Cuentos (infantil/juvenil)

Infantiles, juveniles y didácticos / Ficción e historias reales infantiles y juveniles / Cuentos (infantil/juvenil) (1228)

Libros Eliminar filtro Infantiles, juveniles y didácticos Eliminar filtro Ficción e historias reales infantiles y juveniles Eliminar filtro Cuentos (infantil/juvenil) Eliminar filtro Quitar filtros
  • Say Something Sammy, Say Something
    L J McBayne
    A Beautifully Illustrated & Easy -To - Read Book For Kids To Teach Them Why They Must Always Communicate Their Concerns With Mom & Dad! Meet Sammy, a happy kid who love to talk, laugh, and play with his dog Spark! He is always vibrant, happy, and ever ready to smile. When he walks into his home looking very sad; his mom knows that something is terribly wrong.Despite all her eff...

    19,10 €

  • Tall Tales from Nesbit Elementary
    Tyler Capobres
    If you thought your school was normal, Nesbit Elementary is the exact opposite. Inside you'll meet Bridgette, who loves to run and rarely stops; Kyle, who lends out his pens and never gets them back; Shannon and Tyler, who are always laughing at the strange events that happen in their school; Derek, the coolest kid in class, with breath stinky enough to stun a cow; and Char...

    6,41 €

  • The Mushroom Cave
    Hugh Drennan
    Most of the story takes place in the Mushroom Cave. The walls glow bright, so there is no need for any other light in most of the cave. Mark is a young boy trying to find his way back home. He has the help of Randy, a red-spotted mushroom. Other spotted mushrooms also go along with Mark and Randy. Greg is a green- spotted mushroom. Blake is a blue-spotted mushroom. Peggy is a p...

    11,82 €

  • Through the Lens
    Erica R. Walker / Erica RWalker
    Through the Lens: A Book of Short Stories is about stories that derive from the heart and were inspired by God, life experiences, and learned principles. All the stories are based on a female teenager’s perception, but do not exclude the male perspective. The stories will shed light on various issues that young adults may struggle with, such as isolation, suicide, peer pressure...

    8,05 €

  • Reflections Revisited
    Norma Jean Campanaro
    Norma Jean Campanaro is a true renaissance woman living in Washington State and Hilo, Hawaii. She’s a poet, a painter, and a modern-day philosopher. Her poetry is as insightful as it is honest. It provides an insight into her approach to life: live actively, laugh often, and love always. Her paintings offer a glimpse into how the world looks through the eyes: full of vibrant co...

    9,21 €

  • Rimas y leyendas y leyendas
    Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer
    Una sucesión de fenómenos inexplicables, una puerta al mundo del misterio, unos versos que enamoran y unos poemas que saben lo que significa estar solo. ¿Sigues pensando que los clásicos son cosa del pasado?Rimas y Leyendas, del poeta sevillano Gustavo Adolfo Bécquer, representa el mejor romanticismo español. En las rimas, nos encontramos un referente poético, pues supondrá el ...

    7,48 €

    Carrera Peña, Patricia
    Todos nos hemos sentido diferentes alguna vez, pero a veces esas diferencias nos muestran otros mundos, nos hacen despertar y abrir los ojos. Algo así le sucedió a Boop, un animalito de color azul que, en su afán por encontrar a otros como él, descubrirá que lo que te hace diferente, también te hace especial. ...

    6,00 €

  • Canción de navidad
    Charles Dickens
    Quizá para ti también sea una lástima que la Navidad sea sólo una vez al año, porque, como dijo Charles Dickens, autor de esta popularísima Canción de Navidad, cuando empiece a permanecer con nosotros durante todo el año, haremos de la Tierra un lugar distinto. Y es justo en este cuento donde Dickens hace realidad el deseo de Paz en la tierra, buena voluntad hacia los hombres, ...

    4,96 €

  • Sarita
    Ninpha Moreno
    Emigrar hacia un país diferente de aquel de donde hemos nacido, tiene una magnitud indescriptible. Sin embargo, es bien sabido que: 'se hace camino al andar' y que en la medida en que se avanza conservando la fe y la esperanza nos abrimos paso hacia una nueva realidad. No necesitamos olvidar nuestro pasado ni abandonar a quienes hemos amado porque los lazos del amor no tienen f...

    19,40 €

  • Now and Later
    Charity Tahmaseb
    From a post-apocalyptic cityscape to the year's most disastrous prom, follow eight different heroines as they navigate their way through time and space and AP World History. NOW The Trouble with Firsts: From roller-coaster rides to playing in a string quartet, Mattie's had trouble with first times. But with prom right around the corner, she'll risk asking Marcus out...

    11,99 €

  • Teatime in the Graveyard
    Kate Catalina
    A nameless girl, who dwells in the small New England town of Paper Falls, recalls a mysterious autumn experience. One October night, a storm lashes through the quaint little village, leaving behind a cold and eerie mess of trees and fog. The girl, a lonely connoisseur of imagination, takes a stroll to the graveyard the morning after, carefully passing the disheveled white house...

    12,48 €

  • La Isla misteriosa
    Julio Verne
    Durante la Guerra Civil norteamericana, un grupo de cinco nordistas, reunidos en torno al ingeniero Cyrus Smith, es hecho prisionero por los sudistas en Richmond. Estos aprovechan la noche para evadirse en globo, pero una terrible tempestad los arroja hasta una remota y misteriosa isla del Océano Pacífico. Sin embargo, en la isla suceden varios fenómenos extraños que no consigu...

    7,94 €

  • Annie Ware
    D. Tennelle Smith
    Annie Ware is new, I thought you knew, Grab a book for yourself and come along tooAnd one for a friend, the total is two,We’ll explore the adventures of this bubbly one,See and experience, the word battle is wonLearning the difference between a shoe,And something to do to a fly is shooAnnie will show you, how fun it can be To expand your vocab, win a spelling beeSuitable for sh...

    21,93 €

  • Adventures by Leaf Light and Other Stories
    Moyra Caldecott
    Eighteen beautiful, insightful, moral, magical stories for children with Imagination, and their parents. Many are published here for the first time, and will be a treat for all fans of Moyra Caldecott. ...

    31,47 €

  • Adventures by Leaf Light and Other Stories
    Moyra Caldecott
    Eighteen beautiful, insightful, moral, magical stories for children with Imagination, and their parents. Many are published here for the first time, and will be a treat for all fans of Moyra Caldecott. ...

    28,78 €

  • Santa Wears a Raincoat
    Dave Squatch Ward
    A bed-time story for children on Christmas Eve to encourage sweet dreams and send the kids off to bed. The song 'Santa Wears a Raincoat' is also available on, performed by Sasquatch Mountain Fog, featuring the voice of the author, Dave Squatch Ward. 3 ...

    8,16 €

  • Mr Alchemy’s Magical Tea
    Sheida Heidari
    Passionate tea maker Ms Edith receives an unexpected visit from fellow tea enthusiast, Mr Alchemy, who shares the history of her home. Mr Alchemy’s Magical Tea is a humorous yet heartfelt children’s story that teaches us we can make a big impact just by doing a small deed. 3 ...

    5,40 €

  • Mr Alchemy’s Magical Tea
    Sheida Heidari
    Passionate tea maker Ms Edith receives an unexpected visit from fellow tea enthusiast, Mr Alchemy, who shares the history of her home. Mr Alchemy’s Magical Tea is a humorous yet heartfelt children’s story that teaches us we can make a big impact just by doing a small deed. 3 ...

    15,11 €

  • I’ll Find You Tumbleweed
    Allene Beets
    Cactus Wren Tumbleweed Tortoise Grouchy Old Lizard Little BurroJoin these and other desert dwellers as they embark on adventures throughout their daily lives. Unlikely relationships are formed as challenges are overcome along the way. Conflict and differences won’t prevent these friends from learning to live peacefully amongst each other.You’ll enjoy reading the entire ...

    17,72 €

  • I’ll Find You Tumbleweed
    Allene Beets
    Cactus Wren Tumbleweed Tortoise Grouchy Old Lizard Little BurroJoin these and other desert dwellers as they embark on adventures throughout their daily lives. Unlikely relationships are formed as challenges are overcome along the way. Conflict and differences won’t prevent these friends from learning to live peacefully amongst each other.You’ll enjoy reading the entire ...

    30,44 €

  • There’s a Witch in My Dryer
    Linda Lee Cross
    One little girl and her mother realize that laundry, especially the socks, disappears in the dryer. And, oftentimes, strange noises are heard coming from the machine. Mom tells her daughter it’s only pennies, nickels, and buckles making that noise. The mother calls the grandmother, who arrives with a magic flashlight and instructs the girl to shine it in the dryer at night. The...

    26,72 €

  • There’s a Witch in My Dryer
    Linda Lee Cross
    One little girl and her mother realize that laundry, especially the socks, disappears in the dryer. And, oftentimes, strange noises are heard coming from the machine. Mom tells her daughter it’s only pennies, nickels, and buckles making that noise. The mother calls the grandmother, who arrives with a magic flashlight and instructs the girl to shine it in the dryer at night. The...

    18,13 €

  • A Dad Hair Day!
    Buddy Geissler
    While Mom is away, Dad is in charge of getting Molly Roo off to school. Things dont go quite as planned, and Molly shares her morning adventures with her teacher. Dads and daughters everywhere will appreciate this lighthearted tale! 3 ...

    16,68 €

  • No Bees, PLEASE!
    Nicole S Dennis
    The 'Little Scary Mouse' series is aimed at helping young people overcome their fears. As children, their are so many things that make us feel anxious or afraid, like bugs, but we can't let scary things hold us captive. Our main character, Lana, is terrified of bugs. She knows winter is almost over and springtime means BUGS. She cannot wait to put away all of her wi...

    20,81 €

  • The Boys of Pepper Beach
    Larry Kockler
    This short story was inspired by actual interviews with teenage boys in high school. These events happened in their lives, and they wanted to tell their stories as long as I didnt mention their names or locations. Some of the boys wanted to clear their minds and came back many times to talk. Whether the stories are true or not, I dont know. The stories do provide good reading. ...

    12,70 €

  • The Emotional Embodiment of Stars
    Wonderfully wide-ranging, original, and enjoyable, The Emotional Embodiment of Stars contains twenty-seven award-winning short stories like Mortimer, in which an unwanted guest secretly follows a family through their heartbreaking sorrows and Crossroads, in which a budding writer is finally preparing to meet the man she happens to exchange greetings with every morning on the wa...

    8,51 €

  • Speaking Up for Each Other
     Speaking Up for Each Other has twenty-four award-winning short stories by talented young writers. These stories are original, enjoyable, and contain a rich variety of themes and situations ranging from a helpless girl living in fear of her own family to a robot contemplating what's best for its employer.Anthology Authors: Aleena Sebastian, Poem Schway, Quinn F Kammer, Teag...

    8,54 €

  • The Emotional Embodiment of Stars
    Marvelously original, The Emotional Embodiment of Stars contains 25 short stories by young writers that are sure to entertain the readers of all ages and genres.Wonderfully wide-ranging and enjoyable, this outstanding collection features short stories like Mortimer in which an unwanted guest secretly follows a family through their heartbreaking sorrows; French Fries in which a ...

    13,69 €

  • Raggylug, The Cottontail Rabbit and Other Animal Stories with Lobo, Rag, and Vixen
    Ernest Thompson Seton
    This vintage book is a 1899 collection of short animals stories by Ernest Thompson Seton. The four stories concern the adventures of four different animals: Lobo, a wolf; a partridge called Redruff; Raggylug, a Rabbit, and Vixen the fox. These charming and exciting tales will appeal to lovers of animal fiction and would make for perfect bedtime reading. Ernest Thompson Seton (1...

    22,42 €

  • Speaking Up for Each Other
    Speaking Up for Each Other has twenty-four award-winning short stories by talented young writers. These stories are original, enjoyable, and contain a rich variety of themes and situations ranging from a helpless girl living in fear of her own family to a robot contemplating what's best for its employer.Anthology Authors: Aleena Sebastian, Poem Schway, Quinn F Kammer, Teaga...

    13,72 €