Viking Tales

Viking Tales

Brave Soul

10,88 €
IVA incluido
Brave Soul
Año de edición:
10,88 €
IVA incluido
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Can you imagine traveling to distant lands full of magic, brave warriors, and amazing creatures? This book is made especially for you, who love adventures and dream of meeting heroes who fight dragons, gods who lose their powerful treasures, and children like you who find their courage in unexpected moments. Each story is a door to a place full of wonders. You will meet Erik, a fearless young man who faces a dragon from the cold north, and Hilda, who befriends wolves during the harshest winter. You will travel to the end of the world in search of mysteries and learn about the power of friendship with a magic shield that unites hearts. Have you ever wanted to talk to a golden eagle or discover a treasure hidden by the gods? This book takes you there. Through the stories, you will see that you do not need to be a god like Thor to be a hero; it is enough to have a strong heart and want to help others. It’s a book to read before bed, to share with your friends, or to get lost in on a rainy day. I promise you that each story is full of exciting, funny, and sometimes a little magical moments. It’s like having your own Viking ship and sailing through seas full of secrets and adventures. So get ready to dive into stories that will make you laugh, dream, and who knows, maybe even want to search for your own hidden treasure. The Vikings are ready to welcome you, and are you ready to join them?

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