Letters To The Tribe - Courage To Thrive In These Changing Times AND Life Lessons To Beautify Your Future

Letters To The Tribe - Courage To Thrive In These Changing Times AND Life Lessons To Beautify Your Future

Keroy King

20,26 €
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20,26 €
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Letters To The Tribe - Courage To Thrive In These Changing Times AND Life Lessons To Beautify Your Future We are in the season of doing something new. Which eye has not seen, ear has not heard, nor has it entered the hearts of men what our new world will look like. Many are not ready for the journey but the show must go on. You are the lighthouse in this season, the way-shower, the world-changer, the pacesetter.You are fully equipped for the road ahead. Never underestimate the tools you have gathered though your life experiences. They are valuable at this time. Use them with boldness, follow your heart instincts, for you will know what to do at any given time.The next steps will open-up to you, you will have insight to see further than you could ever imagine.You will be prompted to take unconventional action and given the courage needed to follow through. Your heartstrings are connected to the collective heartbeat and to the cosmos.You are a channel ushering in the heaven experiences onto earth to become reality. Your dedication has been seen, your commitment to fulfil your life purpose has been acknowledged.And for this, you will enjoy your rewards in their fullness and glory in this lifetime. We see you, we hear you, we acknowledge you for all you have become and contributed to making earth a better place. PREFACE There is a time in one’s life where the feeling of expansion is overwhelming.Whatever you do, nothing works. Plagued by failure, you wonder what is blocking your progress. Just like that, you come to the realisation, you are not who you thought you were.You have greatness embedded in you, with programming and limiting beliefs from society, cultures and ancestors.The depth of this programming runs down to your DNA structure. With this knowledge in hand, then the work begins. Slowly but surely you start on your journey to heal, retrieve Soul fragments, unlearn and relearn all sorts of belief systems.Let go, release, surrender, dismantle beliefs that worked in the past but are no-longer helpful in this season of your life. This book is a recount of my observations, when I encountered some realisations of all the beliefs that were holding me back and how I overcame them. The lessons I have learned, the insights that were whispered into my being and much more. That book you would like to write, that song you would like to sing, that art you would like to draw, that project you have been putting off, is all in you.These projects chose you as the flag bearer. Take one step forward and you will be amazed at the unfolding of the mysteries.

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