Cuentos (infantil/juvenil)

Infantiles, juveniles y didácticos / Ficción e historias reales infantiles y juveniles / Cuentos (infantil/juvenil) (1231)

Libros Eliminar filtro Infantiles, juveniles y didácticos Eliminar filtro Ficción e historias reales infantiles y juveniles Eliminar filtro Cuentos (infantil/juvenil) Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Teeth In Your Ears
    Karen Woodall
    Teeth in Your Ears is the second of many colorful children's books about Kkay, also known as Karen. These are stories of Karen’s childhood, retold for the benefit of her grandchildren, eight now and counting. Her stories reflect her adventures as a six year old, utilizing her logic and reasoning skills, or lack of. Kkay overheard her mother talking on the phone one day and ...

    22,76 €

  • A Walk in the Wind
    Danielle Michaud Aubrey
    Children will engage with these imaginative stories which feature human and animal characters. The stories portray the importance of kindness, acceptance, friendship and loyalty. Lessons in honesty, fairness and sharing are learned as the characters meet challenges and support each other.  The author deals with issues such as "bad vs good" secrets, strangers, and following rule...

    43,60 €

  • The Little Eagle
    John Kehn
    Can you see with eyes to seeThe most beautiful thing ever seen?Can you hear with ears to hearA story about the goodness of LifeThat you feel with your heart?O' come, little eagle. ...

    23,80 €

  • and away they went
    Krista McDivitt / Michael Slobodian
    Jack lost his favourite balloon, but don't worry, Amelia will help him find it! Follow Jack and Amelia on a journey of friendship and adventure through beautiful Saskatchewan in and away they went. ...

    18,20 €

  • and away they went
    Krista McDivitt / Michael Slobodian
    Jack lost his favourite balloon, but don't worry, Amelia will help him find it! Follow Jack and Amelia on a journey of friendship and adventure through beautiful Saskatchewan in and away they went. ...

    27,78 €

  • Cazadores de microbios
    Paul De Kruif
    Los microorganismos son bichos que conviven con la humanidad y que, por una parte, pueden matar en forma misteriosa y en silencio a millones de personas y, por otra, son benéficos para la naturaleza y el ser humano. Esta obra habla de varios investigadores o cazadores de microbios nocivos, causantes éstos de terribles enfermedades como la rabia, la tuberculosis, la difteria, la...

    5,42 €

  • La metamorfosis
    Franz Kafka
    La metamorfosis narra la historia de Gregorio Samsa, un joven que trabajaba como agente viajero para mantener a su hermana y a sus padres. Pero un día despertó convertido en un horrible insecto, y esto le impidió regresar a su empleo. Gregorio sufrió la incomprensión y los malos tratos de toda su familia, que poco a poco comenzó a despreciarlo y a verlo como un insecto y no com...

    4,96 €

    Sierra Córcoles, Ramón
    Antara y el cangurito blanco es un alegato de amor y deseo de bucear en el universo de los niños y hacerles ver que la violencia puede y debe ser superada por el amor. Es necesario proyectarlo hacia todo lo que nos rodea y, por eso, se sustituye «tierra» por «madre tierra». Es un cuento para mostrar a los niños que existen personas que viven una cultura diferente a la nuestra, ...

    11,49 €

  • The Wailing Snail
    Claire Walker
    At the bottom of the garden, surrounded by lush green vegetation, lives a very, VERY nervous snail. One night, Snail finds himself face to face with his biggest fear. He lets out a terrible wail. Just when Snail thinks things can't get any worse, they do... much worse! ...

    7,46 €

  • The Christmas Snowflake
    Susan Reed-Tichenor
    In the wide space of heaven, God decided this winter to give the world a very special gift. He speaks with one of His angels about His special plans. When the angel leaves, God starts to make His plans. God decides that a celebration as awesome as this one needs glitter to light up the sky with all glory. He makes this kind of glitter, and when He is finished, He puts it in a s...

    12,18 €

  • Royal’s Vow
    Elle Beaumont
    Surviving The Big Bad Wolf enlightened her, but The Hawk might not prove to be so easy.When The Big Bad Wolf came huffing and puffing at the royal gates Stasya knew a change was on the wind. With the family secret exposed to the assassin turned ally, Stasya has to entrust her life to a werewolf she barely knows—Niklaus von Brandt—who has vowed to protect her, and in doing so ha...

    10,03 €

  • Creepy Creepier Creepiest
    Martii Maclean
    This second collection of quirky short stories will take you to creepy places just beyond the here and now. Come this way, just beyond the here and now. Come travelling through these tales if you dare. Learn the fate of the children who break free from their ropes when the moon is full. Visit a school where teasing voices haunt the chilly hallways. Why are they taunting Zoe? Im...

    8,64 €

  • The Moon and Tortoise
    Phyllis Clifford
    Mr Muckle had worked diligently all his life but never gave up on his dream; the Moon and all it had to offer. His nearest and dearest next door, Miss Molly O’Shea, stood by him all the way. The young Coverit family, Jim and his two children, Jamie and Lulu, juggled school, work, home life, and helped their neighbour every night with, Solar the dog, and Tommy the tortoise, as M...

    11,16 €

  • Historias de niños
    Patricia Mariela Navarro Villar
    Historias de niños es un libro que incentiva a la lectura de textos breves y significativos, posee una lectura rápida, ligera y divertida en donde el lector empieza a leer y desea terminar para saber el desenlace de la narración breve.Está escrito a partir de recuerdos, observaciones de niños y niñas de esas edades y de sus experiencias desde la perspectiva docente; ya que el d...

    11,44 €

  • The Tale of Lester Raccoon
    Sephone Zorro / Jeff Hornstein
    It’s not always easy to listen to your mother, especially when you’re a young raccoon. But Lester is about to learn that all the kibble in the world isn’t worth sneaking into Farmer Campbell’s barn.Told in the classic style of Beatrix Potter, Lester Raccoon is taken from Sephonē Zorro’s collection of folk tales for children.No siempre es fácil escuchar a tu madre, especialmente...

    16,49 €

  • The Tale of Lester Raccoon
    Sephone Zorro / Jeff Hornstein
    It’s not always easy to listen to your mother, especially when you’re a young raccoon. But Lester is about to learn that all the kibble in the world isn’t worth sneaking into Farmer Campbell’s barn.Told in the classic style of Beatrix Potter, Lester Raccoon is taken from Sephonē Zorro’s collection of folk tales for children.No siempre es fácil escuchar a tu madre, especialmente...

    11,50 €

  • Uthan
    Uthania Jackson
    Follow the adventures of Uthan as he goes on his first holiday and encounters the magic of a world under the sea.Mum, Uthania, was inspired to write this story after discovering video selfies of Uthan after they came back from their holiday together. ...

    7,58 €

  • The Wasporcist
    Amy Laurens
    Her ears buzz, day and night, like a wasp has taken up residence in her brain. The solution? Call whoever it takes to get rid of it. No matter what the cost. If you love stories that leave you glancing over your shoulder with a chill down your spine, don’t miss The Wasporcist. 1500 / Horror (Lite) (No Gore) Welcome to Inklets, a series of short (and sometimes short-short) stori...

    5,11 €

  • The Mighty Dung Beetle and the Ant
    Sabrina Smart
    You may think that something small or not so good looking has no real importance in life and in our world. But stop. Look a little closer. Your eyes will be opened to a whole new world. Ant and Dung Beetle were not the best of friends. One day, Ant does something to Dung Beetle that could change their African home forever. Read on to find out how Ant's actions caused havoc in...

    8,58 €

  • The Mighty Dung Beetle and the Ant
    Sabrina Smart
    You may think that something small or not so good looking has no real importance in life and in our world. But stop. Look a little closer. Your eyes will be opened to a whole new world. Ant and Dung Beetle were not the best of friends. One day, Ant does something to Dung Beetle that could change their African home forever. Read on to find out how Ant's actions caused havoc in...

    21,39 €

  • Itsy Bitsy and her Colourful House
    Kasandra El-Sheikh
    Itsy Bitsy lives in a house that is decorated in the colours of the rainbow. She has an indigo table, yellow walls, a red bed, violet bricks, and green and orange flowers in her garden. In fact, she has all the colours... except blue! Itsy Bitsy realises she needs to add some blue and so she sets to work painting her ugly brown fence a beautiful, bright blue. But painting i...

    9,45 €

  • Fábulas Del Universo
    Ana Yaheli Sánchez Quesada
    “Fábulas del Universo” es un compendio de pequeñas historias dirigidas a niños de todas las edades. La idea original de este libro nació después de escribir una obra de teatro con el propósito de recaudar fondos para niños que viven de la basura en países como Venezuela, Guatemala y Perú. Así fue como nació “Reciclando Sueños” y, el resto de las historias narradas en el libro.H...

    16,39 €

  • Spacy and Santa Save Christmas
    Kaye Brady
    The children, Susie Q, (has one leg and desires a wooden leg), Jimmy, (who wants his dad to come home from the Army), and Stan (who is an orphan and wants a family to love) all meet each other at the toy store that is going out of business. They are overwhelmed when they see and find a message in a snow globe. This is where the astounding "wow" of the amazing Spacy is introduce...

    15,15 €

  • Spacy and Santa Save Christmas
    Kaye Brady
    The children, Susie Q, (has one leg and desires a wooden leg), Jimmy, (who wants his dad to come home from the Army), and Stan (who is an orphan and wants a family to love) all meet each other at the toy store that is going out of business. They are overwhelmed when they see and find a message in a snow globe. This is where the astounding "wow" of the amazing Spacy is introduce...

    24,13 €

  • El viejo y el mar
    Ernest Hemingway
    Cuenta Hemingway en El viejo y el mar la historia de un anciano pescador que tras hacerse con un pez tan grande como su barca, que lo redime de sus fracasos y colma sus deseos, sólo logra alcanzar el puerto con su esqueleto, ya que durante el camino de regreso los tiburones lo van devorando poco a poco. Algo así ocurre cuando uno trata de acarrear un sueño importante a la vigil...

    5,42 €

  • The Carrot Race
    Sigal Adler
    This charming book is a tribute to the importance of friendship. Through beautiful illustrations and whimsical language, a story unfolds of two rabbits competing to grow the biggest carrot. The competition breeds a dynamic that can potentially feel familiar to children and certainly can be the grounds for a healthy discussion. ...

    25,50 €

  • Fairy Folk and the Magical Helpers
    Helen Porteous / Linda Lycett
    Children love bedtime stories and Fairy Folk and the Magical Helpers is the perfect book. Beautifully illustrated, the stories show children how everyone can help each other.The Fairy Folk have move adventures for you to read about and enjoy. THey are excited to show you some of their worlds and to show you what they and their helpers can do. Toddler picture book filled with fa...

    14,37 €

  • La Ciudad
    Catherine Bruzzone / Clare / María Martín
    En esta historieta con ilustraciones a todo color, la valiente Gatita Lucía detiene a un ladrón que raba el dinero del mercado.* texto sencillo en los globos * dibujos simpáticos * una historia interesante. ¡Fácil de leer y muy divertida! ...

    10,40 €

  • Aprende inglés y descubre el mundo de los animales
    Elena Ercole / Giovanna Mazzoni
    Un libro único para que los más pequeños aprendan a disfrutar de la escuela y se inicien en el aprendizaje de la lengua inglesa, con el apoyo visual de unas exclusivas ilustraciones y mediante juegos que garantizan en todo momento la diversión. La sencilla transcripción que acompaña a las palabras en inglés les permitirá pronunciarlas correctamente. Un libro, en definitiva, que...

    20,75 €

  • Somos o no somos
    Alejandro - Ferrer Ferrer / Alejandro Ferrer / Yury Ferrer
    Padre e hijo nos entregan una colección de relatos que deambulan por las sendas de la soledad, el vacío, el desamor, el miedo, la nostalgia y la locura que abrigan los personajes lo más profundo de su ser.En una de las caras de este libro encontramos relatos cargados de momentos angustiantes, como el frío, lo níveo y la lluvia. También están presentes personajes introspectivos ...

    9,00 €