Freemasonry as a Way of Awakening

Freemasonry as a Way of Awakening

Rémi Boyer

16,08 €
IVA incluido
Rose Circle Publications
Año de edición:
Mente, cuerpo y espíritu: pensamiento y práctica
16,08 €
IVA incluido
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Initiation is by nature indefinable, elusive as the Spirit. Always, it is an initiation to one’s own original nature or ultimate reality, to the Real, to the Absolute, to the Divine, to what remains, no matter the words since, precisely 'there,' there are no words.However, is it possible to approach by words, if not Initiation in itself, the initiatory, the human tension toward the 'more than human,' that is to say the unconditioned? The concept of initiation could then perhaps give us the inkling or the intuition of the initiatory which is at the same time mystical, esoteric, and poetic and help us to define the initiatory approach with a view to the elaboration of a practice of initiation that is sorely lacking in the West. Remember, however, that everything written here is totally false or rather, is neither true nor false. Some of these lines may be useful to the sagacious mind which wants to attempt the adventure of the quest, the only adventure that is worthwhile, but the essential will be between the lines, between the words, between the letters, in the Interval.

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