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International Organizations and Reparations

International Organizations and Reparations

Dimitris Liakopoulos

291,76 €
IVA incluido
Academica Press
Año de edición:
Derecho internacional
291,76 €
IVA incluido
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In the first part of this book, noted legal scholar Dimtris Liakopoulos deals with reconstructing the legal regulatory framework governing human rights violations in the activities of organizations. After identifying rules that are generally applicable to organizations’ offenses and govern the profile of reparations, this study assesses primary rules that guarantee the right to an effective remedy. Liakopoulos then moves on to how this works in practice, examining the reparations obtainable by an individual in disputes between states and organizations. This includes, for example, damages caused by the United Nations in the context of force operations and requests for the cancellation or modification of sanctions unjustly imposed by the UN’s Sanctions Committee. The author then assesses enforcement practices, highlighting the limits of diplomatic protection from the perspective of protecting individual interests and enhancing some recent tendencies of 'humanizing' institutions in question.

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