Consulta, información y materias interdisciplinarias

Consulta, información y materias interdisciplinarias (27815)

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  • Charles the First
    Jacob Abbott
    Charles I (19 November 1600 - 30 January 1649) was King of England, Scotland, and Ireland from 27 March 1625 until his execution in 1649. He was born into the House of Stuart as the second son of King James VI of Scotland, but after his father inherited the English throne in 1603, he moved to England, where he spent much of the rest of his life. He became heir apparent to the k...

    16,64 €

  • Le Manuel Du Diplomate
    Carlos Antonio Carrasco
    ProtocoleConseilsPratiquesUS et CoutumesPour l’ambassadeur et les membres de son entourage diplomatique, les procédures protocolaires et leur application adéquate peuvent être source d’angoisse (si les règles sont inconnues), de tourment (si elles ne sont pas appliquées) ou de divertissement si elles sont bien connues. ...

    18,02 €

  • The Science of Getting Rich
    Wallace D. Wattles
    The Science of Getting Rich is a book written by the New Thought Movement writer Wallace D. Wattles and published in 1910 by the Elizabeth Towne Company. The book is still in print. According to USA Today, the text is 'divided into 17 short, straight-to-the-point chapters that explain how to overcome mental barriers, and how creation, rather than competition, is the hidden key ...

    13,97 €

  • I 150 Verbi Frasali più usati in Inglese (Essential Phrasal Verbs)
    Eve Nelson
    Questo libro raccoglie i 150 verbi frasali più usati in inglese, corredati da frasi d’esempio per contestualizzarli con la rispettiva traduzione in italiano. Imparali a memoria e parla come un nativo! ...

    8,33 €

  • Mom Quotes Coloring Book
    Tuhin Barua
    If there’s one thing every mom needs, its a good way to relax at the end of the day.This fun coloring book honors modern-day motherhood - and gives you a fun, relaxing, and cathartic way to spend some quiet time - with a series of fun quotes inspired by the hard working moms we admire so much.Inside this coloring book, you’ll find 20 specially chosen phrases that reflect the ev...

    15,01 €

  • Scripture relaxation coloring book for adults And teens
    Tuhin Barua
    Scripture Bible Verse Coloring BookThe Scripture Coloring Book is the perfect tool for those looking to deepen their spiritual connection through the act of coloring. This unique coloring book combines the meditative benefits of coloring with uplifting and inspiring biblical verses, allowing you to unwind and reflect on your faith.20 scripture quotes on mandala background ...

    9,99 €

  • Achievable Dreams, A Guiding Light For Success
    Dr. Maceo D. Wattley
    Embark on an unparalleled journey with 'ACHIEVABLE DREAMS: A Guiding Light For Success.' Dr. Maceo D. Wattley, a cybersecurity luminary and mentor to thousands globally, uncovers the roadmap to unleashing your extraordinary capabilities. This transformative odyssey resonates with the power of triumph over adversity and invites you to grasp success like never before.Step into a ...

    23,90 €

  • I love you
    Thy Nguyen
    Love is a powerful and beautiful emotion that can be expressed in many ways. The Love Quotes and Coloring Book is a perfect way to express your feelings of love and romance. This book is designed for adults who want to explore their creative side while expressing their love for someone special.Here are some of the features of this amazing book:Love Quotes: The book contains a c...

    16,06 €

  • Life Quotes and Coloring Book
    Thy Nguyen
    Life can be challenging at times, and it’s important to have sources of motivation and inspiration to keep us going. That’s where this life quotes and coloring book comes in. Not only does it feature a collection of motivational quotes to uplift your spirits, but it also serves as an adult coloring book for mindfulness and relaxation.Here are some key features of this book:Moti...

    14,30 €

  • Happiness Coloring Book
    Thy Nguyen
    Coloring books have been a popular pastime for both children and adults for many years. They are a great way to unwind and relieve stress, while also allowing for creativity and self-expression. The Happiness Coloring Book takes this concept a step further by incorporating inspirational quotes, positive affirmations, and motivational quotes into the coloring pages.Here are some...

    14,24 €

  • Friendship Coloring Book For Women, Girls
    Thy Nguyen
    Friendship is a beautiful bond that is cherished by people of all ages. It is important to celebrate and honor this bond, and what better way to do it than through a coloring book? The Friendship Coloring Book is a perfect gift for women, girls, and teens who want to express their creativity and appreciation for their best friends.This coloring book is not just any ordinary col...

    19,08 €

  • Love Quotes Coloring Book For Couples
    Thy Nguyen
    If you’re looking for a unique and fun way to express your love and affection towards your significant other, the Love Quotes Coloring Book For Couples is a perfect choice. This book features a collection of funny couples life coloring pages and romantic Valentines Day quotes that will surely bring a smile to your loved one’s face.Here are some reasons why you should consider t...

    17,93 €

  • Psicologia positiva
    Richard J. Kaspar
    Cerchi una vita più felice, soddisfacente e libera dallo stress? Hai appena trovato il tuo manuale!'La Psicologia Positiva: Manuale per Imparare ad Essere Positivi e Combattere Ansia e Stress' non è solo un altro libro di self help. È una guida accessibile e pratica che ti porta per mano nel mondo affascinante della psicologia positiva, mostrandoti comeessa possa trasformare no...

    52,12 €

  • Los Adverbios en Inglés
    Germano Dalcielo
    ¿Dónde colocar correctamente los adverbios en Inglés?La posición de los adverbios en Inglés no está grabada en piedra, y mucho menos cuando hay más de un adverbio en la misma oración. Sin embargo, existe una regla generalmente aceptada: primero va el adverbio de modo, luego el adverbio de lugar y, al final, el adverbio de tiempo. En este librito vamos a ver dónde colocar en Ing...

    8,42 €

  • Aprender Inglés
    Carlos Aguerro
    Los verbos modales en inglés funcionan como auxiliares y se unen directamente al verbo principal.En este librito voy a explicar a usted cómo los angloparlantes usan Can / May para expresar capacidad, posibilidad, permiso o suposición y Must / Need para expresar deber, obligación, deducción o necesidad. ...

    7,78 €

  • Aprender Italiano
    Carlos Aguerro
    ¿Cómo decir malas palabras en Italiano?Si usted quiere satisfacer su curiosidad, este librito es para usted.Para su conveniencia, lo dividí en cuatro secciones: expresiones y exclamaciones de ira o frustración, blasfemias, insultos y por último, palabras referentes al sexo.Tengo una recomendación para usted: ¡diviértase! Y por una vez en la vida, ¡olvide las formalidades! ...

    7,78 €

  • Aprender Inglés
    Carlos Aguerro
    ¿Cómo decir malas palabras en Inglés?Si usted quiere satisfacer su curiosidad, este librito es para usted.Para su conveniencia, lo dividí en tres secciones: expresiones y exclamaciones de ira o frustración, insultos y por último, palabras referentes al sexo.Tengo una recomendación para usted: ¡diviértase, y por una vez en la vida, olvide las formalidades! ...

    7,78 €

  • Imparare il Tedesco
    Sabrina Tedeschi
    Nella lingua tedesca per Sprichwörter si intendono quei proverbi, motti, massime ed espressioni della saggezza popolare tramandati per generazioni ed entrati ormai a far parte del patrimonio culturale di ogni individuo. Con Redewendungen o Redensarten ci riferiamo invece a quelle frasi che, a forza di essere usate comunemente nel linguaggio parlato, sono diventate vere e propri...

    7,30 €

  • Learn Italian
    Linda Wentworth
    Have you ever wondered how to swear in Italian?Which word could come in handy to insult somebody who’s getting on your nerves?In this book, you will find three different types of bad words in Italian: rage expressions, insults and, last but not least, dirty sex words.Have fun learning all of them by heart, and for once in your life, screw formality! ...

    7,46 €

  • Englisch Lernen
    Sabine Mayer
    Wie flucht man so richtig auf Englisch?In diesem Buch finden Sie die gängigsten Ausdrücke dafür.Um es Ihnen so einfach wie möglich zu machen, wurden die Wörter und Wendungen in drei Bereiche unterteilt: wütende und frustrierte Flüche, Beleidigungen und schließlich vulgäre und sexuelle Begriffe.Vergessen Sie die britische Höflichkeit und Ihr gutes Benehmen und ziehen Sie so rich...

    17,51 €

  • Portugiesisch Lernen
    Eveline Turelli
    Erleben Sie, wie viel Spaß Portugiesisch machen kann!Leider ist Portugiesisch alles andere als eine leicht zu erlernende Sprache.Die beste Methode, um Portugiesisch zu meistern, ist deshalb, die beliebtesten sprachlichen Wendungen, Ausdrücke und Sprichwörter auswendig zu lernen.In diesem Buch finden Sie unter jeder portugiesischen Wendung die entsprechende deutsche Version, die...

    7,81 €

  • Portugiesisch Lernen
    Eveline Turelli
    Wie flucht man so richtig auf Portugiesisch? In diesem Buch finden Sie die gängigsten Ausdrücke dafür.Um es Ihnen so einfach wie möglich zu machen, wurden die Wörter und Wendungen in drei Bereiche unterteilt: wütende und frustrierte Flüche, Beleidigungen und schließlich vulgäre und sexuelle Begriffe.Vergessen Sie die britische Höflichkeit und Ihr gutes Benehmen und ziehen Sie s...

    24,17 €

  • Spanisch Lernen
    Sabine Mayer
    Wie flucht man so richtig auf Spanisch? In diesem Buch finden Sie die gängigsten Ausdrücke dafür.Um es Ihnen so einfach wie möglich zu machen, wurden die Wörter und Wendungen in drei Bereiche unterteilt: wütende und frustrierte Flüche, Beleidigungen und schließlich vulgäre und sexuelle Begriffe.Vergessen Sie die britische Höflichkeit und Ihr gutes Benehmen und ziehen Sie so ric...

    11,66 €

  • Italienisch Lernen
    Sabine Mayer
    Wie flucht man so richtig auf Italienisch? In diesem Buch finden Sie die gängigsten Ausdrücke dafür.Um es Ihnen so einfach wie möglich zu machen, wurden die Wörter und Wendungen in drei Bereiche unterteilt: wütende und frustrierte Flüche, Beleidigungen und schließlich vulgäre und sexuelle Begriffe.Vergessen Sie die britische Höflichkeit und Ihr gutes Benehmen und ziehen Sie so ...

    24,17 €

  • Achievable Dreams, A Guiding Light For Success
    Dr. Maceo D. Wattley
    Embark on an unparalleled journey with 'ACHIEVABLE DREAMS: A Guiding Light For Success.' Dr. Maceo D. Wattley, a cybersecurity luminary and mentor to thousands globally, uncovers the roadmap to unleashing your extraordinary capabilities. This transformative odyssey resonates with the power of triumph over adversity and invites you to grasp success like never before.Step into a ...

    23,88 €

  • Aprender Inglês
    Linda Milton
    Como dizer palavrões em Inglês? Se você está curioso(a), este é o livro certo para você.Para sua conveniência, eu o dividi em três seções: expressões e exclamações de raiva ou frustração, insultos e, por último, palavras relacionadas ao sexo.Tenho uma recomendação para você: divirta-se e, por uma vez na vida, esqueça as formalidades! ...

    11,90 €

  • Corso di Inglese
    Paola Freggiani
    Nella lingua inglese quando sono presenti più avverbi in una stessa frase, in genere si piazza prima quello di modo, poi quello di luogo e infine di tempo. Ma quando invece ne è presente solo uno?In questa piccola guida troverai tutte le posizioni preferenziali degli avverbi in Inglese. ...

    11,95 €

  • Come Scrivere una Lettera Formale in Inglese
    Paola Freggiani
    Scrivere una lettera formale in Inglese è tutt’altro che semplice. Per ottenere un risultato finale che non ci faccia sfigurare agli occhi di un madrelingua, occorre attenersi a regole piuttosto ferree che spaziano dall’impaginazione (Layout) alle formule di apertura (Salutation) e congedo (Complimentary close), passando per uno stile che sappia essere formale, chiaro e conciso...

    11,98 €

  • Corso di Inglese
    Paola Freggiani
    In questo libro approfondiremo le diverse accezioni dei verbi modali inglesi Can - May per esprimere possibilità, capacità, permesso, ipotesi e Must - Need per esprimere dovere, obbligo, deduzione e necessità. ...

    11,98 €

  • Imparare il Francese
    Eveline Turelli
    La lingua francese conta centinaia di Proverbes, tra motti, massime e detti popolari tramandati di generazione in generazione ed entrati ormai a far parte del bagaglio culturale di ogni individuo. Nella famiglia dei proverbi sono annoverabili anche le maximes, i dictons e gli adages.Le Locutions o Expressions indicano invece quelle frasi che, a forza di essere usate comunemente...

    7,49 €