Greed and Guns

Greed and Guns

Atul Kohli

26,33 €
IVA incluido
Cambridge University Press
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26,33 €
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    Atul Kohli
    In hügeligem Gelände stellen Straßen eine wichtige Kommunikationsverbindung zu unzugänglichen Gebieten dar. Ungeplante Ausgrabungen für den Bau von Straßen führen zu instabilen Einschnitten, die zusammen mit verschiedenen anderen ungünstigen geologischen Bedingungen zu ihrem Versagen führen und Schäden an Leben und Eigentum verursachen. Uttarakhand ist ein vergleichsweise neuer...

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  • Studi sulla stabilità dei pendii nell’Himalaya di Garhwal
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    Nei terreni collinari, le strade costituiscono un importante collegamento con aree inaccessibili. Scavi non pianificati per la costruzione di strade portano alla creazione di pendii instabili che, insieme a varie altre condizioni geologiche avverse, ne causano il cedimento, con conseguenti danni a persone e cose. L’Uttarakhand è uno Stato relativamente nuovo nel fragile territo...

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  • Études sur la stabilité des pentes dans l’Himalaya du Garhwal
    Atul Kohli
    Dans les régions vallonnées, les routes constituent un lien de communication majeur avec les zones inaccessibles. Les excavations non planifiées pour la construction des routes conduisent à la création de pentes instables qui, avec d’autres conditions géologiques défavorables, provoquent leur effondrement, causant des dommages à la vie et à la propriété. L’Uttarakhand est un Ét...

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  • Estudos de estabilidade de taludes em Garhwal Himalaya
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    Em terrenos montanhosos, as estradas constituem um importante elo de comunicação com zonas inacessíveis. Escavações não planeadas para a construção de estradas levam à criação de taludes instáveis que, juntamente com várias outras condições geológicas adversas, provocam o seu fracasso, causando danos à vida e à propriedade. Uttarakhand é, comparativamente, um estado novo no frá...

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  • Slope Stability Studies in Garhwal Himalaya
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    In hilly terrains, roads constitute a major communication link with inaccessible areas. Unplanned excavations for construction of roads lead to the creation of unstable cut slopes which, along with various other adverse geological conditions, cause their failure creating damages to life and property. Uttarakhand is comparatively a new state in the fragile Himalayan terrain of I...

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  • The State and Development in the Third World
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    The articles in this volume appeared first in the leading jounial World Politics. The essayists’ common concern with the autonomy of the political ' in the politics of developing countries contributes to the analytical unity of the volume.Originally published in 1986.The Princeton Legacy Library uses the latest print-on-demand technology to again make available previously out-o...

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