Find Your True North

Find Your True North

Kane Hansen

15,18 €
IVA incluido
Dean Publishing
Año de edición:
15,18 €
IVA incluido
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A great life is possible - no matter who you are.Kane Hansen wasn’t born with a silver spoon in his mouth. In fact, luxuries were in short supply in the Hansen household, where every dollar had to be squeezed and budget mincemeat was a staple.After a series of devastating events left him feeling angry and confused, Kane dealt with his emotions the only way he knew how - by lashing out. Labelled a ’problem child’, it wasn’t long before he found himself ejected from the school system, eventually landing in the underworld. The path he walked had two possible destinations: jail or death.At a crossroad, Kane realised that if others could crack the code to wealth, he could too. Now a successful financial planner with big ambitions to give back to the world, he helps others master the system, take control of their finances, and build their dream lives.Through powerful storytelling, invaluable insights, and practical advice, Kane offers a blueprint for how anyone can rise from the bottom to the top. All it takes is hard work, discipline, and a commitment to continued learning. Hey, no one said creating financial freedom would be easy, but it is possible. Find your true north, master your finances, and start living life on your terms 

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