The Launch Book

The Launch Book

The Launch Book

Les Zigomanis

11,38 €
IVA incluido
Busybird Publishing
Año de edición:
Guías de estilos personales y estilos de vida
11,38 €
IVA incluido
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You’ve written and published a book, and you have the first hot copy in your hands. You’re an author! The world is fantastic!  Just wait until everybody reads your book! There’s one question that remains to be answered though: What’s next? Writing and publishing a book is an incredible achievement, and it shouldn’t go unheralded.  What a book really needs when it comes into the world is a launch to celebrate its arrival and let everybody know it’s here.  But what does a launch entail?  How do you organise one?  What do you do exactly? The Launch Book is a simple guide that will talk you through the requirements of organising a launch and ensure that all your hard work is duly celebrated. Plotted through easy steps and packed with fun illustrations, The Launch Book will see that your book gets the launch that it deserves.

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