Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

Recep Tayyip Erdoğan

United Library

9,05 €
IVA incluido
United Library
Año de edición:
9,05 €
IVA incluido
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Discover the complex and controversial life of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, the 12th President of Turkey, in this insightful biography. From his early years as a student and businessman to his rise in Turkish politics, Erdoğan’s journey is marked by triumphs, challenges, and controversies.As a founding member of the Justice and Development Party (AKP), Erdoğan’s political career saw him serve as the Mayor of Istanbul and later as the Prime Minister of Turkey, before assuming the presidency in 2014. His leadership has been characterized by economic reforms, infrastructure development, and a shift towards a more presidential system of government.However, Erdoğan’s tenure has also been marked by accusations of authoritarianism, human rights abuses, and crackdowns on dissent. His handling of events such as the Gezi Park protests and the 2016 coup attempt have sparked international criticism. Despite this, Erdoğan remains a dominant figure in Turkish politics, shaping the country’s trajectory both domestically and internationally.Uncover the complexities of Erdoğan’s leadership and legacy in this compelling biography of one of Turkey’s most influential leaders. Order now!

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