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A Beginner’s Guide to Fasting

A Beginner’s Guide to Fasting

Vladimir Savchuk

10,46 €
IVA incluido
Vladimir Savchuk
Año de edición:
Religión y creencias
10,46 €
IVA incluido
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SIMPLE. PRACTICAL. BIBLICAL.Fasting doesn’t need to be complicated. There’s no shortage of thoughts and opinions when it comes to fasting, which is why many Christians feel overwhelmed and defeated before they even begin. In A Beginner’s Guide to Fasting, Pastor Vladimir Savchuk shares simple, practical, and (most importantly) biblical insights on what you need to know, why you need to know it, and how to cultivate this powerful spiritual discipline in your life. It’s concise enough to read in one siting and valuable enough to refer back to time and again. If you’re ready to learn more about fasting and how it can unlock natural and supernatural blessings in your life, this book will show you how. Vladimir Savchuk serves as the lead pastor of HungryGen Church, a vibrant multi-cultural congregation dedicated to soul-winning, healing, deliverance, and the raising up of  young leaders. In addition to pastoring, Vladimir extends his ministry through the written word and digital media as an accomplished author, YouTuber, and traveling preacher. He also offers free E-Courses through his online learning platform, VladSchool, making theology and Christian living accessible to a global audience. 

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