletânea: trazer o cotidiano para o centro do debate ao apresentar casos práticos de discriminação e superação pelas autoras de cada um dos capítulos aqui reunidos. O livro evidencia que são as micropráticas, ou seja, nos processos interativos entre família, escola e trabalho que esses preconceitos se manifestam e precisam ser enfrentados. A reprodução ...

    11,25 €

  • El país que se muerde la cola
    Michael Penfold
    El libro cierra con un implacable estudio del momento presente y de las perspectivas que tenemos los venezolanos para volver a un camino de democratización, con la agudeza y la sinceridad que nos merecemos todos los venezolanos. 10 ...

    26,00 €

  • What is Fascism
    Giovanni Gentile / Richard Robinson
    What is Fascism is a collection of essays, newspaper articles and interviews, discourses and polemics on the subject of fascism by Giovanni Gentile (AD 1875-1944), the 'philosopher of Fascism.' The collection was written (or spoken and later transcribed) over the course of several years prior to its publication in book format, in 1925, under the Italian title of Che cosa è il f...

    32,64 €

  • Years of Rage
    Tom O’Lincoln
    It’s 1975, and the Liberal Party’s Malcolm Fraser makes a ruthless grab for power. Workers resist, opening up seven years of bitter class conflict. Years of Rage analyses the crisis into which Australia plunged under Whitlam. It outlines the actions of politicians, capitalists, oppressed people and above all the organized working class. From the upheavals of the Constitutional ...

    32,32 €

  • Un dragón en el trópico
    Javier Corrales / Michael Penfold
    Hace ya diez años, el venezolano Michael Penfold y el estadounidense Javier Corrales se dedicaron a la tarea de contar la historia y describir el funcionamiento de la economía política del petroestado chavista. El resultado es Un dragón en el trópico, que ahora vuelve a las librerías con sus lecciones intacta 10 ...

    20,80 €

    William Gairdner
    William Gairdner, PhD, is a former Olympic athlete, businessman, and author living near Toronto. He began publishing serious essays and books on political and moral philosophy in mid-life, and among his many bestsellers -- books that have profoundly enriched national dialogue and discussion -- are The Trouble With Canada, The War Against the Family, Canada’s Founding Debates, T...

    14,12 €

  • Hobbes and the Democratic Imaginary
    Christopher Holman
    A critical interrogation of elements of Hobbes’s political and natural philosophy and its capacity to enrich our understanding of the nature of democratic life. ...

    40,47 €

  • From Socialism to Capitalism
    Janos Kornai
    Eight essays connected by various common strands. The most important one is the community of the main subject-matter: socialism, capitalism, democracy, change of system. These four expressions cover four phenomena of great and comprehensive importance. Each piece in the book deals with these and the connections between them.One of the Leitmotifs is the 'capitalism/socialism' pa...

    35,36 €

  • Literature and Politics
    Klaus Amann / Robert Musil / Genese Grill
    Literature and Politics presents Robert Musil’s writings on the relationship between literature and politics from World War I through World War II and elucidates his personal struggle to bear witness during the Age of Totalitarianism. In essays, addresses, aphorisms, and unpublished notes on contemporary events, Musil charts the increasing dangers to artists and ethical thinker...

    27,34 €

  • O Fascismo Tornou-se Viral
    Miguel Montenegro
    Os povos da Terra foram alvo de um ataque sem precedentes. Pouco ou nada, na alegada pandemia que se abateu sobre o planeta no início de 2020, foi deixado ao acaso. Enquanto a maioria se sujeitava às injunções do medo e da obediência sanitária, um número crescente de pessoas compreendeu, pela primeira vez, que o público é mantido numa realidade essencialmente ilusória...

    14,99 €

  • Better to Win
    Bill Wong
    Better To Win offers readers a unique, proven perspective on the craft and power of politics. It examines the mindset and machinery involved in the use of power and the sacrifices necessary to affect meaningful change for those who don’t (yet) have a voice in the halls of power.Bill Wong, a renowned strategist to a bevy of iconic California politicians, provides candid and occa...

    12,81 €

  • Socialist republic
    Daisy Payling
    This book explores how Sheffield City Council set out to renew left-wing politics in 1980s Britain. Drawing on archival research and oral history interviews, it details the struggle to build a broad-based politics that united class and identity politics and demonstrates how social democracy persisted at a local level under Thatcherism. ...

    157,40 €

  • Erosion of Democracy
    J. Dhopte
    This book is a first part of the series - DEMOCRACY, a series of three books. Democracy during the last decade has suffered a dramatic decline.The constitutional democracies are being overthrown and there is an increase in the regimes that retain the formal institutional trappings while flouting the norms and values on which constitutional democracies are based.The forces of ne...

    22,35 €

  • The Open Society Playbook
    Scott Howard
    In his newest book, Scott Howard, author of The Transgender Industrial Complex, exposes the persons and actors financing the push for globalization and dissolution of national borders. Howard, in his own words, commits the 'thoroughly postmodern crime of telling the truth using the words of the actors committing the acts themselves as evidence.' Just as well-sourced and meticul...

    39,09 €

  • Рациократия
    Алексей Шруб
    Данная книга - это попытка выстроить рационально обоснованную модель (теорию) общественного устройства на основе относительно небольшого набора базовых постулатов и логических рассуждений.Такой подход позволяет обосновывать выбор тех или иных общественных решений, ведь на любой вопрос гражданина вроде 'почему я должен?' или 'почему мне нельзя?' должен быть обоснованный ответ, и...

    23,25 €

  • Institutions and Popular Will in Africa’s Search for Democracy, Development and Peace
    This Festschrift celebrates the life of the late Nigerian political scientist, Oyeleye Oyediran, a highly-respected scholar, who skilfully combined theory with praxis in the quest for Nigerian democracy. The essays in this volume are written by his former students, colleagues and associates, including foremost thinkers and analysts, reflecting on his contributions to scholarshi...

    61,74 €

  • O Pensamento Conservador:
    Eduardo Nunes Jacondino
    O livro foi escrito de modo a analisarmos o tema do conservadorismo, por meio de um olhar voltado às bases teóricas que sedimentaram esta perspectiva. Sabemos que muitas obras foram escritas sobre o conservadorismo, em países como o Brasil. Autores como Paulo Mercadante (2003), José Murilo de Carvalho (2011), João Camilo Torres (2018), Mario Ferreira dos Santos (2012, 2017), Vi...

    11,72 €

  • Tradition and the Deliberative Turn
    Ryan R. Holston
    Reframes the discussion of deliberative democracy in a unique fashion, approaching the debate as a historical conversation. ...

    121,91 €

  • 254 Days to Impeachment
    J.P. Prag
    For the first time since George Washington, an Independent has been elected President of the United States of America.But the new President may only have 254 days to make a point: that the world can be completely changed with a different approach. That short amount of time is all the President has between the inauguration and when the next budget must be approved. Should the Pr...

    47,13 €

  • 254 Days to Impeachment
    J.P. Prag
    For the first time since George Washington, an Independent has been elected President of the United States of America.But the new President may only have 254 days to make a point: that the world can be completely changed with a different approach. That short amount of time is all the President has between the inauguration and when the next budget must be approved. Should the Pr...

    14,19 €

  • Media and Power in Modern Iran
    Emily L. Blout
    Successive Iranian leaders have struggled to navigate the fraught political-cultural space of media in the Islamic Republic-skirting the line between embracing Western communications technologies and rejecting them, between condemning social networking sites as foreign treachery and promoting themselves on Facebook. How does a regime that originally derived its hegemony from th...

    147,84 €

  • Democracy and dissent in the Irish Free State
    Jason Knirck
    Analysis of the conflict between multiparty democratic norms and sweeping monolithic nationalist movements in the aftermath of the Irish revolution. ...

    157,31 €