Albert Mutonga Matongela
Digital Banking - A Guide on Digital Banking and Payments for Industry Professionals skilfully intertwines various aspects at the core of payment clearing and settlement systems. It elucidates how payments are conducted and illustrates the evolution towards digital payment forms. The concept of a strategic payments house is particularly intriguing. This well-crafted and compelling guide appeals to a broad spectrum of stakeholders and individuals, offering practical insights. Brief Author BioAlbert Mutonga Matongela, B.Econ, MA Econ, MBA, Doctor of Finance, is a seasoned payments and banking professional with experience at major institutions including FNB Namibia, Bank of Namibia, University of Namibia, Namibia University of Science and Technology, and the Namibia Economic Policy and Research Unit. Albert was previously an intern at the United Bank of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States of America. He became Namibia’s first In-Country Payments Leader for the SADC Payments Project and the inaugural chair of the SADC Payments Scheme Management Body. His expertise includes payments, project management, research for development, stakeholder management, regulation and supervision, analysis, policy development, and leadership.