Dana L. Turner
The world is scientifically broken, with protagonists, antagonists, and others battling it out, attempting to hold on to centuries-old, flawed beliefs. Reality, in No Particular Order allows you to look at the world without wearing the rose-colored glasses from your school days. The author challenges numerous assumptions, particularly global warming. The threat, he argues, is not carbon dioxide but rather unconstitutional government edicts intended to take away your freedom using 'monster under the bed' tactics. He writes, 'For decades, the world stage has been set ablaze by various governmental agencies and their toadies in the media using contrived atmospheric models to promote the idea of global warming and climate change with the only result being increased regulation. Has even one of a myriad of predicted worldwide disasters been mitigated over the past fifty years, or is there an ever-increasing number waiting to destroy us? Centuries ago, Aesop wrote a fable about a boy who cried wolf. The current book of fables is a greatly enlarged, modern edition written by ’scientists’, edited by the government, and peddled by ignorant, overbearing celebrities, and billionaires who wish to control you by frightening you with imaginary wolves.'