Lunar Nodes

Lunar Nodes

Mari Silva

24,43 €
IVA incluido
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24,43 €
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Discover the Secrets of Your Past, Present, and Future - Through the Lunar Nodes!The Moon’s two hidden points, Rahu and Ketu, might be the missing key to understanding your life’s path and your deepest traits. The lunar nodes reveal the twists of destiny, karma, and your soul’s journey. If you’ve ever wondered about Vedic astrology, karma, and how to understand your birth chart, this book is for you!Two powerful guides in one book:The Lunar Nodes: Unlock the Secrets of the Navagrahas, Your Birth Chart, Karma, the Sun and Moon in Astrology, and the Twelve Houses of the ZodiacRahu and Ketu: The Ultimate Guide to Two Opposite Lunar Nodes, Vedic Astrology, and Navagraha WorshipIn part 1 you will: Discover the origins and power of Vedic astrology and how it connects to your life.Understand what the Navagrahas are and how each plays a role in shaping who you are.Learn how the lunar nodes affect your Zodiac sign and what they reveal about you.Explore karma and karmic debt, finding answers about life patterns you may feel destined to repeat.Understand the twelve houses and how they show different parts of your life and personality.Read and interpret your own birth chart with easy steps, even as a beginner.Discover powerful astrological remedies that help bring balance and positivity.In part 2 you will: Learn what Rahu and Ketu mean in Vedic astrology and how they affect your life journey.Discover their impact in the Nakshatras (special star groupings in Vedic astrology) and their influence on personality and fate.Interpret Rahu and Ketu’s position in birth charts and uncover clues about life’s ups and downs.Understand karmic patterns and how they create positive or negative experiences.Practice rituals and remedies that bring balance to the often intense effects of Rahu and Ketu.Rahu and Ketu reveal parts of yourself that might be hidden, helping you better understand challenges, strengths, and purpose. With this book, you’ll have the guidance to unlock deep wisdom from Vedic astrology, make sense of your life’s patterns, and bring balance and insight into every area.

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