Exu The Wishmaker

Exu The Wishmaker

Larz Trent

16,75 €
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Año de edición:
Creencias populares y saberes polémicos
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In a world where the sacred and the profane intertwine at the crossroads of life, the enigmatic figure of Exu emerges, the messenger orisha, guardian and, above all, wish-fulfiller. 'Exu The Wishmaker' by Larz Trent is a deep immersion into the cosmology of African religions, revealing the multiple facets of Exu, an entity that transcends the simplistic duality of good and evil, misinterpreted by the West. In the pages of this fascinating work, the reader is invited to follow the winding paths that link the earthly and spiritual worlds, discovering how Exu, through his wisdom and power, acts in the fabric of human lives. The narrative, full of myths, legends and teachings, unveils Exu’s crucial role as an intermediary between gods and men, a being capable of influencing destinies, opening paths and, most intriguingly, making wishes come true. This literary journey not only clarifies the frequent misinterpretations and historical demonization of Exu, but also celebrates his importance as a symbol of balance, transformation and complexity. Through a rich and respectful exploration of African traditions, Larz Trent offers a vision that challenges Western perceptions, presenting Exu as a revered and multifaceted deity. A guide for anyone wishing to curry favor with this dream maker.

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