Albert Kalau Kaseke

89,58 €
IVA incluido
KS OmniScriptum Publishing
Año de edición:
Geología y la litosfera
89,58 €
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This book proposes a set of benchmarks relating to the geology of the mines that operates them, in order to contribute to the understanding and the management of the possible development of the mineral heritage of a given nation in the general context of these projects and this industry. The mastery of the cartographic tool has become a major issue in all mining sites whether in open-pit mines and / or in underground mines. Generally, the ore and the gangue must be defined in such a way as to ensure efficient feeding of the concentrator in a profitable manner. As a result, in many mines, ore grade and physical characteristics greatly affect the mineral processing process and the mine economy in the short to medium term. Quality control is essential for the effective operation of the mine, with key performance indicators, including: Minimal soiling, maximum recovery of ore, Optimization of mill feed quality. The process of checking notes generally includes: Data collection, integration and interpretation, estimation of resources and local reserves, Site design, supervision of mining, Inventory management.

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