Fēlēs Medica

Fēlēs Medica

Tuula Pere / Madelyn Waehner

18,19 €
IVA incluido
Wickwick Ltd
Año de edición:
18,19 €
IVA incluido
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Celesse, the healer cat, is a highly respected member of the neighborhood. As the mistress’s favorite cat, she spends lazy days in the warmth of the house. One snowy night a mother hare rushes in, desperate for help. Reluctantly, the healer cat travels with her through a nighttime snowstorm and biting cold winds. In a dark forest, Celesse comes face-to-face with a scary surprise and is forced to gather her powers for the first time in a while. ---Celesse, fēlēs medica, honōrāta est ab omnibus in vīcō. Ut fēlēs dīlēcta dominae, iacet ōtiōsa in calōre casae.Quādam nocte nivālī, māter lepus festīnanter advēnit egēns auxiliō. Invīta, fēlēs medica cum eā iter facit per ningōrem nocturnum et per ventōs frīgidissimōs. In silvā obscūrā, Celesse venit cōram imprōvīsō terrōre et cōgitur utī potestātibus inūsitātīs.

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