Mining Works and Drilling

Mining Works and Drilling

Albert Kalau Kaseke / Élie Tshinguli

108,87 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Geología y la litosfera
108,87 €
IVA incluido
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Mining and drilling are applied techniques that have a profound influence on all mines and mining geniuses. Future geologists and future engineers are not the only ones who must have fully understood these fundamental ideas of mining engineering. Anyone embarking on a mining career (including mining operators and students specializing in mining geology, mining engineering and mining) must have the same understanding. The primary purpose of the book of mining and drilling is to give the student, researcher and / or the mining operator a unified view of the mining thesaurus. It will also be useful for candidates in teaching competitions and all those involved in the management of mines and quarries: geologists, mining engineers and civil engineers. This thesaurus in two volumes thus presents the fundamental ideas constituting the essential on the mining works and boreholes.

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